Florence Sakade

Guide to Reading and Writing Japanese

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      四角 shikaku, square

      角度 kakudo, angle


      GAKU, music; RAKU, comfort, ease; tano(shii), pleasant

      楽しみ tanoshimi, pleasure

      音楽会 ongakukai, concert, musical

      気楽 kiraku, ease, comfort

      ✓ 4

      KATSU, energy

      生活 seikatsu, life

      活動 katsudō, activity

      活字 katsuji, printer’s type

      ✓ 3

      KAN, KEN; aida, interval, space; ma, interval, room, time

      時間 jikan, time

      二時間 nijikan, two hours

      昼間 hiruma, daytime

      ✓ 5

      GAN; maru, round (n.); maru(i), round (adj.); -maru, suffix in ship names; maru(meru), to make (something) round

      丸薬 gan’yaku, pill

      日の丸 hinomaru, national flag of Japan

      丸太 maruta, log (of timber)


      GAN; iwa, rock, crag

      花こう岩 kakōgan, granite

      岩石 ganseki, rock

      岩屋 iwaya, cavern


      GAN; kao, face

      顔面 ganmen, face

      顔色 kao-iro, complexion

      顔付 kaotsuki, face, look, countenance

      ✓ 3

      KI, steam, vapor

      汽車 kisha, steam-driven train

      汽笛 kiteki, steam whistle

      汽船 kisen, steamship, steamboat


      KI, chronicle; shiru(su), to write down

      日記 nikki, diary

      記念 kinen, remembrance, souvenir

      記者 kisha, journalist

      ✓ 3

      KI; kae(ru), to return, to leave

      帰り道 kaerimichi, (on) one’s way back

      帰化人 kikajin, naturalized person

      帰国 kikoku, return to one’s native country

      ✓ 4

      KYŪ; yumi, bow, archery

      弓道 kyūdō, Japanese archery

      弓弦 yumizuru, bowstring

      弓状 kyūjō, arch, bow shape


      GYŪ; ushi, cow, bull

      小牛 ko-ushi, calf

      牛乳 gyūnyū, milk

      牛肉 gyūniku, beef

      ✓ 4

      GYO; uo, sakana, fish

      金魚 kingyo, goldfish

      魚市場 uo-ichiba, fish market

      魚釣り uotsuri, fishing

      ✓ 4

      KYŌ, capital; KEI, ten quadrillion

      東京 Tōkyō, capital of Japan

      京都 Kyōto, ancient capital of Japan

      上京 jōkyō, going to Tōkyō

      ✓ 4

      KYŌ, GŌ; tsuyo(i), strong; tsuyo(meru) (v.t.), to reinforce, to emphasize; shi(ite), by force; shii(ru), to force, to urge

      勉強 benkyō, study

      強弱 kyōjaku, strength and weakness

      強情 gōjō, obstinacy

      ✓ 4

      KYŌ; oshi(eru), to teach

      教室 kyōshitsu, classroom

      教育 kyōiku, education

      教会 kyōkai, church

      ✓ 4

      KIN; chika(i), near

      近道 chikamichi, shortcut

      近所 kinjo, neighborhood

      最近 saikin, recently

      ✓ 4

      KEI, KYŌ; ani, older brother

      兄弟 kyōdai, brothers (and sisters)

      父兄 fukei, guardians (of pupils)

      ✓ 4

      KEI, GYŌ; katachi, ~gata, shape, form

      人形 ningyō, doll

      長方形 chōhōkei, rectangle

      半円形 han’enkei, semicircle

      ✓ 3

      KEI; haka(ru), to measure; haka(rau), to arrange, to discuss

      合計 gōkei, sum, total

      寒暖計 kandankei, weather thermometer
