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Veterinary Endoscopy for the Small Animal Practitioner

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9.19 When indicated the mediastinum is cut off the sternum caudally t...Figure 9.20 Completion of taking the mediastinum down from the sternum provi...Figure 9.21 Placing a lateral chest wall operative portal using a sharp troc...Figure 9.22 Establishing a lateral chest wall portal using blunt dissection ...Figure 9.23 Establishing a lateral chest wall portal by passing a scalpel bl...Figure 9.24 Placing a plastic disposable laparoscopy cannula through the che...Figure 9.25 Placing an EndoTIP cannula through a sharp chest wall incision w...Figure 9.26 Final position of a threaded EndoTIP cannula placed as a lateral...Figure 9.27 A chest tube is placed through the paraxiphoid telescope portal ...Figure 9.28 Adequate chest tube position is confirmed visually with the tele...Figure 9.29 After chest tube placement with this technique the paraxiphoid t...Figure 9.30 Chest tube placement is done with standard open surgical techniq...Figure 9.31 The normal appearance of the right chest wall seen using thoraco...Figure 9.32 The sympathetic trunk is seen running from cranial to caudal acr...Figure 9.33 The thoracic duct is seen as a single clear linear vessel in the...Figure 9.34 A branching thoracic duct is seen as a clear linear vessel in th...Figure 9.35 Smaller lymphatic ducts seen in a 3‐year‐old male English Spring...Figure 9.36 The diaphragm is visible as a convex muscular dome‐shaped struct...Figure 9.37 The dome‐shaped central tendon portion of the diaphragm is a tra...Figure 9.38 The peripheral attachment of the diaphragm meets the chest wall ...Figure 9.39 In the ventral thorax the enlarged costochondral junctions are v...Figure 9.40 The azygos vein is seen in the right dorsal thorax running from ...Figure 9.41 The left pulmonary ligament is seen as the translucent sheet of ...Figure 9.42 The cranial vena cava is visible in the cranial mediastinum with...Figure 9.43 The caudal vena cava seen entering the thorax through the caval ...Figure 9.44 Another view of the caudal vena cava seen in Figure 9.43 showing...Figure 9.45 The caudal vena cava seen from a paraxiphoid telescope portal wi...Figure 9.46 The phrenic nerve is seen as it angles dorsally from the cranial...Figure 9.47 Continuation of the phrenic nerve is seen on the lateral surface...Figure 9.48 The cranial surface of the pericardium is visualized well with t...Figure 9.49 An obese patient with the pericardium mostly covered with fat an...Figure 9.50 Normal lung visible with the patient in dorsal recumbency from a...Figure 9.51 Close‐up examination of lung tissue allows individual alveoli to...Figure 9.52 Normal cranial mediastinal anatomy seen with the patient in dors...Figure 9.53 The sternal lymph node is visible in this picture as the pink ov...Figure 9.54 Removing residual pleural space fluid, in this case, bloody flui...Figure 9.55 Removing residual pericardial fluid that was not removed with pr...Figure 9.56 Subpleural bleeding in the chest wall of a ten‐year‐old neutered...Figure 9.57 A lung lesion with a puncture injury and surrounding contusion s...Figure 9.58 A pericardial puncture lesion seen from the inside of the perica...Figure 9.59 A large chest wall mass originating from a rib in the left crani...Figure 9.60 A primary chondrosarcoma originating in the costal cartilage in ...Figure 9.61 A porcupine quill penetrating the left chest wall from the outsi...Figure 9.62 Secondary chest wall reaction due to a migrating plant material ...Figure 9.63 Pyogranulomatous pleuritis involving the parietal pleura on the ...Figure 9.64 An extensive adhesion from an area of abnormal lung to the chest...Figure 9.65 Thickened pleura obscuring visualization of thoracic wall anatom...Figure 9.66 Pleural thickening due to chylothorax in the left caudal and dor...Figure 9.67 A small number of submacroscopic pleural nodules in the parietal...Figure 9.68 Extensive white mesothelioma nodules on the chest wall pleura an...Figure 9.69 One of several large red irregular pleural masses on the chest w...Figure 9.70 A pleural mass attached to the chest wall of a 12‐year‐old neute...Figure 9.71 Additional smaller discrete nodules on another area of the chest...Figure 9.72 Widely spread submacroscopic nodules on the diaphragm and chest ...Figure 9.73 In this same patient a lesion comprised of a collection of nodul...Figure 9.74 The pulmonary mass in the same patient shown in the Figures 9.70...Figure 9.75 Pyogranulomatous pleuritis and pneumonia with adhesion to and in...Figure 9.76 Adhesion of the right caudal lung lobe to the diaphragm due to c...Figure 9.77 A deformed liver lobe in the chest of a large 12‐year‐old spayed...Figure 9.78 Pyogranulomatous pleuritis secondary to recurrent pyothorax due ...Figure 9.79 Prominent mediastinal blood vessels in a dog with vascular conge...Figure 9.80 A small thymic carcinoma in the cranial mediastinum of a 13‐year...Figure 9.81 A medium‐sized lymphocyte rich thymoma in a 12‐year‐old neutered...Figure 9.82 A large lymphocyte rich thymoma with limited vascularity filling...Figure 9.83 A large lymphocyte rich vascular thymoma in the cranial thorax o...Figure 9.84 A non‐thymic lymphoma mass in the cranial mediastinum of an 8‐ye...Figure 9.85 An ectopic thyroid carcinoma in the cranial mediastinum of a 12‐...Figure 9.86 A poorly differentiated carcinoma of undetermined origin in the ...Figure 9.87 A large neuroendocrine tumor in the cranial mediastinum of a 7‐y...Figure 9.88 A large thin walled cranial mediastinal cyst in a 16‐year‐old sp...Figure 9.89 A cranial mediastinal accumulation of chyle is visible in a 9‐ye...Figure 9.90 A large inflammatory caudal mediastinal mass in a three‐year‐old...Figure 9.91 A partially decomposed grass awn found free in the pleural space...Figure 9.92 A group of porcupine quills in the cranial thorax of a 5‐year‐ol...Figure 9.93 A large primary bronchogenic adenocarcinoma in the right cranial...Figure 9.94 The dorsomedial surface of the same mass as seen in Figure 9.93 ...Figure 9.95 A large adenocarcinoma in the cranial end of the left caudal lun...Figure 9.96 Malignant histiocytosis lesions in the left cranial lung lobe of...Figure 9.97 A massive right caudal lung lobe primary lung tumor in a 10‐year...Figure 9.98 A small primary lung tumor visible on the surface of the right c...Figure 9.99 Superficial changes in the surface of the caudal part of the lef...Figure 9.100 Two small flat red dots representing metastatic lesions on the ...Figure 9.101 Multiple small flat red metastatic hemangiosarcoma lesions were...Figure 9.102 Small raised red hemangiosarcoma metastases in a 10‐year‐old sp...Figure 9.103 A small raised purple metastatic lesion on the ventral margin o...Figure 9.104 A small purple polypoid metastatic lesion on the medial surface...Figure 9.105 A metastatic adenocarcinoma of undetermined, suspected mammary,...Figure 9.106 Massive infiltration of all lung lobes with an uncountable numb...Figure 9.107 An enlarged hilar lymph node in a 6‐year‐old spayed female Mini...Figure 9.108 An air‐filled bulla in the foreground and an empty collapsed bu...Figure 9.109 An air‐filled bulla on the caudal margin of the right cranial l...Figure 9.110 An air‐filled bulla on the dorsal surface of the left cranial l...Figure 9.111 A large air‐filled bulla in the right cranial lung lobe on the ...Figure 9.112 Multiple air‐filled bullae on the caudoventral corner of the ri...Figure 9.113 The bulla seen in Figure 9.109 that is collapsed during the exh...Figure 9.114 An obvious hole in a distended bulla with visible air flow seen...Figure 9.115 The bullae on the dorsal surface of the left cranial lung lobe ...Figure 9.116 Chronic pulmonary fibrosis in a 10‐year‐old spayed female Domes...Figure 9.117 Atelectatic non‐aerated lung in a 13‐year‐old spayed female Ger...Figure 9.118 Diffuse pulmonary hemorrhage and atelectasis seen in the crania...Figure 9.119 Chronic fibrosing pneumonia in the right caudal lung lobe in a ...Figure 9.120 Underdeveloped right cranial and middle lung lobes in an 8‐mont...Figure 9.121 Histiocytic pneumonia in the right cranial lung lobe of an eigh...Figure 9.122 Lung lobe torsion in a 4‐year‐old spayed female Whippet seen af...Figure 9.123 Small white mesothelioma nodules in the cranial mediastinum of ...Figure 9.124 Small white mesothelioma nodules on the caudal vena cava and on...Figure 9.125 Moderate pleural thickening in a 9‐year‐old neutered male Domes...Figure 9.126 Cranial mediastinal subpleural chyle accumulation in the same p...Figure 9.127 In the same patient as seen in Figure 9.125 and 9.126 the thora...Figure 9.128 The same patient after dissection to expose the thoracic duct a...Figure 9.129 The cautery blade from a standard monopolar radiofrequency elec...Figure 9.130 Completion of the cautery process with a dry field and oblitera...Figure 9.131 Marked pleural thickening in a cat with chylothorax of short du...Figure 9.132 Constrictive pleuritis causing collapse of the lungs in the sam...Figure 9.133 Minimal pleural reaction and thickening in an 8‐year‐old neuter...Figure 9.134 In the same patient as Figure 9.133 streaks of fibrin accumulat...Figure 9.135 Marked pleural thickening due to chylothorax in a 9‐year‐old sp...Figure 9.136 Constrictive pleuritis compressing the lung lobes on the right ...Figure 9.137 A large fluid filled pericardium in an 8‐year‐old neutered male...Figure 9.138 A heart base mass visible through the pericardium prior to crea...Figure 9.139 A large heart base tumor visible as a mass distending the peric...Figure 9.140 A normal appearing pericardium in a dog with pericardial effusi...Figure 9.141 Mild pericardial thickening in an 11‐year‐old neutered male lar...Figure 9.142 Moderate pericardial thickening secondary to a heart