Florence Sakade

Guide to Reading and Writing Japanese

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      JI, letter, mark; aza, section (of a village)

      字引 jibiki, dictionary

      文字 moji, monji, letter, character, ideograph

      数字 sūji, number, numeral

      ✓ 4

      SEI, SHŌ; tada(shii), correct, right; tada(su), to correct, to rectify; masa(ni), surely, truly

      正直 shōjiki, honesty

      正方形 seihōkei, square (geometrical figure)

      正月 shōgatsu, New Year’s

      ✓ 4

      KYŪ; yasu(mi), rest, vacation; yasu(mu), to rest

      休憩 kyūkei, rest, intermission

      休日 kyūjitsu, holiday

      休養 kyūyō, relaxation, recreation

      ✓ 5

      IN; hiki, pulling; hi(ku), to pull, to draw

      福引き fukubiki, lottery

      引用 in’yō, quotation, citation

      引き立て hikitate, favor, patronage

      ✓ 3

      U; hane, ha, feather, plumage; -wa, counter for birds, and rabbits

      羽毛 umō, feathers, plumage

      一羽 ichiwa, one (bird)

      羽織 haori, haori coat


      UN; kumo, cloud

      雲状 unjō, cloudlike, nebulous

      入道雲 nyūdōgumo, gigantic clouds

      星雲 seiun, nebula


      EN; sono, garden

      公園 kōen, public park

      花園 hanazono, flower garden

      動物園 dōbutsu-en, zoo

      ✓ 3

      EN, ON; tō(i), far, distant

      遠足 ensoku, excursion, long walk

      遠方 enpō, long distance

      永遠 eien, eternity

      ✓ 3

      KA; nani, what, how many (interrogative prefix)

      何人 nannin, how many people?

      何時間 nanjikan, how much time?

      何時 nanji, what time?

      ✓ 5

      KA, course, branch

      学科 gakka, a school subject

      教科書 kyōkasho, textbook

      科学 kagaku, science

      ✓ 3

      KA; natsu, summer

      夏休み natsuyasumi, summer vacation

      初夏 shoka, early summer

      真夏 manatsu, midsummer

      ✓ 4

      KA, KE; ie, ya, house

      家主 yanushi, owner of a house, landlord

      家族 kazoku, family

      農家 nōka, farmhouse

      ✓ 4

      KA; uta, song; uta(u), to sing

      国歌 kokka, national anthem

      歌劇 kageki, opera

      歌手 kashu, singer

      ✓ 4

      GA, a picture; KAKU, stroke of a Japanese character

      図画 zuga, a drawing

      映画 eiga, moving picture

      計画 keikaku, plan

      ✓ 4

      KAI, a turn; mawa(su), to turn (v.t.); mawa(ru), to turn (v.i.)

      何回 nankai, how many times?

      回転 kaiten, revolution, rotation

      回数 kaisū, number of times, frequency

      ✓ 3

      KAI, meeting; a(u), to meet; E

      会場 kaijō, place of meeting, site

      会長 kaichō, president (of a society), chairman (of a committee)

      会話 kaiwa, conversation

      ✓ 4

      KAI; umi, sea, ocean

      海岸 kaigan, seacoast, seaside

      海水浴 kaisuiyoku, sea bathing

      海外 kaigai, overseas, abroad

      ✓ 4

      KAI; E, picture

      浮世絵 ukiyoe, Japanese print

      絵葉書 ehagaki, picture postcard

      挿し絵 sashie, illustration

      ✓ 3

      GAI, GE, outside, foreign; hoka, other; soto, outside

      外国 gaikoku, foreign country

      外国人 gaikokujin, foreigner

      外科 geka, surgery
