Stuart Robson, Dr.

Javanese English Dictionary

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on which a body is borne to the cemetery.

      cemukir, cemukiran a certain batik pattern. See also semukirang.

      cemumuk, cemumukan or cemumakcemumuk to grope or feel one's way. See also cenunuk.

      cemuru lit deer, roe deer, antelope.

      cemung bowl.

      cémut var of cémot I.

      cenanal, cenanalan to gesture habitually with the hands and arms (rather than preserving the desirable attitude of repose).

      cenanang, cenanangan to look around wildly as one walks along.

      cenanil var of cenanal.

      cenanuk, pating cenanuk pl with heads frozen into motionlessness through amazement, surprise, shock.

      cenanul var of cenanal.

      cencang, nyencang to tether (animals);

      cencangan a tethering rope;

      kecencang bound, fastened, attached.

      cencem coconut oil mixed with flowers and fragrant leaves;

      nyencem to soak s.t.;

      cenceman liquid in which s.t. is soaked.

      cendhak rig, celak kr short;

      nyendhaki to make s.t. shorter;

      nyendhakake to shorten s.t.;

      kecendhaken excessively short;

      cendhak-cendhakan 1 brief(ly); 2 even though short; 3 to compare or compete for shortest.

      cendhala contemptible, shameful.

      cendhana sandalwood.

      cendhani slender Chinese bamboo; ­raras couch.

      cendhek var of cendhak.

      cendhèk rig, andhap kr 1 short in stature; 2 low;

      nyendhèk to descend;

      nyendhèki to make s.t. lower (than s.t. else);

      nyendhèkaké to lower s.t.;

      cendhèk-cendhèkan 1 to compare or compete for lowest; 2 to do s.t. at a low level.

      cendhéla window. See also jendhela.

      cendheng relatives.

      cendhèp reg var of cendhèk.

      cèndhèp reg var of cendhèk.

      cèndhok reg var of séndhok.

      cèndhol 1 small, doughy rice flour droplets used in cold drinks; 2 a beverage made with such droplets.

      cené defect, flaw;

      nyené to criticise, find fault;

      kecenèn to get caught doing s.t. wrong.

      cenèl or mak cenel repr springy, trembling.

      cènela sandals, slippers (var of canela).

      cenèng a bowl used for measuring rice.

      cènèng, nyènèng to pull s.t. toward o.s.;

      keceneng to get pulled.

      cenès different (reg var of sanès).

      cèng a pin used to put opium in an opium pipe.

      cèng I 1 sugarcane sap; 2 molasses.

      II ngecengi to step over (in a children's game).

      III repr to pay cash.

      cenganglung, pating cenganglung pl to stand with the heads weighed down.

      cenganguk or mak cenganguk repr looking out at s.t. and showing disappointment;

      nyenganguk to look out (the window).

      cengap, nyengap to yell out;

      cengap-cengap 1 to open the mouth again and again, as when gasping for air; 2 having trouble doing s.t.

      cèngbèng special day of cemetery-cleaning and prayer held by the Chinese during April (var of cèmbèng).

      cengèh, nyengèh-nyengèhaké to show s.t. off which is not worth showing off.

      cèngèh reg var of cèngèk.

      cèngèk, nyengèk to wail, sound shrilly;

      nyenyengèk to torment s.o. to make them cry or moan.

      cèngèk a small, very pungent kind of chili.

      cengel nape of the neck.

      cèngèl, nyèngèl conspicuous, eye­catching.

      cèngèl, nyèngèl 1 to appear; 2 to lift the head while lying; to crane the neck;

      nyèngèlaké to crane (the neck); to stick (the head) up high;

      nyèngèl-nyèngèlaké to keep sticking s.t. up high. See also crèngèl.

      cèngèng to feel stiff in the neck.

      cèngèng to cry easily

      cengèngès to laugh jeeringly showing the teeth;

      nyengèngès to grin shyly;

      cengèngèsan to keep jeering, sneering;

      pating cengèngès pl to keep jeering, sneering.

      cengèr or mak cènger repr the sudden cry (of a baby);

      nyengèr to cry loudly;

      cengar-cengèr to cry loudly again and again.

      cèngèr reg var of cangar.

      cengès, nyengès to tease, ridicule.

      cenggama reg worried, apprehensive.

      cenggami var of cenggama.

      cenggé Chinese ceremonial procession.

      cènggèr comb of a cock. See also jènggèr.

      cenggèrèng fried mixture of small peanut slices with spiced rice flour. See also rempèyèk.

      cenggèrètnong a certain flying insect that makes a loud 'ret-nong' sound.

      cengging, nyengging reg to seize s.o. by the nape of the neck.

      cenggir var of cengging.

      cenggring, nyenggring to insult s.o., hurt s.o.'s feelings.

      cengil wicked, evil;

      nyengil or nyengili to do harm to s.o.

      cengingak, cengingakan or pating cengingak pl to gaze (at) in astonishment or wonder. See also cingak.

      cengingis or mak cengingis repr a jeering grin;

      nyengingis to bare the teeth when laughing jeeringly or flirtatiously;

      cengingisan or cengingas-cengingis to keep sneering at; to keep ridiculing.

      cengir, nyengir to gesture with the face, grinning foolishly;

      cengar-cengir to keep grinning foolishly or screwing up the face;

      nyengar-nyengir to keep grimacing or grinning foolishly; fig helpless, ineffectual; unable to do anything.

      cengis I reg a certain variety of very hot chili.

      II, nyengis to show (the teeth) (in pain; when jeering, sneering);

      cecengisan to keep jeering, sneering.

      See also cengingis.

      cengkah a clash, a conflict; to clash, conflict;

      nyengkah 1 to push against s.t., e.g. to support it; 2 to engage in a contest of strength by pushing against each other, sometimes at either end of a pole;

      cecengkahan to conflict with each other.

      cengkal I a kind of hook to hold up the clothing of