head of the Democratic party as a candidate for President of the United States. This guy obama is a disaster and was the most liberal politician in the US congress. He comes from the tax and spend, pandering, vote-buying , crooked and corrupt Chicago radical machine. The idea is to divide the country as far as possible along racial lines ( which they most certainly have done) and create, among other nutty and expensive programs, a single payer unbelievably monstrous universal government run medical insurance program which will tax the Middle class into total submission and permanent subservience, just as did the commies in the days of the Soviet Union. This is part of their twisted plan and they are far along........
Skewing the immigration standards; another part of the plan: Years ago, Western Europe was taken off the preferred list for immigration into the United states. The doors were swung wide to admit Latinos, blacks and large groups of uneducated rabble. Actually, anyone who the libs thought might vote for "MORE" and therefore back them at the polls. This worked and continues to work very well. In 1946 the population of America stood at about 150 million and today, 62 years later, we have over 300 million. Of the 150 million ‘new citizens’ few were born in the United States and few came with any education or marketable skills. Almost none spoke English and none had any knowledge of our history or cared. Because of the "give-away programs" that are paid for by the American taxpayers, most of these great unwashed would favor the libs in any election.
Today, lib attorneys, paid for by the Democratic National Committee and their minions, (Move On, ACLU, Soros, et al) are suing the INS because they are not able to process the millions of new applicants for citizenship fast enough to vote in upcoming elections. They know and they are right, these millions of new citizens will vote their way.
Motor Voter: Another part of the libs sneaky plan has and is working well. This program allows and encourages, even mandates, that workers at the departments issuing state driving licensing throughout the country ask those obtaining a license if they want to register to vote at the same time. Through this method, millions of new voters have been registered with the vast majority of them (no surprise) registering as Democrats.
WELFARE IS MY RIGHT! So pay me honky.
The libs are backed and supported by insane environmental groups gnashing their teeth over spotted owls and rare minnows. Rich idiots like George Soros and the Hollywood crowd back them. These people have and continue to block any attempt to let us build new power plants or drill for our own oil. We can't build nuclear, gas or coal fired plants, we can't use the great deposits of oil under our own shores and lands, we haven't built a refinery for 30 years- all because of the despotic, power- craving libs in congress. We have been forced by these treacherous disloyal groups to pay western hating Arabs and guys like the tyrannical, despotic, American hating, squat, ugly little Indian in Venezuela for oil.
The stinking libs don't care about America- they surely don't care about us- they are, just as the fat pigs who ruled the Soviet empire, after power- pure power. Listen to Harry Reid and Nancy and the rest of the dangerous whackos in congress... in their world we would all be on our collective knees whilst government trucks drive though our neighborhoods delivering blocks of Velveeta cheese and stale bread... totally at their mercy. That's their plan for us........ be careful- they are close to succeeding.......maybe they already have and we just don’t know it………
Americans were a good people. Where did the evil come from and when? America was a virtuous country and we always thought we were a good people- in 1945, after we helped to defeat the Nazis and treacherous Japs, we were good people.
Churchill tried to keep the war going and recommended we fight on to rid the world of communism. We were war weary and failed to listen. In the 50’s we fought the communists’ in North Korea to a standstill and, if Truman had the foresight we would have pushed them out of North Korea completely. He didn’t and we settled for a two country solution. For 50 years we fought the cold war- stopping the communists wherever we could.
Communists like the Nazis and Tojo’s diminutive militant minions are evil people- They murdered millions in the name of their twisted ideologies and, in some places, still do. If it were not for America and her good people, the entire world today may have been enslaved by one of these wretched dictatorships extinguishing the torch of freedom forever.
America today is not so good as she once was and, as any country reflects its people, millions of American’s themselves are not so good. Of course, millions still want to come here- America provides the world’s best in terms of economic opportunities but then, material benefits are not the stuff of moral values are they?
Where did we begin our fall from grace? Did it bubble to the surface during Vietnam when, our political will failed under the pressure of the vocal and evil anti-war lobby where our cowardly and pandering politicians failed to do right and instead cut and ran- consigning two million people to their deaths under the victorious and murderous communists? Did the superficial and evil John Kerry’s and Jane Fonda’s of America begin our fall from greatness and virtue?
Was it perhaps the sophistry of the evil professors who twisted our youth- men like Noam Chompsky castigating us for holding noble beliefs and recommending retreat from the oppressors? Maybe for some if us it was emergence of the drugged out hippie culture and the anarchists of the 60’s? We suffered though this pathetically “zonked out” generation espousing their absurd “feel-good” philosophy. Today, the “wasted” generation’s children- the “mall rats,” the products of millions of dope–smoking, un-balanced and un-principled immoral parents are growing up with no beliefs in anything but the pursuit of fatuous mind-numbing pleasure.
Maybe we finally became aware of our fall from grace after Columbine, when a couple of morally-bankrupt, depraved high school kids on a hell-driven spree murdered their fellow students and teachers? Did the blood splattered hallways and twitching corpses finally wake us up to the evil festering inside us?
Could it have been when our leaders granted recognition and moral equivalency to faggots and our churches selected these sickos to serve as bishops? Maybe it was when the Catholic clergy finally “fessed up” to buggering hundreds of young boys? Perhaps it was when we saw our congressional representatives drooling after 16 year old boys- maybe that’s when some of us woke up? Maybe is was when many of our state governments decided is was OK for fagots to use the marriage vows. Whenever, some of us earlier- some later- now, today, many of us recognize how terribly far from our heroic past we have fallen.
We have failed to protect our young. We have allowed twenty million desperately ignorant and diseased illegal’s to infest our country- not even bothering to protect our own borders. Eleven thousand of these wretches cross our border every night – and still, we do nothing! Our emergency rooms, schools and public assistance programs are being overwhelmed by these great unwashed and our fearless leaders tell us that there is nothing they can do. Our culture and our heritage is being distorted and even our language is under attack – You can’t call any company today without a mechanical voice asking, “for Spanish push 2 and for English, stay on the line-an English speaking operator will be with you shortly- if we can find one?” Have you had enough?
The diminutive madman in North Korea has been diligently building atomic weapons for the last decade or so and we actually helped him do it. Now he has one and will undoubtedly make and sell more to the insane Ayatollahs of the millions of Muslims who have sworn to kill us all. Our leaders say there is nothing we can do- there are no options. We turn to the totally useless UN and they pass another worthless and unenforceable resolution.
Look, we’re not finished yet! There remains, even today in America, a shrinking but powerful and resolute core of good people- people who know right from wrong, people guided by their moral compass- the kind of people who defeated the Nazis and Communists and have the fortitude and strength to fight the evil that has infected this once great country. Thousands of these “good people” have volunteered to fight and thousands more are ready to defend their country. All they need to prevail is good people to lead them.
This fight is not about religion- it has nothing whatsoever to do with religious beliefs- it is simply