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Veterinary Endoscopy for the Small Animal Practitioner

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accentuated roughenin...Figure 8.82 A normal spleen with a linear area of pink on the caudal margin....Figure 8.83 A normal spleen with a circular area of pink on the ventral surf...Figure 8.84 Siderosis on the surface of the spleen in a 7‐year‐old spayed fe...Figure 8.85 A normal distended bladder with prominent blood vessels. This bl...Figure 8.86 A normal partially distended bladder with small subtle blood ves...Figure 8.87 A grossly overdistended bladder filling the caudal abdomen and i...Figure 8.88 A segment of the left ureter seen on the surface of the lumbar f...Figure 8.89 The same ureter in Figure 8.88 seen further caudally where it di...Figure 8.90 The normal left ureter seen crossing ventral to the colon and en...Figure 8.91 The ventral surface of the gastric body seen on the left side of...Figure 8.92 The ventral surface of a moderately distended gastric body seen ...Figure 8.93 The ventral surface of the gastric body is visible on the right ...Figure 8.94 A moderately distended stomach showing the greater curvature on ...Figure 8.95 The ventral surface of the pyloric antrum, pylorus, and proximal...Figure 8.96 Angulation of the pylorus for better visualization using graspin...Figure 8.97 Exposing the pylorus for better visualization by pushing the pyl...Figure 8.98 Loops of jejunum seen against the left abdominal wall without ov...Figure 8.99 The mesenteric border of the jejunum seen without omental coveri...Figure 8.100 The ileum is identified by visualizing the antimesenteric ileal...Figure 8.101 A gas‐distended cecum covered with omentum is visible ventral t...Figure 8.102 The descending colon visible in the left lumbar gutter free of ...Figure 8.103 The descending colon seen in the caudal abdomen dorsal to the b...Figure 8.104 The descending colon seen in the right caudal abdomen dorsal to...Figure 8.105 The left ovary in a juvenile dog is seen caudal to the left kid...Figure 8.106 The right ovary in a juvenile dog seen in the right lumbar gutt...Figure 8.107 The area of the left ovary in a young dog in estrus demonstrati...Figure 8.108 The left ovary in an older female dog surrounded by fat. The ov...Figure 8.109 The opening of the right ovarian bursa in a dog during anestrus...Figure 8.110 The appearance of the proliferated fimbria of the infundibulum ...Figure 8.111 The uterine tube is seen in this image as a pink raised ridge o...Figure 8.112 The uterus of a young dog undergoing estrus with numerous promi...Figure 8.113 An older intact female dog that had been through multiple heat ...Figure 8.114 The left uterine horn in a 12‐year‐old multiparous large breed ...Figure 8.115 The uterine body, bifurcation, and caudal portion of the uterin...Figure 8.116 The uterine body, bifurcation, and caudal portion of the uterin...Figure 8.117 The left adrenal gland in a 10‐year‐old spayed female Saint Ber...Figure 8.118 A mildly hypertrophied right adrenal gland in an 11‐year‐old ne...Figure 8.119 A left adrenal gland in a one‐year‐old overweight female Rottwe...Figure 8.120 Vascular supply to the left ovary in an overweight juvenile dog...Figure 8.121 The caudal vena cava in an icteric cat seen at the level of the...Figure 8.122 The caudal vena cava in a young dog seen in the central abdomen...Figure 8.123 Blood vessels and nerves visible laparoscopically with the pati...Figure 8.124 Bruising of the abdominal wall secondary to a traumatic inciden...Figure 8.125 Scarring of the abdominal wall seen as an incidental finding du...Figure 8.126 Defects in the abdominal wall muscles from an old injury. The p...Figure 8.127 Adhesions to the abdominal wall due to an old injury unrelated ...Figure 8.128 Abdominal wall bruising following ultrasound‐guided fine needle...Figure 8.129 Omental adhesions to the ventral abdominal wall secondary to an...Figure 8.130 Abdominal wall scar tissue at the site of previous laparoscopy ...Figure 8.131 Acute adhesions of the liver to the abdominal wall in a patient...Figure 8.132 The abdominal wall lesion after blunt division of the adhesions...Figure 8.133 Adhesions of omentum to the abdominal wall in another area of t...Figure 8.134 Using sharp dissection to divide adhesions of omentum to the ab...Figure 8.135 A vessel sealing device used for dividing omental adhesions to ...Figure 8.136 An inguinal hernia ring in a male dog seen as an incidental fin...Figure 8.137 The left internal inguinal ring in a dog with a left side retai...Figure 8.138 Omentum herniated through an umbilical hernia ring viewed from ...Figure 8.139 Nodules of neoplastic tissue on the abdominal wall of a 14‐year...Figure 8.140 A thin sheet of cancer cells on the abdominal wall of the patie...Figure 8.141 A thick hard mass of neoplastic tissue in a different area of t...Figure 8.142 Nodules of adenocarcinoma on the surface of the spleen in the p...Figure 8.143 A single nodule of neoplastic tissue on the surface of the blad...Figure 8.144 A small mass of neoplastic tissue in the omentum in the above p...Figure 8.145 Inflammatory nodules on the abdominal wall of a six‐year‐old sp...Figure 8.146 Hyperemia of the abdominal wall in a 7‐year‐old 30 kg mixed bre...Figure 8.147 Petechia on another area of small intestine in the patients see...Figure 8.148 Hyperemia and petechia on the diaphragm in same patient with pe...Figure 8.149 A large neoplastic mass originating from the central diaphragm ...Figure 8.150 Steatitis associated with active pancreatitis in a cat.Figure 8.151 Changed fat shape visible on the mesenteric border of the small...Figure 8.152 A small nodule of tissue attached by a narrow stalk to the omen...Figure 8.153 Marked yellow discoloration of fat in a cat with bile duct obst...Figure 8.154 Caudal abdominal fat discolored with blood in a patient with he...Figure 8.155 Altered fat appearance on the mesenteric side of the jejunum in...Figure 8.156 A linear metallic foreign body visible in the omentum of the ce...Figure 8.157 The foreign body grasped with 5 mm dissector/grasping forceps....Figure 8.158 The foreign body partially freed of tissue and held with the gr...Figure 8.159 The foreign body after removal from the omental tissue.Figure 8.160 The foreign body was transferred to a second grasping forceps w...Figure 8.161 The foreign body site after removal of the foreign body examine...Figure 8.162 Increased reticulation of the liver surface with no other chang...Figure 8.163 The distant liver lobe has an increased reticulation pattern, a...Figure 8.164 Loss of liver reticulation in a case with grade 3–4 (on a scale...Figure 8.165 A close‐up view of the liver in Figure 8.164 showing almost com...Figure 8.166 A liver surface with partial loss of reticulation in an 11‐year...Figure 8.167 Widened swollen pale interlobar tissue obscuring the reticulate...Figure 8.168 Surface irregularity of the liver in an 11‐year‐old spayed fema...Figure 8.169 Surface irregularity of the liver with moderate accumulations o...Figure 8.170 Blunting of liver margins and loss of reticulation in the left ...Figure 8.171 Blunting of the liver margins with uniform surface irregularity...Figure 8.172 Distortion of the liver in a seven‐year‐old spayed female Golde...Figure 8.173 Fibrosis on the surface of the liver in a two‐year‐old spayed f...Figure 8.174 Focal areas of fibrosis in the liver of a 13‐year‐old American ...Figure 8.175 Focal areas of fibrosis in the liver of an 11‐year‐old spayed f...Figure 8.176 Extensive fibrosis of the liver without significant distortion ...Figure 8.177 Extensive fibrosis of the liver with mild distortion, moderate ...Figure 8.178 Severe distortion of the liver shape and contour with extensive...Figure 8.179 The left liver lobes in a 13‐year‐old neutered male Golden Retr...Figure 8.180 The right liver lobes in the same dog as in Figure 8.179 showin...Figure 8.181 A tumor‐like mass in the liver of a dog with severe cirrhosis s...Figure 8.182 A tumor like mass in the liver of a dog with severe cirrhosis r...Figure 8.183 Lipidosis of the liver in a seven‐year‐old Domestic Shorthair c...Figure 8.184 A small but otherwise normal‐appearing liver in a six‐month‐old...Figure 8.185 An eight‐month‐old female Vizsla with a small liver based on ul...Figure 8.186 The appearance of a liver with marked diffuse lobular dissectin...Figure 8.187 An area of the liver in an 11‐year‐old neutered male Shetland S...Figure 8.188 Another area of the liver in Figure 8.187 with two defined area...Figure 8.189 An unusual‐appearing liver with marked fibrosis appearing on th...Figure 8.190 Another area of the liver from Figure 8.189 with less visible f...Figure 8.191 A hepatocellular adenoma in an eight‐year‐old neutered male Cho...Figure 8.192 Another area of the hepatocellular adenoma that does not have t...Figure 8.193 A well‐differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma that appears lik...Figure 8.194 A hepatocellular carcinoma that has variable appearance with ar...Figure 8.195 A hepatocellular carcinoma composed entirely of tissue that doe...Figure 8.196 A hepatocellular tumor in a 12‐year‐old neutered male Golden Re...Figure 8.197 A tumor mass in another area of the liver in the case of hepato...Figure 8.198 A bile duct carcinoma with the classic doughnut shape.Figure 8.199 The bile duct carcinoma in the same patient as Figure 8.198 wit...Figure 8.200 An anaplastic sarcoma of the liver in a 10‐year‐old spayed fema...Figure 8.201 A small purple hemangiosarcoma lesion that appears cystic or bl...Figure 8.202 Small flat solid‐appearing hemangiosarcoma lesions in the same ...Figure 8.203 Multiple solid‐appearing masses of various sizes and shapes in ...Figure 8.204 A large blood‐filled cystic‐appearing hemangiosarcoma lesion ad...Figure 8.205 A large cystic‐appearing blood‐filled mass adjacent