William A. Kaplin

The Law of Higher Education

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tenured faculty member may have been accused of sexually harassing a student by requiring the student to complete a project that the student finds offensive. What standards and processes should be used to determine whether the faculty member should be discharged, disciplined, or reprimanded?

       A student religious organization may approach the dean of students seeking recognition or an allocation from the fund for student activities. If membership is limited to students of a particular faith, or if the student organization does not admit gays or lesbians, how should the administration respond?

       A group of students petitions the administration to develop a “hate speech” code because they believe it will reduce the number of bias incidents on campus. Can a public institution enforce such a provision?

       A wealthy alumna may call the vice president for student affairs and offer to make a multi-million dollar donation for scholarships on the condition that they be awarded only to African American students from disadvantaged families. Can and should the vice president accept the donation and follow the potential donor's wishes?

      To assist students and instructors who wish to study, research, or teach about issues such as these, and innumerable others, we have prepared this Student Version of our two-volume work, The Law of Higher Education, 6th Edition (“LHE 6th or “full 6th Edition”). The Student Version provides foundational information, in-depth analysis, and practical suggestions on a wide array of legal issues faced by public and private institutions. The discussions draw upon pertinent court opinions, constitutional provisions, statutes, administrative regulations, and related developments. In order to enhance readability and keep the Student Version of manageable size, we have only occasionally included text or footnote citations to resources for further study and research, such as selected journal articles, books, and websites. We have, however, included a bibliography of such resources at the end of this book. In addition, we have created a convenient crosswalk from the various sections of the Student Version to the corresponding sections of the full 6th Edition, which are chockfull of text citations, footnotes, and annotated bibliographies (at the end of each chapter) that will be highly useful for any student or instructor seeking such resources. The crosswalk appears in the front matter of this book.

      We have designed this special edition of LHE 6th for use in higher education law and higher education administration courses. Guided by our own experiences teaching courses and workshops in higher education law, and by the suggestions of teaching colleagues, we have selected the topics from the full 6th Edition that we believe are of greatest importance and interest to students of higher education law and their instructors. We have given primary consideration to the significance of the topic for the development of higher education law and policy, the topic's currency or timelessness for administrators of colleges and universities, and its usefulness in illustrating particular legal problems or the application of particular legal principles. The issues we have emphasized for each topic are usually ones that administrators, faculty members, or students could encounter at virtually any institution of higher education in the country (or, sometimes, in the world). In developing these issues, we have focused not only on the applicable law but also on pertinent policy considerations and on implications for practice.

      Besides re-editing and reorganizing the materials that we have adapted from LHE 6th, we have updated these materials to account for the most important developments occurring from the press deadline for LHE 6th to the press deadline for this Student Version; and we occasionally have made small insertions of new material to capture points of particular interest to students. In addition, we have prepared numerous study aids designed specifically for students and instructors, and integrated them into this book. These enhancements are:

       Introductory materials, titled “General Introduction to the Study of Higher Education Law,” that lay the foundation for, and facilitate the study of, the subject matter, and also include a section providing guidance for students who do not have background or training in the law.

       An appendix (Appendix B) that provides an overview of the American system of courts and highlights key distinctions between federal and state courts, and between trial and appellate courts.

       Another appendix (Appendix C) that provides practical guidelines for reading and analyzing judicial opinions.

       Another appendix (Appendix D) that presents a glossary of legal terms used in this book.

       Overviews at the beginning of chapters (in italics) that introduce the topics and concepts to be addressed in each chapter.

       Figures spread throughout the book that illustrate particular legal concepts and distinctions.

       A crosswalk (in the front matter) connecting each section in the Student Version to the corresponding section in the full 6th Edition and designed for readers who may seek additional discussion, cases, or bibliographical resources available in LHE 6th.

      In the six years since publication of the fifth edition and then its updates, many new and newly complex legal concerns have arisen on America's campuses—from the ever-greater and more complex implications of the explosion in social media on faculty and student conduct and rights, to the continuing challenges to affirmative action in admissions and financial aid, to the membership practices of student religious organizations in the context of institutions' nondiscrimination policies, to the clash between faculty and “institutional” academic freedom, to the rights of intercollegiate athletes. Indeed, it is difficult to identify any other entities—including large corporations and government agencies—that are subject to as great an array of legal requirements as colleges and universities are. To serve the needs occasioned by this continual growth of the law, this Student Version of LHE 6th retains the material