included: Loudas, Ludas, Judah, Jude and Yehuda. And best known as: Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon, the man of Kerioth from the tribe of Reuben.
Thus, as you turn the pages and witness my timely transformation, spiritual rebirth or reincarnation you will come to know me as Judas the Messenger.
During my first meeting with the new holy hierarchy, we briefly discussed our messianic mission to improve mankind’s existence. I passed out the initial outline I wrote of how we hoped to sell to the public the new story line about the discovery of the Holy Ark of the Covenant, which would ultimately produce a new Bible of a book that was meant to print more than a billion copies. One person in six of the world’s population would receive or purchase a copy of our creative work and it was planned that they would share our words with the remaining entire world.
Most speculative fiction is indeed fact rearranged and therefore presents the great advantage of being imaginary and not having to defend telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Although it is impossible to completely disguise a very public figure, the plausibility of disassociating the doppelganger from its original source allows some breathing space in the creation of a novel experience because of the First Amendment and the supreme court’s ruling on “actual malice standards”.
But when you conflate and fuse fact within the veil of fiction because the truth is too bold to be told, there is still always a team of lawyers on retainers waiting and willing to navigate through a legal minefield of potential libel suits.
Therefore, not wishing any reckless disregard, the twelve authors’ names have been changed to protect the innocent from the wrath of the rich. So said…this novel is not intended to damage, defame or varnish their reputations.
The twelve names chosen are prophetic in their own right, but at least the dead cannot be defamed.
Using mega money as a magnet my masters had assembled the who’s who of authorship that had collectively sold more books than all the remaining writers of the world. Their real names and specialties were all household words and now have been changed to include the following:
Simon Peter: Revengeful Espionage
Andrew the Noble: True Crime
James the Ardent: Techno Thrillers
John the Brave: Psychological Mystery
Philip the Evangelist: Master of Horror
Bartholomew the Fisherman: Mayhem and Suspense
Thomas the Doubter: Celestial Adventure
Matthew the Tax Collector: Legal Thrillers
James the Younger: Action Adventure
Thaddaeus the Jude: Forensic Criminology
Simon the Zealot: Modern Mystery
Paul the Replacement: Legal Thriller
Twelve writers were also current day lawyers, doctors, pilots, teachers, theosophists and all were trendsetters who had risen above all other authors to become the golden god heads of the publishing empire. But never before did any of them have a chance to create a God and establish the rules of a new religion that would rule the world.
My monologue continued on and after introductions and seating assignments were made, the chosen twelve who now sat behind 24 carat gold name plaques began to let their attention fade from each other and instead take in the luxury of the floating palace we were within.
The previous day the chosen twelve had been brought aboard the ship with fanfare fit for a king. The trappings of success were almost beyond words. It would require multiple adjectives to describe the creative comforts and magnanimous beauty each of the twelve plus their assembly of friends or family members would reside within. And as if the free luxury 30-day cruise wasn’t enough, each of the dozen disciples would also receive $100,000 per day. The three million dollar fee included an ironclad contract not to divulge any details of the book that they would jointly develop. But little did they know that everything they saw or heard was covered in multiple layers of lace or larceny.
The testimonial this privileged sect of twelve was to provide would prove that the original Bible was rewritten to allow the church and state control of man’s morals, instead of each and every man having control over his own state of religion. The ink of these writers would be transformed into the type set words that would change the world.
After the twelve were served coffee, tea or juice I continued our meeting as I passed out expensive jewel boxes which within each was a flawless three-carat diamond set in a pyramid of gold. My masters assured me that any form of bribery was mine to choose and I knew that I had to quickly form a bond of trust and appreciation with these twelve masters of word-craft before we could function as the team intended to win the world’s respect and wonder. Each ring had been custom sized to fit over the fourth finger of each writer’s right hand and as I placed my own on I started the dialogue I hoped would bring the message to mankind.
With a sincere sense of caring for each of these word masters I proudly announced, “Gentlemen. As you wear these priceless rings I hope they will guide your hands and bind our thoughts together in the same direction of the original disciples, as we compose the new words to direct the dogma of the devoted.”
A few of the authors looked at me as if I was far too hokey to hearken the herald of a new dawn, while others tried on their first of many gifts and seemed to appreciate what I was trying to do.
It seemed to me for a hundred thousand dollars a day that my masters were not buying a lot of conversation, so I announced we would first review our common goals and how we came about to be the team to transcend theology. I asked all of them to hold their questions and comments to the end and with a school teacher’s sense of discipline began our discourse.
“Gentlemen, for this book to read and sound true we all must want it to be true. Take stock of your surroundings and your state of substance as well as that of your pay, and understand none of this means as much as what we are about to write. Each and every one of us must want to … no, need to … change the state of the world before it destroys itself.”
I continued my hard sell to drive the point home. “Every day our own homes are in harm’s way. In the past we just asked why. Now we must band together and say, “these sins must stop”.
I paused and stared at each man deep in his eyes as if to dare him to stop me and say that what I was preaching wasn’t so. I also was checking their renal responses to determine if the hypnotic drugs we added to their beverages had taken effect. Like I said before, my masters would allow me any form of trickery to make this team of twelve be willing to serve.
The candles in the middle of the table flickered with an intensity caused by the over length wicks and special fast-melting wax which was intended to aid in increasing the concentration levels of the pharmaceutical enhanced participants. Even my style of delivery and voice range had been carefully coached by an expensive expert in hypnosis. And for additional insurance, last night while the team of twelve was wined and dined during their introductory formal dinner, little did they know that their food and drink had been doctored with controlled amounts of natural hashish and the original organic form of ecstasy derived from nutmeg. Along with this day’s dose of hallucinogenics and hypnotics and the visual and harmonic aids employed this morning, they all became willing members of our team who were now fully prepped to be receptive to the core of the message we wanted to embed on their brains.
Even I stopped thinking as an I and started speaking as only a we. “We all need to be as one with the we in thee. We need to think this biblical book through to the desired finish at the end, and then begin the job that we all are being very highly paid to compose.”
I stopped and stared at my ring dazzling in the flickering candlelight and momentarily wondered if I too had been pharmaceutic-ally prepped for this meeting, or if I was really being caught up in the creation of a new cosmic code.