William A. Kaplin

The Law of Higher Education

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state regulatory laws affecting postsecondary education programs 13.5 Laws on gun possession 13.5.6 11.3 Federal Government Regulation 11.3.1 Overview of federal constitutional powers over education 14.1.1 11.3.2 Federal regulation of postsecondary education 14.2 Overview 14.2.1 Regulation of research 14.2.3 Regulation of intellectual property 14.2.5 11.4 Federal Aid-to-Education Programs 14.4 11.4.1 Functions and history 14.4.1 11.4.2 Legal structure of federal aid programs 14.4.3 11.5 Civil Rights Compliance 14.5 11.5.1 General considerations 14.5.1 11.5.2 Title VI 14.5.2 11.5.3 Title IX 14.5.3 Overview Title IX and peer sexual harassment Claims by accusing students Claims by accused students 11.5.4 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act 14.5.4 11.5.5 Coverage of unintentional discrimination 12 The College and External Private Entities 12.1 The Education Associations 12.1.1 Overview of the education associations 15.1 12.1.2 Accrediting agencies 15.3.1 12.1.3 Athletic associations and conferences 15.4.1 12.2 Business Partners. 12.2.1 Research collaboration 16.4.1 12.2.2 The research agreement 16.4.2 APPENDICES A. Constitution of the United States of America: Provisions of Particular Interest to Postsecondary Education B. The American Court System C. Reading and Analyzing Court Opinions D. Glossary of Legal Terms Bibliography Statute Index Case Index Subject Index

      Operating the colleges and universities of today presents a multitude of challenges for their leaders and personnel. Often the issues they face involve institutional policy, but with continually increasing frequency they have legal implications as well. For example:

       A staff member may decide to become a whistleblower and assert that another college employee is violating the law. If the complaining staff member's performance has been problematic, and “just cause” exists for dismissal, may the college discharge the whistleblowing