of sharpened bamboo points stuck in the ground.
bordhès balustrade, platform at the ends of a railway carriage.
bordhir embroidery;
mbordhir to embroider.
boreg I guarantee, security, warranty; an asset used to secure a loan;
mboregi to secure a loan; to put up security for;
mboregaké to use an asset to secure a loan.
II mboregi reg to buy a treat for.
borèh ng, kr konyoh k.i. a mixture of pounded pandanus and yellow leaves and flowers, used as a cosmetic application applied to the body;
mborèhi to apply this mixture to the body;
borèhan 1 mixture as above; 2 applied with such a mixture.
borok sores on the scalp;
mborok to be ulcerous, fester;
boroken to have/get sores on the scalp; to have an ulcer;
borok ilang rasané prov to be accustomed to suffering pain.
borong I mborong 1 to buy up the entire stock, take all of s.t.; 2 to do an entire job; 3 to hold various positions;
mborongaké 1 to sell wholesale; 2 to give the entire contract; 3 to have (a job) contracted for;
borongan 1 total sale; (by the) whole sale (lot); 2 work contracted for as a job;
pamborong 1 wholesale supplier, purveyor; 2 contractor.
II or mangsa borong to disclaim responsibility (var of mangsa bodhoa).
boros I extravagant, wasteful;
mborosi or mbeboros(i) causing high expenditures, wasteful;
mborosaké to waste, squander.
II sprout of a certain root (kunci).
borot leak, to have a leak.
bos I carton (of cigarettes);
bos-bosan in cartons; by the carton.
II or mak bos repr deflating, a rush of escaping air (see also gembos).
III axle.
bosah-basih or bosah-baseh in disarray messy
bosen bored (with); tired of;
mboseni 1 boring, tiresome; 2 to bore s.o.;
mbosenaké to make s.o. bored;
bosenan easily bored.
bosin (of hunting) unlucky
boso a certain freshwater fish.
bosok rotten, decayed;
mbosoki decaying;
mbosokake to cause to rot;
bosokan in a rotted or decayed state.
bot I ng, wrat kr, weight; - repot troubles, burdens; - seleh difficult, burdensome; -sih biased, partial;
ngeboti or ngebotaké to consider s.t. more important;
ngebot-boti to make s.t. heavier or more difficult;
sabobote however hard;
bot-bote for the sake of.
II paid in full (var of bod).
boten (pron as: mboten) no; not (kr for ora).
bothèk, bothèkan medicine chest with small drawers.
bothi large woven grass bag.
bothok rice-accompanying dish, made of salt fish etc, grated young coconut, chili, wrapped in banana leaf and steamed;
mbothok to make (ingredients) into the above.
botoh 1 croupier, gambling-chief, gambler; - jago cock-fight addict; 2 (or bebotoh) one who bets on s.o.'s case;
mbotohi to bet on;
botohan or bebotohan or ngabotohan to gamble;
pambotohan gambling place/association.
botol I bottle.
II having a hole in the bottom; having no bottom.
botor seed of a certain leguminous plant (kecipir). See also lonjong.
botrawi lit ornamental pond, small lake.
boya reg (irregular pronoun) no; not.
boyong, mboyong, 1 to take (wife and children) to a new home; 2 to take a bride off to her new home (bridegroom);
boyongan to move with all one's possessions from one location to another.
bowèk having a hole torn in it;
mbowèk to tear a hole in s.t.
bowol having a hole in it, so that the contents can run out.
bowong lit tiger.
B.P.H. see bendara.
B.R.A. see bendara.
bra lit light, radiance, shining.
brabad, brabadan cooking spices and other kitchen needs; to sell such items in the market.
brabah to speak raucously, having a loud speaking voice.
brabak, mbrabak 1 to flush with anger; 2 having tears of emotion in the eyes.
brabas, mbrabas 1 to seep out; 2 porous.
brabat or mak brabat repr a sudden dash; mbrabat to dash, sprint.
brabèh 1 reg to have problems; 2 or kebrabèhan too talkative.
brabon clothing dyed with the bark of a certain tree (kudhu).
bracok rope on a horse's mouth used as a halter.
bradhat or mak bradhat repr a sudden dash;
mbradhat 1 var of mbrabat; 2 to steal livestock; 3 to seize;
kebradhat seized.
bradhil, mbradhil or pa ting bradhil or brodhal-bradhil frayed, fraying.
brag-breg see breg.
brag-breg see breg.
bragalba lit tiger. See also pragalba.
bragedhir brigadier.
brah reg scattered, spread about untidily.
brahak-brahok see brahok.
brahala 1 giant; 2 idol, idolatry.
brahat traditional ritual during the month of Ruwah; malem - the night before holding this traditional ritual (see also malem).
brah-brèh see breh.
brahi or brai 1 adolescent, to have reached one's teens; 2 to feel passionate; 3 attracted, keen on (dressing, make up).
brahmacari student of a priest.
brahmana Hindu priest (var of bramana).
brahmani Hindu priestess (var of bramani).
brahok var of braok.
brai see brahi.
braja lit 1 weapon; 2 windstorm;
sumengka pangawak braja lit overbold, to act bravely.
brajag I 1 leader, person in charge.
II trap of sharpened bamboo points stuck in the ground.
III mbrajag 1 to sing habitually (esp birds); 2 to gush out (of water).
IV robber; pirate (var of bajag I);
mbrajag to rob.
V mbrajagi to intersperse (plants).
brak or mak brak 1 repr a ripping action; 2 repr splitting wood; 3 repr a slapping sound.