numerous agencies in the appendices) Each state will be responsible for maintaining their own infrastructure and will have to live entirely within their budgets as most presently do.
Schools will charge the parents tuition for grades one through twelve. Those without children will not pay for the educations of others kids. Property taxes will be abolished across the country. To replace them, a general sales or consumption tax will prevail collected at the point of sale and paid by all on everything. Do you think that those whelping 8 to 10 kids might think twice if they had to pay $100 a month to send each one to school? Nah, those stupid ‘arseholes’ are too bloody dumb to figure out where kids come from in the first place- we’ll just sterilize them after the second kid and leave it at that……….
No American company will be permitted to shift its production outside of the United States solely for the purpose of seeking cheaper labor. Penalties for so doing will result in the revocation of business licenses, huge fines and worse for the management staff and owners. So much for the idiocy of ‘globalism’ and the New World Order. Simply put, America, as are all developed countries, is 100 years ahead of the so-called developing world and no American worker should have to compete against dollar-an-hour starving Mexican peasants. This is not leveling the playing field this is just plain economic suicide. Nafta must be rescinded!
Terrorism; Today this generally means Islamic wackos attacking American or western interests for vague semi-religions motives. All so called jihadists will be shot on capture on or off the battlefield. There will be no Guantanamo or other holding facilities. Interrogations will be harsh and fruitful Anyone who doubts the validity of properly administered drugs and torture simply doesn’t know what they are talking about- period! I have first-hand knowledge of the success of such methods and they work very well.
Most information gained from a terrorist has a limited shelf life, meaning his pals will change things and disappear immediately they know one of their slimy buddies has been captured. They know positively that he will sing and they know they have only a few hours before we will be looking for them. No foolish and insane discussion about bringing these monsters into our civil courts will be tolerated. Let’s get real here. If you run into a guy who wants to slice your head off your neck and would do at the slightest opportunity- what you do is kill him- period!
Gone will be all forms of the insanity of political correctness. A mailman will again be a mailman, a policeman a policeman and a fireman a fireman. Any woman doing the job will be just another mailman. The stupidity of adjusting our vocabulary to meet some imposed politically correct gender sensitivities will be gone with the wind. There will be no gender or race-norming- anyone wishing to be a fireman will pass whatever physical and mental tests the chief feel appropriate. No one will get into any school because he is black, brown or yellow. Admissions will be governed by ability only. I spent years as a IP ( instructor pilot with the airlines, you, I’m sure, will be relieved to know that no black brown, yellow or green pilot ever was allowed to any aircraft unless he or she passed all the tests just like the rest of us. In aviation, thank God, there absolutely is no room for that kind of nonsense.
The borders will be closed period! Anyone entering America will come through our immigration and customs offices. The military will take over border protection and anyone crossing illegally will be shot dead. The borders will be mined and guarded with lethal force. Pressure sensors will activate automatic robotic weapons that will positively ruin the trespassers day! All illegals in America will be given 30 days to clear out and after that shot on sight. I guarantee that all 20 odd million of these brown squatters will vacate very quickly and do on their own nickel. Hard laws, yes sir, hard laws for hard times!
Anyone needing medical care will pay for it using private insurance or their own money. There will be no Medicare, Medicaid or any other kind of government involvement in the medical business. (which is what it is) There will be only very limited malpractice insurance or suits against licensed medial practitioners. People will do their own research in selecting their doctors and in a short time those providing substandard care will find themselves without patients, sued into submission or in prison .
In case you forgot, Thomas Jefferson was one of the framers of our Constitution. He had a few remarks that carry particular meaning for us today.
“When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe.” Thomas Jefferson.
It seems to me that this is what to a large degree has happened. Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, New York, Las Angles, all beyond help- totally corrupt cesspools of crime both on the street and in government. The Governor of Illinois was selling obama’s vacated senate seat and was only removed from office because the story hit the street. Obama was suing banks who didn’t want to make loans to destitute minorities’ now, by a crazy (and very sad) fluke, he’s sitting in our White House and refuses to allow the American citizens to see his credentials. His appointees are criminals, cheats and avowed extreme socialists and communists. Every day, new allegations against his administration are made and more crime exposed.
“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” Thomas Jefferson.
One of the requirements in the obama stimulus bill makes it mandatory for unemployment to become endless- a permanent dole. Any state accepting a dollar of this federal money has to agree to this insanity. America is drowning in a surging sea of welfare. Fifty million are receiving food stamps and another twenty, some kind of government benefits.
Most of these millions are unemployable and have been on the dole for decades. Now, their numbers have reached the level where they can effect the outcome of elections. We have long had free school lunch programs and we have now school breakfast and even dinner programs. Believe it or not, now we have after school hot snacks! The government houses millions in subsidized projects (slums) and has billions going out on so many “entitlement” programs as to be virtually uncountable. Indeed, we are truly lost if we don’t rid ourselves of this diseased liberal system. In my America, people would work, everyone- no exceptions but for those physically incapable.
“It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes.” A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world. Thomas Jefferson.
The debt obama and his minions is stacking onto future generations is un-payable. It is staggering and beyond belief. It can never be paid off no matter what the feds do.
“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” Thomas Jefferson.
With fifty million on government welfare and more signing up every day there is no way to fix this system. Taxes will soar to unbearable levels and beyond. We will see, and are seeing, massive social unhappiness. At some point, the people will revolt and rid themselves of the filthy llbs. With the November elections, we may have seen the beginning of this conservative awakening.
“My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.” Thomas Jefferson.
America today has over eighteen million federal employees with another fourteen million working for state and local government. There are only 140 million citizens drawing a paycheck and thirty two million of them are being paid from tax receipts confiscated from the remaining 108 million. This, plus the costs of the 50 million mostly unemployables receiving food stamps and other government benefits, creates a burden which, including sales tax, income tax, social security, unemployment and property taxes, has reached the point where most of us are working for 6 months just to pay our taxes. I’d say we are way past the breaking point. By the way, extracting taxes from government employees is a kind of financial sophistry- think about it!
“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.” Thomas Jefferson.
Well, imagine that! The libs have tried everything they could think of to disarm the American people. Every week, another lib in congress dreams up another one and if we didn’t have the NRA folks, it would be all over…. No more citizens- just subjects. In my America anyone who tried to take away another citizens gun