the force of arms or in some cases, so-called royal blood. These anachronistic monstrosities need be done away with as quickly as possible. No one person has any legitimate right to dictate to others how they should behave or live their lives so long as they do not, and are not, infringing on the rights of others. Robert Mugabe in Rhodesia, (thank God he’s almost dead), the self proclaimed generals in Rangoon and Assaid in Syria, all need to go, as do the disgusting be-ragged mullahs in Iran the nutty midget in Pyongyang, along with all the other silly Arab monarchs demanding the blood of their enemies and pontificating over the lives of their citizens.
The so-called “Kings,” (what an absurd term) in Saudi Arabia, Rangoon and the other pathetic kingdoms around the world have to go. They are hideous anachronisms left over from our collective dark past. Imagine, for someone in this day, to mumble obsequiously “yes your royal majesty” as they repetitively bow, while slowly backing away from the “royal pretense.” Asinine and Insane! Just the thought makes my skin crawl. Why, in heavens name, should one human being find any legitimate reason for behaving in such a cowardly and cringing way toward another? No so-called “king” has any legitimate right to rule and they all should be ashamed of themselves and embarrassed as human beings for even trying or, for even a moment, thinking that they possess any particular saving grace that makes them one iota better than anyone else. They are most assuredly not and they only make themselves all the more ridiculous for pretending otherwise.
Humans are most assuredly are not all the same nor are we equal. Egalitarianism aside, what distinguishes one person from another is his innate abilities, education and accomplishments. Here intelligence, education and achievement make all the difference. A person of science who has discovered a cure for some terrible disease is clearly a far better person and more worthy of respect than say a lying politician, (are their any other kind) a swindling used car salesman or a filthy drug pusher infesting the streets near school grounds. We respect those among us who have demonstrated that they are worthy of our admiration- writers, artists musicians, scientists and some athletes for example.
No self-proclaimed king or armed thug (strong-man) deserves respect. They are all no better than common criminals and their memories will be consigned to the dust bins of history. Consider the weak-minded Nicholas Romanov who stupidly thought it was his ‘divine right’ to remain the czar of all the Russia’s. It was his bull headiness and genetically diluted mental faculties that created the political environment for the communist revolution. He had been warned many times of the necessity to create a European type parliament and, he absolutely refused to listen.
The unrest of the “proletariat” was evident and, once begun, unfortunately co-opted and managed by the communists, soon resulted in the mentally incompetent little king’s (small k) demise, sadly, along with his entire family. Imagine, had Russia not developed a communist government, had she grown and prospered these past seventy years as a free civilized nation. Imagine the fantastic world we would have all built had not we all diverted so much of our treasure into machines of war these past generations. Indeed, mankind is tragically flawed.
As these wretched dictatorships fall around the world, the civilized democracies must exercise viligalence to ensure that the will and freedoms of the majority are not thwarted by extreme minorities, such as the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah and Hamas, etc. Western interests are fully justified in taking whatever preemptive actions may be necessary to ensure that these miserable entities are kept from power.
The dictatorial regimes in the ME are crumbling as this book is written. The Arab world is on fire…… Huge crowds of young men are waving flags, guns and bombs…they’re killing each other with gay abandon… The west has no idea who they are….American and EU aircraft are blowing up Libyan tanks …with absolutely no idea who will come out on top…Maybe the millions of wild-eyed screaming Muslims spread across our TV screens just want what we would, jobs, opportunity and a voice in government- but, then again, maybe what they really want is to murder their sisters, stone homosexuals to death and engage in other happy Islamic remedies for punishing Infidels and other miscreants……No one on our side really knows….
In Europe, the day of the “divine right of the kings” is over forever- England has retained a semblance of their “royal” family but only as a silly and expensive anachronism to remind themselves perhaps how stupid they were. Europe and the western world have since advanced at an incredible pace. The Soviet Union, under the rule of despots and tyrants, murdered millions of their citizens and succeeded only in creating a huge and terrible theater of the absurd so aptly described by the many great Russian writers who escaped the soviet madhouse.
The continued existence of illegitimate despotic governments should enrage all right thinking individuals. This anger should manifest itself in a rising worldwide tide of indignation accompanied by actions, thoroughly isolating these pariah’s from the entire civilized world. Cuba, Iran and North Korea should be completely cut off from the rest of the world- no communications, no internet, no air transport, no shipping, no medical aid, no food, nothing whatsoever.
The free nations should utterly isolate these viscous and dangerous nations, surrounding them with air power and naval vessels allowing nothing in or out. We should drop leaflets into their cities and villages and inundate their radio and TV with messages aimed at regime change. Eventually, their populations will rise up and destroy the tyrants as did the people of Rumania with Chichescu and the Italians with the fat tyrant Mussolini. Thus will the despots and dictators die, gone not with a bang but, like a flickering candle in the strong winds of freedom, with a whimper.
What the progressive establishment in America has done is exactly what all governments do- they govern. To govern, one must take power from the governed- one way or another. In America, over the last one hundred years, the progressives, libs, commies and socialists, evil people all, have attempted to use America’s wonderful political system against the best interests of the people by slowly, without a concise or well thought out plan, but nonetheless a plan. Their evil plan is to create a permanent underclass, (in this they have succeeded) utterly dependent on government that will, as it is doing, expand such that the liberal establishment would dominate all elections by virtue of the fact that the underclass will always vote for more and, since they are the only party offering more, they will always win.
More, in this case, means more money must be confiscated from the shrinking productive class. Since the government itself has no money it has to confiscate money from those earning it and use these stolen funds to “buy” the votes of the expanding underclass. This began in earnest with Woodrow Wilson and Roosevelt and continued to today with the massive, budget busting, full-blown entitlement programs we are burdened with.
Under these programs we now, in 2011, have fifty million on welfare (food stamps), thirty or so million on, what can only be called, permanent unemployment and another twenty million Illegals squatting in our hospitals and burdening our schools along with many billions squandered on various forms of state and federal housing and welfare. The trillion dollar crapulous bill foisted on America by the nefarious little illegal wog was nothing more than federal largess, used to buy more even votes as are the massive pay-backs and bailouts for the unions, GM and the banks. Every dollar of these insane expenditures is like a spot of glue to attach the recipients to the libs- to help them consolidate power and destroy the capitalist system.
Almost every dollar of these hideous expenditures came from (or will come from) the productive members of the working class, the great American middle class. Trillions have been borrowed by the run amuck dems in the first two years under the black Muslim (spread the wealth) president who was elected by the recipients of the bribes and those with nothing to lose (kids, idiots, no-nothings, fellow travelers and, of course, the libs).
Make no mistake, the libs have purposely mortgaged our future such that there is no possible way this, or even many future generations, can pay off the astonishing federal debt. It is not over yet, not by a long shot. There are many states that are in so deep that their bonds will default and they will have to lay off thousands of state employees and stop paying into the massive public employees retirement accounts. California will likely have to declare bankruptcy or borrow many more billions from the feds (meaning us). Fanny and Freddy, the feds illegal taxpayer backed ponzi games are also going bankrupt but no one wants to talk