home towns.” I continued on with the zeal of a prophet as my masters’ words came back to my mind. “Every day our planet is evolving towards the dawn of a new day. Life is never what it seems to be. Everything you touch is old or broken. Air doesn’t smell fresh or new. New diseases are discovered every day. Fish can’t survive in open waters. Tasteless fast foods don’t supply vitamins or roughage. Road rage is rampant. You can’t drink the water anymore unless you buy it in bottles and pay more for it than gasoline. Even mother’s milk is tainted with chemicals.”
“But get real. Understand we live in a virtual state of unreality. Companies and countries collapse under their own weight of debt. The least moral men always win. There is no reality, only the planned perception we all get to see.”
I knew my masters were monitoring the room and my delivery. They also controlled the sound and volume and the lights in the room had been slowly growing dimmer as my dialogue continued on.
“Only presidents and pontiffs are profiting from the world’s woes. Statesmen who think they are sly get caught doing stupid stuff. Bankers bribe bureaucrats to tax our society to death. The graft of capitalistic comforts is overtaking civilization. AIDS is overcoming entire continents. Cocaine cartels are running congress. Sovereigns and saints are going insane trying to stop our stupidness from spreading. Starvation has become a natural state of life. The Vatican can’t stop its own cardinals from committing crimes against children. Paralysis of analysis has overtaken the ordained oracles of the world. No one makes decisions anymore. The world’s rulers keep the masses of mankind managed by the media and motivated only by money. What would Jesus say about ATM’s being in church lobbies? Morals are indeed a dead issue.”
I took a deep breath as I mentally composed the closing of our sales pitch. The chosen twelve now had their eyes almost closed and their bodies were slightly rocking back and forth to the music that our masters were piping into the room. As I lowered my voice to the point of a loud whisper to encourage even greater concentration, I discovered that I really did believe in what I was about to say.
“We all are now brothers that are bound to our basic creed. We are here to do the right thing. We are here to help each other. The golden book we are about to write will create a new world order of awe and wonderment. We will make our words become more than alive while creating a celestial code of conduct for the new cosmic order to believe that their betterment rests within. We will deliver the world from doom. We need to stop feeling sorry for civilization’s current sick state of being, because it’s time to be scared of what the world has become!”
“For when the lights arise we will see with a new sense of clarity, that indeed we have been chosen to become as one with the will of the we in thee … blessings be.”
I held my breath as I stepped back from the table and surveyed the room. When additional oxygen and light reached the writers’ senses, the background music also reached a crescendo and a cymbal crashed that caused all twelve to awaken to each other’s astounding stares. I still continued to talk about the who, what, when, and wherefores of the project. This ploy was to allow everyone the opportunity to become fully awake without worrying whether or not their fellow writers also fell asleep or were in a trance for a moment or two.
I addressed my comments to the entire group as I said, “Now I know that we are a little tired from yesterday’s travel and last night’s dinner party, so let’s break until lunch and then we can resume our discussion about this second handout.”
As I passed out another sheaf of bound papers to each, I was sure that no one wished to be embarrassed by admitting that they didn’t really remember what we had been talking about. The looks in all twelve’s eyes spoke of their indecision, but before their doubts could be voiced another twelve gentlemen entered the room.
These young men all wore name-tags that marked them as the lead research assistants assigned to each writer. Each of these twelve also had five aides to assist with our overall plan to develop a biblical styled bestseller of a book that appeared to be banned or burned and buried away for centuries by the church.
Having now laid the groundwork for the building of a new and improved faith we adjourned with each slightly confused author being led away by their own personal assistant uttering words of praise about the author’s past works. Only me and my master had a hint of the heaven or hell we were creating.
Although I knew that most everyone has a Bible in their home and claims to have read it, most people still don’t really understand the basic story. This saga is what my next handout was all about. It was a twenty page condensed version of the chronological order of the original cornerstones of creation. The Old Testament has 39 books of history, poetry and prophecy and the New Testament has 27 books of history and letters. Together they hold 1,189 chapters of more than a million words that inter-net and interplay with each other. This remarkable collection tells you what it is going to say, says it, and then tells you what it said.
The Bible starts with “Genesis”, which means “to be born”. This first chapter describes the beginning of creation and the genealogical research of the roots and descendants of Abraham. Next is “Exodus”, which is translated as “out of way” and tells the stories of the chosen people’s delivery from slavery. How they were set free from the pharaoh after a series of plagues. Their dramatic escape across the Red Sea and the Israelites’ travels in the wilderness before reaching Mount Sinai, where Moses received his people’s instructions from God. These Ten Commandments are said to be inscribed by the finger of God and became the law of the Lord.
Moses, the free mason, practiced the religion of his forefathers. The reform of Akh-en-Aton replaced the cult of Amon with the solar monotheism of Aton who was regarded as the only true God who created everything that ever existed. Moses is well known as a charismatic leader who was also an oracular prophet, but few people know he was also an ecstatic magician trained in the masonic tradition.
The Bible continues on with “Leviticus”, which was the tribe’s name that was entrusted with the regulations, rules and animal sacrifices of the laws of Moses when he created the national religion. In “Numbers” the tribe’s census is conducted and the prophets of Moses build the tabernacle to house God’s words. “Deuteronomy” is the second of laws which repeats the first five books and Moses’ death speech which declared the descendants of Abraham would be given a Promised Land of their own to live in. Closing out the Old Testament are the “Books of History” which written by Moses also contain poetry of the Holy Scriptures and prophecy of the sacred writings.
It was within these books that we hoped to find our very first words that were meant to lead to a million more of our utmost for His highest.
In the beginning after creating the world, Yahweh next spoke to Abram and created a covenant that was not a contract. Mankind would have free will that could be rewarded by proper worship.
After this cosmic conversation the 75-year-old Abram’s name was changed to Abraham and his wife, Sarah, would now be known as Sarai. Three modern day religions now claim to have Abraham’s origins, although the Jews, Christians and Muslims never agree on much of anything else.
Abraham and Sarai gave birth to Isaac who was the first born son later renamed Esau. He sold his birthright to the second born son named Jacob for a bowl of soup. Jacob had twelve sons and Abraham’s great grandchild named Joseph was a great dreamer who intensified the sibling rivalry. Without telling the father, the other children sold him into slavery instead of killing him for his ambitious dreams of leading the family to fame and fortune. The traveling merchants who bought him ended up in Egypt. Many years later after overcoming great difficulties and almost beyond belief, Joseph became vice-regent of all of Egypt and reconciled his father and brothers by introducing and inducting them all into the free mason society.
Three hundred years later Jacob’s original family of seventy members grew into thousands and their strength and solidarity of their Masonic Code greatly threatened the control of the current Egyptian pharaoh. Now being in the leader’s state of disfavor, the