you ever wonder why a policeman, teacher or fireman can retire at eighty percent of their last paycheck with dental and medical insurance for him and his entire family paid for life? Well, consider; the cheap, sleazy and often dirty, obsequious politicians, who only want to remain in office while they fill their pockets at the public trough. (one way or another, wink, wink!) What to they care about signing grossly inflated union contracts? Of course, they don’t give a rats ass… remember, they just want to pander and buy votes (with your money) so they can remain swilling at the good ole public trough. Telling fifty thousand state employees ‘no’ when their inflated union contracts come to the table is not a good way to stay in office- so what the hell do you expect? No public contracts should be allowed to be entered into by any city or state government with out the agreement of a civilian oversight board.
Where to go from here? There are so many problems that it’s difficult to focus on just one. So, in no particular order then, let’s start offering solutions with simple crime. The libs have so screwed up society such that I scarcely know where to begin. America is swimming in a socialist toilet. We either get control of the country now or, sure as hell, obama’ and his pals are going to flush it. Going to, hell, they already have, welcome to the porcelain vortex!
For far too long we have allowed our country to be fouled by liberal crap so that today, many Americans actually don’t know right from wrong, good from bad, quality from dross. All this has to change and, if we are to save this republic, change now!
The crux of the thing begins, and, to no small degree, ends with the criminal justice system. It is beyond repair mostly due to liberal justices and the absurdity of repeatedly locking up repeat offenders. I argue that punks, rapists, child molesters and other scum should be publically executed… Society can and should rid itself of these scum and crud without a second thought. All of the repeat, habitual criminals in our prisons need to be lined up and shot and the prisons emptied and closed. We have lots better things to do with our money than to provide three hots and a cot for these scum! If we leave them as they are, many will be recruited by Islam, and others, into vicious gangs that offer no way out- both very bad for us.
Gangbangers should be rounded up and put to death. Anyone preying on innocent citizens should be given one chance to straighten up and, if they repeat, executed. All drug dealers should be shot at once, immediately when arrested, not after months of costly legal arguments. No public funds should be allotted for the legal defense of violent criminals. In short order there will be no one left to market drugs in America. Those addicted will suffer for a while but, in a few weeks, the worst will be over. These are the laws as structured and executed in Singapore which is 99% drug and crime free. America can be as well…
Once street crime, drugs, gangs, murderers and the like have been eliminated, which I estimate would take perhaps 2 years on the outside, we can start on political and business criminals- so called “white collar” crime. AS A MATTER OF FACT, LET’S DO BOTH NOW. WHY WAIT!?
In a perfect world, the laws will be few and easily understood - punishment, swift and harsh. The law will be taught in homes and in schools as well as history, real history, the truth, not the libs revisionist crap. For example, one new history book that is being used in American schools omitted obama’s middle name, claiming that it was suggestive of his Muslim connections and therefore might be pejorative- Give me a break! Also, to be taught, will be geography, love of country, literature and the sciences. Students too dumb to grasp the lessons will be sent to remedial training camps and have the basic information drummed into their thick heads by former prison guards, whom we will have a surplus of once the prisons are closed.
The idea is to ensure that 100% of our citizens can read, write and understand their rights and the rights of others. They will know who they are, where they came from, who came before them and why. Society, after a few years, will be completely drug free and decent citizens will be living in a wonderful and healthy country. As it is now, half of all graduating high school students are illiterate, ignorant and unable to speak properly.
In a reasonable America, anyone who wants to own a machine gun can without government restrictions. People will be free to engage in any behavior as long as it doesn’t infringe on their neighbors right to live a peaceful and happy life. The key here is to teach personal responsibility. Anyone breaking into someone’s business or home will be subject to being shot with no questions asked. Homeowners protecting their property will not be harassed by the police. In Switzerland, for example, almost every home has a fully automatic rifle and ammunition. How is this possible- read on.
I’m not over-simplifying; modern life is complex and will remain so. There are many challenges ahead of us and many confronting us now. I do know however that our laws have grown so complex as to be incomprehensible and they are in need of vast overhaul. The body of civil and criminal law today favors the criminal over the victim and this needs be corrected- the sooner the better! In the new system there will be no legal forum for the ACLU or other bleeding heart liberal lawyers to interfere. There will be no courts allowing appeal after appeal, ad infinitum.
“There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What’s there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted-and you create a nation of law-breakers-and then you cash in on guilt.” Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged.
The problem is deep and begins with the erroneous idea that morality is relative which it most certainly is not. The courts have forgotten this. What is right and good today is exactly the same as it was at the dawn of human existence. The seven deadly sins haven’t changed and the twelve commandments are as applicable today as ever! We need to get away from the diseased thinking called moral relativity and get back to basics. Once the country is running as it should, we will never need lawyers again as the laws will be few and immediately comprehensible to every citizen without four years of legal education. As Shakespeare’s character in Henry VI so rightly said, “lets kill all the lawyers.
To have to have a class in ethics for law students is a superficial indices of how badly the system has failed. Everyone should know the difference between right and wrong automatically. There is absolutely no excuse for a person stealing and committing crimes. It is not society who is in the wrong it is always the criminal- period! There is no earthly way that a criminal can claim that his childhood or society is to blame for his criminal acts. That he beats old ladies heads in to steal their pension checks because he wasn’t allowed to play baseball with the other kids- is a crock!
In my experience, ninety-nine percent of criminal acts are committed by scum because they want to- not because society made them do it. That is the problem underlying ninety-nine percent of the ills of the criminal justice system as it is now structured. Once a kid is past 12 years or so, if he is a criminal, there’s not much chance of him getting back on track. They are like a tree that has grown crooked- you can’t straighten them out.
The juvenile justice system has to be the same as the adult system- If that means holding kids to the same penalties as adult offenders- so be it. A huge percentage of the thousands of gang members are teenagers and they know that they can get away with serious crimes because the courts let them off.
If parents are found mistreating their kids, the kids will be taken away from them and given to decent homes to be raised properly. This is done somewhat now (the baker laws) but, nowhere near enough. Schools will assign homework and the kids will do it. Teachers will teach and not preach the liberal hate-America, I’m a victim line. Universities will produce well- educated professionals ready to take their pace in a competitive society.
The Government will have limited responsibilities. One will be providing for the common defense, another handling foreign relations and the functions of the treasury. There will be no federal reserve system and all money will be backed by gold reserves. Of the over 700, mostly useless federal agencies hatched over the past 60 years by the devious liberals, almost all will be shutdown and dismantled and the 18 million federal drones employed by them forced