or mbunteli to wrap s.t.;
mbuntelaké to wrap for s.o.;
buntelan s.t. wrapped; parcel, package;
buntel kadut ora nginang ora udut prov very poor and miserable.
buntet closed at one end;
mbunteti to close, clog;
kebuntetan clogged with s.t.
buntil dish of roasted taro leaves wrapped around spices.
bunting I youngest in a family.
II mbunting slender-waisted.
buntu 1 stopped at one end; clogged; blocked, dead end; 2 deadlocked; 3 stumped, stymied;
mbuntu or mbuntoni to clog, stop up.
buntul reg youngest in a family.
buntung 1 lopped off or amputated (arm, leg, tail etc); 2 bad luck, misfortune.
buntut 1 tail; 2 rear end, latter part; 3 aftermath, consequence; - colok white tip on a black tail; lotre - illegal lottery tied to the last (three) numbers of the official sponsored lottery (see also lotre); urang hair on the back of the neck;
mbuntut to follow s.o.'s example;
mbuntuti to follow s.o. secretly;
buntutan or pambuntut lastborn child;
nggéndholi buntuté macan to hold a tiger's tail; to keep tagging along with a criminal.
bunuh or bunoh reg confused, bewildered.
bunyak scraped, skinned, wounded. See also babak.
bupati regent, top administrative officer of a regency;
kabupaten district, regency bupatos reg kr for bupati.
bupet var of bipet.
bur I or mak bur repr flight through the air; - manuk to depart in haste with only the clothes on one's back;
ngeburaké to have/let (a bird etc) fly;
bur-buran birds of the air. See also abur.
II a drill; sumur - drilled well.
III 1 gone, wasted; 2 lost, not to be found; 3 lapsed, unredeemed;
ngeburaké 1 to relinquish possession of; 2 to let (a pawned item) go unredeemed. See also kabur.
burak I out of order; in disrepair;
mburak to damage, wreck.
II the winged horse on which Muhammad visited Heaven.
burakrakan reg in disarray, disorganised.
buras eczema-like skin disease; white spots on the skin;
burasen to suffer from this skin disease.
burat mixture used as a liniment on skin; - sari or - wangi flower sachet.
burcèt a snipe-like bird.
burdir var of bordir. See also bludir.
burek unclear (var of bureng).
burem (of the moon) clouded over, hazy. See also surem.
bureng 1 vague, unclear; 2 (of the moon) hazy.
buri ng, wingking kr, 1 back, rear, behind; 2 later, after a while; 3 last, past;
mburi in/at the back part of the house.
burik pock-marked, scarred, blemished.
burit, buritan 1 back yard; 2 hind part.
bum I ng, bujeng kr, mburu, mbeburu 1 to hunt; 2 to pursue; 3 to strive for;
keburu-buru always pushed, pressed for time;
buron, beburon 1 game (animal hunted); 2 fugitive;
paburonan, pamburonan area where hunting is done;
mburu cukup expr to make a long story short;
mburu kalahe expr to try to make up a loss.
II reg only, just (recent past).
burus flawless, unblemished.
bus or mak bus repr the hissing of air escaping.
busana 1 garment, raiment (k.i. for pen ganggo); 2 to get/be dressed (k.i.for dandan);
mbusanani to decorate; to dress s.o. up; to deck out.
busak, mbusak to erase;
mbusakaké to erase for s.o.;
busakan eraser.
busek I var of busak.
II busekan lit crowding each other.
buset 1 reg ape; 2 excl of surprise.
busik 1 (of skin) dry and flaking; 2 hurt, vulnerable.
busuk 1 ignorant, stupid; 2 (of firecrackers) no good, a dud.
busung 1 pregnant (of animals; cr of people); 2 disease that causes bloating;
busung kèkèt swelling of the legs.
but or mak but repr a whisking motion;
bat-but repr a series of deft movements;
ngebut 1 to drive fast; 2 to work quickly.
buta ogre, giant.
butajeng jealous (root form: hr for butarep).
butarep, butarepan ng, butajengan kr excessively jealous of one's spouse;
mbutarepaké to suspect (one's spouse) of infidelity.
buteng short-tempered.
buthak bald, bare.
buthek (of water) not clear, turbid;
mbuthekaké to cause s.t. to be turbid.
butuh ng, betah kr 1 to need; 2 need, necessity, thing needed;
mbutuhaké to need, require;
kabutuhan need, a necessity; needed article.
buthuk (of fish or egg) beginning to spoil.
buthung animal's haunch(es).
butun a certain citrus fruit.
butul through to the other side;
mbutul to pierce;
butulan doorway or entrance to a house or yard.
buwak reg var of buwang.
buwal, mbuwal to bubble forth copiously, e.g. water from a spring.
buwana I 1 continent; 2 lit world; 3 universe.
II buwananen (of vision, view) blurred, hazy.
buwang, mbuwang ng, mbucal kr 1 to throw out; 2 to exile s.o.; 3 to put s.t. in an inappropriate place; 5 to place (a child) in an adoptive or foster home;
mbuwang tilas to alibi o.s.; to hide the traces of one's guilty act;
pambuwangan (place of) exile; banishment;
mbuwang rasé olèh kuwuk prov to discard s.t. worthless (in one's greed for s.t. better) and get s.t. even worse;
buwangan 1 outlet, drain (of irrigated field); 2 s.t. cast off, discarded object; exile, outcast.
See also guwak, guwang.
buwara, mbuwara reg to find a livelihood far from one's place of origin.
buwel to billow upward in clouds.
buwi or buwen jail, prison;
mbuwi to put s.o. in jail.
buwuh, mbuwuh reg 1 to add one's own share; 2 to make a contribution in money toward a customary ceremony;
buwuhan contribution.