from the drawing force field or they certainly would have also been turned to stone or salt.
At the fifth wall the corpses became much more alive looking and clad in gold and crystals. They were so numerous that they were packed like sardines in a can into the small interior cave while still on their knees in a perpetual state of prayer. Now even at night the modern day explorers’ dreams were invaded with a sense of ecstasy beyond comprehension. The team leaders decided to fall back and regroup to the original wall before one of the workers would walk through the last of the barriers and begin an accord that was neither of their own or the expedition’s goals.
Tension ran high as another month of waiting went by. The divine draw of what was within now caused even more security to be added at the entrance to prevent anyone who appeared in a trance from attempting to smash down the last layers of protection.
After weeks of arguments and debate, a decision was reached and phone calls made to seek more help. No expense was spared as iron gates were next put in place and newly recruited guards were rotated hourly while dressed in space suits to avoid any form of contamination. The remote robots that cost millions of dollars each next arrived and while being directed from the surface more than a mile away, began their tireless task of making a path towards the power behind the corpses and crosses within. With a sacred sense of dignity each of the ancient men were examined and x-rayed and the items within carbon dated. The Roman and Greek soldiers who guarded the fourth tomb were now replaced at the fifth by the prophets of earlier civilizations including the Philistines, Egyptians, Israelites, Canaanites, and others unknown; but all wore the markings of the free-masons which were dated from 5 to 10,000 years B.C. It was as if the chronological order of civilization had been gathered to protect what was still unknown within the last barriers.
Our history books tell us that during an ancient age of the Egyptian pharaohs the masons were the only free men in the world. This privileged cult oversaw the construction of the pyramids, temples and tombs and acted as mayors and counsels to the kings and queens. All the great mason masters, including Abraham, Solomon and Moses, had been trained in the magical methods of the ancient rite of the free masons and carried their secrets to their society’s leaders who led special sects. It was on the sixth sealed door that the eye of Torah, which is this society’s special secret sign and, by the way, guards our U.S. currency at the top of the pyramid, now stood as guard against anyone who might try to enter this tomb.
The prophets of the pharaohs’ time who guarded this chamber appeared to be only asleep instead of dead for a millennial of time. Their golden clothing shimmered and shone with a radiance that made the gold seem alive and the crystals and precious stones sent out a signal that was unseen by our human eyes. The passing of centuries had not caused any decay of these followers’ flesh or clothing and all the prophets with their eyes closed and on their knees looked only as if lost in prayer.
As the remote robot carefully navigated itself through the treasure laden cave with offerings beyond any king’s ransom, the high-speed infrared cameras recorded every moment for future posterity. The researchers now worked without sleep, as it seemed every square inch contained another clue about the chamber and its occupants. But with all the specialized scientific devices at work, none could sense the prism of colors or the sound of magic or the smell of synergy that were beyond our senses and entrapping the energy of these modern day explorers more and more with each passing day.
Earlier photographs made through the drilled holes which pierced the outer walls had identified the interior walls of the cavern as bearing drawings made by cavemen dating beyond 10,000 B.C. It was obvious by the mass of different styles of treasure within this deep, dark cave that had never seen the dawn of light, had been used in religious rituals since mankind started walking on two legs.
The remote control room was packed night and day with technicians and scientists of all disciplines and each trying to wiggle more time for their particular fields of study. As they watched the robots slowly move forward it was seen that the last door and seventh seal were not made of stacked stone or bricks and mortar. The outer surface was smooth as glass and a six-foot tall disk that was a foot thick stood directly in the center. There were also grooves cut in the floor that were used to roll the round door to the right or left. The circular seal was covered with hieroglyphics and ideogram’s that spoke of the sacredness of this innermost sanctuary of the Holy of the Holies. Amongst the junction’s sanctum’s and promises, there were also multiple warnings that to trespass within could cause an apocalyptic action that might begin or end mankind’s quest for immortality. The eye of Torah was positioned in the center of the seal and unblinking it slowly wept tears that disappeared as quickly as they formed. By now everyone questioned themselves if they were selling their soul or trading their smarts for silver or gold or a false sense of salvation or security.
Even if each of the six previous barriers had not been scary, sanctimonious, or sacred enough to stop any earlier explorers … this seal should have been. But scientists being scientists were only still more intrigued and soon a debate rose to great decibels about which direction the circular stone should be rolled to expose this more private place.
Months had now passed by since the original breaching of the stalagmite covered outer wall. The cavern’s corridors were now lined with the cataloged treasure, religious icons and mummified corpses of the men who had to be removed first for the explorers and then for the robots to make their passage to this point. Nothing else was moved or removed that wasn’t absolutely necessary for the team to travel forward towards the beginning or end of this expedition’s expectations. Each and every item had been carefully photographed, cataloged and crated within glass or shrink wrapped in poly film. As one watched the robots travel towards the innermost workings, the collection of sights was nothing less than astounding. However, nothing thus far seen would match the value of what was waiting behind the seventh sealed door.
After a month of debate and preparation the decision to proceed was again reached and all precautions were taken. Miniature cameras were attached to probes that were threaded through what was believed to be the final wall. Every inch of the opposite wall was first inspected to determine if the portal was moved to the left or right if a booby trap might be set off which could cause the destruction of all that was within the cavern. With great care befitting the skills of a brain surgeon, the initial team led by a police bomb squad captain only concentrated on the interior wall. This alone was an amazing feat, because the artifacts, ransom and remains of what was within the chamber would have caused most men’s attention to waiver to the point of wonderment.
Perhaps being a mile away and only viewing this spectacular sight by remote vision allowed these technicians, scientists and theologians some degree of professional detachment. But I know if it had been me at the controls of the robot, that my eyes could not have been removed from the flowing walls of the tabernacle’s tent in the center of the huge cave’s room, nor the mass of golden suited men surrounding it.
Another month passed by while still yet more archaeologists, scientific advisers, statesmen, linguists, and theologians were brought to the remote site to discuss what the markings on the seventh seal might mean and view the videotapes of the spectacular sights locked in the cave. Debates raged on again to not only to whether the seal should be rolled to the left or right, but whether or not it should be opened at all. There was never going to be an absolute clear cut decision on any of the issues and so after miles of film had been shot of the splendors within, and every inch of the room videotaped, and samples of the air in the cave had been drawn and analyzed, the foretold day finally came to open the last of the seven seals and see if this would trumpet terror or expand our knowledge of the world we live upon.
In the sixth chamber as the lifelike looking corpses still knelt towards the wall looking with their shut eyes at the eye of Torah, the two robots slowly rolled the circular seal in the same direction as what our world revolved. There wasn’t an explosion or even a puff of smoke; however, the sight within would have blinded any mere mortal man.
The cameras recorded the tent in the cave’s center trembled with a pulsating multi-colored light that made the kneeling men who were within the room appear to move, but cast no shadows that our sight could see. A sound came forth that was neither music nor noise, but in a range above human comprehension invaded the followers’ brains