K intrans be dangerous; be immoral, wicked (madurgama intrans) (kahon L).
duri (=dori) adv in the rear (=di-huri) (hungkur H); prep behind, at the back of (durin before nouns) (nuriyang trans).
durihin pass be neglected; be shown someone’s back.
duriyan compr adv later on, in the future.
duriyang pass be put further back, postponed.
hané paling si duri adj ‘which is the last.’
dur-jana K n scoundrel, evildoer (S jana-‘person’).
durma n the title of a book on moral behavior, whose hero is Ki Durma (Hi Durma); the name of a melody.
durmanngala K n a bad omen; a kind of offering.
dur-nimita K n a bad sign, omen.
dur-sila K adj badly behaved.
durung H adv not yet (déréng H, tondén L).
durung makanten H not yet definite, decided.
durung swé H adv not yet long past, not long ago.
durus H intrans a vb used as an adv indicating that something will be done (payu L) (K continuing, continuous); once, then, further, thereupon.
durusang imp ‘do (it) once then’ (a polite imp, signfiying ‘please’).
dus 1 n smoke (=handus).
dusdus (=dudus) intrans (nusdus trans) smoke out, kill with smoke (e.g. insects).
dus 2 n box (small), receptacle (D doos); n compartment (e.g. in a betel box).
dus 3 intrans (ngedus trans) be grateful (=hedus).
tanpa ngedus be ungrateful.
dus- the neg prefix dur- when followed by a voiceless consonant.
dusdus intrans (nusdus trans) smoke out, kill with smoke (=dudus, dus, handus).
duskerta K n grave crime, very bad deed; adj very bad.
duşţa H n thief, robber, criminal (pamaling L thief) (nusta trans); adj evil, bad.
ḑusun (Jav) n village (déśa L); adj unmannerly, boorish, rude, impolite.
duta 1 K n messenger, angel (S duta-).
duta 2 (duşţa H) n robber, evil man; adj evil, bad, debauched.
duwa (=dwa) num two (a S word, which in S also has the form dvi-; this, and other instances, have led to an analogical alteration of the final -a of many words used in the literary language (which is H) to -i, giving them the feeling of being more ‘refined,’ e.g. margi for marga ‘journey’; kali for kala ‘time.’ Similarly, words which properly end in -i have ‘less refined’ forms in -a, (e.g. duwa for duwi ‘thorn.’); the local word is do, ro.
duwa bulan hatengah two-and-a-half months.
duwak adj stretched out (leg) (nuwak trans).
duwana n the customs, taxing of imports (D, Fr douane).
duwang adj skilful (also the form of duwa before nouns).
duwé C n (=dwé) property (duwén before a n; used with titles and pronouns to indicate possession) (nuwénang trans acquire) (see infixed form deruwé).
duwéduwé pl the goods (of); duwéduwé tityangé my goods.
duwén ragané R yours, your property.
duwén ratuné C yours.
duwénang pass be acquired.
duwénida his property.
duweg (=duheg) adj skilful, nimble, quick, intelligent.
duwi n thorn (=dwi).
duwipak K n elephant (gajah L).
ḑuwung K n kris (=duhung) (kris, kadutan L).
ḑuwur H intrans grow (=duhur) grow tall; grow up, become adult; be high; n top, head.
di ḑuwur prep on.
di ḑuwurné on her.
ḑuyung n a species of sea fish.
dwa L adj two (reduplicated dadwa) (kalih, kakalih H).
dwang (before nouns) two; dwang daśa twenty; dwang laksa 20,000.
dwa para intrans be in two minds, hesitate.
tan dwa K adv then (tumuli L).
dwaja K n twice-born person (S); properly brahmanas, but used for kings; n the royal banner.
dwaning K conj because, for (=doning, déning).
dwara K n door (S dvāra-).
dwé n (=duwé; see duwé) property (dwén before nouns); your.
dwéné the property.
dwén sira niki? ‘property (of) whom (is) this?’ = whose is this?
dwéyang pass be owned by, be acquired by.
nuwéyang, nuwénang trans acquire.
dwi 1 n thorn (=duwi).
dwiné the thorns.
dwin kétkét the thorns of the ketket tree.
dwi 2 K num two (usually in compounds) (S dvi-).
dwilingga n (grammar) a word repeated (as in pl).
dwipurwa n initial reduplication da-dwa.
dwita n repeated consonant.
dwiwara n the two-day week (menge, pepet).
dwiwarna n an object of two colors, esp the red and white Indonesian flag.
dwiwesana repetition of the end of a word.
dwija n brahman, padanda.
dwijati n consecration as padanda.
dyah n woman (esp noble or royal); adj young; sang dyah the ladies.
dyana-marga n religion as meditation.
dyastu conj though; whatever; dyastu kija whithersoever.
ékädaśa K num eleven; n the eleven directions (S) (the eight points of the compass +zenith, nadir, and navel).
ékara the name of the initial vowel é (é wayah).
éraja n the eighth day of the ten-day week (daśäwara).
É śwara pala n the name of the king in the stories called Ni Tantri Dyah.
ga n the twelfth letter of the alphabet; gha is named ga gora, ga rambat, or ga wayah.
gabag n a type of harrow with openings in it.
gabah 1 intrans be thoughtless in speaking, blab.
gabah 2 n unhusked rice (Jav).
gabeng n what is not yet completed, not yet finished with.
gabir 1 n the dewlap of a bovine.
gabir 2 adj quivering, quaking; intrans quiver, quake (see gulabir intrans).
gabung 1 n a small package of tobacco; a measure.
gabung 2 intrans join, connect.
gacel intrans (nggacel trans) sting (insects).
gada n club, bludgeon; the weapon of Bhima and of Yama.
gadab intrans (nggadab trans) do sth in the dark or with the eyes shut; grope about.
gadägada n flag, standard.
gadagan n a species of large green frog.
gaḑang adj green.