Florence Sakade

Guide to Reading and Writing Japanese

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      根元 kongen, nemoto, root, origin, source

      元来 ganrai, originally, primarily

      元日 ganjitsu, New Year’s

      ✓ 4

      GEN, GON, speech, statement; koto, word, speech, expression; i(u), to say

      方言 hōgen, dialect

      無言 mugon, silence, muteness

      言葉 kotoba, word, language

      ✓ 4

      GEN, original; hara, field, meadow

      原因 gen’in, cause

      高原 kōgen, plateau

      草原 sōgen, kusahara, grassy plain


      KO; to, door

      戸外 kogai, outdoors

      木戸 kido, gate, door

      江戸 Edo, old name for Tōkyō


      KO; furu(i), old, ancient

      古代 kodai, ancient times

      古今 kokon, past and present

      考古学 kōkogaku, archeology

      ✓ 4

      GO, noon

      午前 gozen, morning, A.M.

      午後 gogo, afternoon, P.M.

      正午 shōgo, noon

      ✓ 5

      GO, KŌ; ushi(ro), behind; nochi, after; ato, the rear, after, the remainder

      食後 shokugo, after a meal

      最後 saigo, last

      前後 zengo, before and after, context

      ✓ 5

      GO, word, speech; katari, narration; kata(ru), to tell, to speak

      外国語 gaikokugo, foreign language

      英語 eigo, English language

      物語 monogatari, tale

      ✓ 5

      KŌ, KU, worker, construction

      工夫 kōfu, workman; kufū, device

      工事中 kōjichū, under construction

      工学 kōgaku, engineering

      ✓ 4

      KŌ; ōyake, public

      主人公 shujinkō, hero, heroine

      公園 kōen, public park

      公転 kōten, revolution, turning

      ✓ 4

      KŌ; hiro(i), wide; hiro(geru), to spread (v.t.); hiro(garu), to spread (v.i.); hiro(maru), to be spread

      広場 hiroba, open space, plaza

      広告 kōkoku, advertisement

      広大 kōdai, vast

      ✓ 4

      KŌ; ma(jiru), to be mixed; maji(waru), to associate with; ka(wasu), to exchange

      交際 kōsai, intercourse, association

      交番 kōban, police box

      交通 kōtsū, traffic


      KŌ; hikari, light, ray; hika(ru), to shine

      光年 kōnen, light-year

      光波 kōha, light wave

      観光 kankō, sightseeing


      KŌ; kanga(e), thought, idea, opinion; kanga(eru), to think

      参考 sankō, reference

      考案 kōan, idea, plan, scheme

      考査 kōsa, examination

      ✓ 4

      KŌ, GYŌ, AN; i(ku), yu(ku), to go; oko(nau), to hold, to conduct

      行列 gyōretsu, procession, queue

      急行 kyūkō, express

      銀行 ginkō, bank

      ✓ 5

      KŌ; taka(i), high, costly; taka(maru), to rise, to be elevated; taka(meru), to lift, to boost

      高等学校 kōtōgakkō, high school

      最高 saikō, highest

      高台 takadai, elevated land

      ✓ 5

      KŌ, Ō; ki, yellow

      黄色 ki-iro, yellow

      黄金 ōgon, gold

      黄熱病 ōnetsubyō, yellow fever


      GŌ; a(u), to be together, to fit; a(waseru), to join, to combine

      合図 aizu, signal, sign

      都合 tsugō, circumstances, convenience

      組合 kumiai, union

      ✓ 3

      KOKU; tani, valley

      谷間 tanima, valley

      谷底 tanizoko, bottom of a ravine

      渓谷 keikoku, gorge
