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Veterinary Endoscopy for the Small Animal Practitioner

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6.399 Inflammatory polyps at the site of a urachal diverticulum in a ...Figure 6.400 Multiple small calculi trapped in the urachal diverticulum of a...Figure 6.401 An enlarged dysplastic blood vessel in the bladder of a 15‐year...Figure 6.402 An additional image of the same area of vascular dysplasia seen...Figure 6.403 Hyperemia of the urethra in a 13‐year‐old spayed female Dachshu...Figure 6.404 Petechia in the urethra of a three‐year‐old spayed female Jack ...Figure 6.405 Ecchymoses in the trigone of the Dachshund with pelvic fracture...Figure 6.406 An area of bladder wall contusion with swelling, hyperemia, and...Figure 6.407 Multiple linear mucosal tears in the bladder of the 13‐year‐old...Figure 6.408 A mucosal laceration in a two‐year‐old spayed female Lhasa Apso...Figure 6.409 A bladder mucosal laceration secondary to trauma with necrosis ...Figure 6.410 A necrotic flap of urethral mucosa in the two‐year‐old spayed f...Figure 6.411 A small bladder wall penetration with an attached blood clot. D...Figure 6.412 A small bladder penetration with necrosis of tissue margins and...Figure 6.413 A small bladder penetration obscured with sand‐sized calculi in...Figure 6.414 A pulse of clear urine coming from the right ureter in the dog ...Figure 6.415 A pulse of hematuria from the left ureter in the dog in the Fig...Figure 6.416 Blood coming from the right ureter of a one‐year‐old intact fem...Figure 6.417 Clear urine coming from the left ureter of the patient in Figur...Figure 6.418 Blood coming from the left ureteral ostia of a one‐year‐old int...Figure 6.419 The diode laser is used for correction of urachal diverticula b...Figure 6.420 Application of the diode laser fiber in noncontact mode for cor...Figure 6.421 Completion of urachal diverticulum ablation with the diode lase...Figure 6.422 An inflammatory polyp in the bladder of a six‐year‐old intact f...Figure 6.423 A polypectomy snare placed and ready for transection at the bas...Figure 6.424 The resection site after removal of the polyp seen in Figures 6...Figure 6.425 A diode laser fiber positioned over a small inflammatory polyp ...Figure 6.426 The ablation sites of two small polyps in the patient in Figure...Figure 6.427 A urethral stricture of unknown etiology after balloon dilation...Figure 6.428 After balloon dilation and stent placement for stricture manage...Figure 6.429 Biopsy of the small TCC lesion in the bladder of a nine‐year‐ol...Figure 6.430 The tumor site after collecting a biopsy sample with the 5 Fr b...Figure 6.431 The tumor site after ablation of the base and surrounding tissu...Figure 6.432 TUC was performed at three months to evaluate tumor recurrence....Figure 6.433 Examination at 11 months revealed early tumor regrowth, and the...Figure 6.434 Eighteen‐month evaluation with TUC determined that there was no...Figure 6.435 Early tumor growth was found at 27 months.Figure 6.436 Laser ablation was repeated at this time.Figure 6.437 Examination was not repeated for 15 months, 30 months after ini...Figure 6.438 The mass was transected at its base with the diode laser and re...Figure 6.439 Cloudy liquid interfering with continued laser ablation of a la...Figure 6.440 Smoke in an air‐filled bladder obscuring visibility during lase...Figure 6.441 A small satellite TCC lesion in the bladder with multiple satel...Figure 6.442 A laser fiber positioned for ablation of the TCC lesion in Figu...Figure 6.443 Completion of ablation of a small TCC mass seen through saline....Figure 6.444 Laser ablation of TCC lesions in the pelvic urethra of a 12‐yea...Figure 6.445 Completed ablation of the TCC lesions in the pelvic urethra of ...Figure 6.446 A large TCC mass in the bladder of a 10‐year‐old spayed female ...Figure 6.447 A pedunculated TCC mass with a narrow stalk that is accessible ...Figure 6.448 A transitional carcinoma in an 11‐year‐old neutered male Austra...Figure 6.449 Transection of the tumor base seen in Figure 6.448 with the dio...Figure 6.450 The resection site of the tumor seen in Figures 6.448 and 6.449...Figure 6.451 A large trigonal transitional cell carcinoma mass in a nine‐yea...Figure 6.452 The right ureteral ostium in the patient in Figure 6.451. The m...Figure 6.453 The left ureteral ostium in the patient in Figures 6.451 and 6....Figure 6.454 The polypectomy snare positioned on the base of the tumor. The ...Figure 6.455 The resection site after the contraction of the snare loop with...Figure 6.456 A free tumor mass that has been resected by transection of the ...Figure 6.457 The free tumor mass seen in Figure 6.456 is being grasped with ...Figure 6.458 Removal of a freed TCC mass from the bladder of an 11‐year‐old ...Figure 6.459 A urinary stone basket was used to remove a tumor mass that has...Figure 6.460 Transection of a tumor mass into pieces small enough to pass th...Figure 6.461 A large solitary transitional cell carcinoma in the cranial ure...Figure 6.462 The mass in Figure 6.461 was transected at its base with a diod...Figure 6.463 Necrotic tissue left in the urethra following laser ablation of...Figure 6.464 A urethral stricture interfering with urination seen two weeks ...Figure 6.465 The stricture in Figure 6.464 after balloon dilation for tempor...Figure 6.466 Balloon dilation in the previous case produced temporary improv...Figure 6.467 Narrowing of the urine stream developed 20 weeks after stent pl...Figure 6.468 The intrastent stricture was successfully treated with balloon ...Figure 6.469 Ingrowth of TCC tissue typically progresses with all stents eve...Figure 6.470 Reduced functional urethral lumen due to tissue ingrowth in a p...Figure 6.471 A large number of oxalate cystic uroliths in this 13‐year‐old s...Figure 6.472 A large number of small calculi in the bladder of a six‐year‐ol...Figure 6.473 Examination of the bladder with TUC after the first hydropropul...Figure 6.474 Reexamination of the bladder after the second hydropropulsion s...Figure 6.475 Mucoid sludge in the bladder of a three‐year‐old spayed female ...Figure 6.476 Removal of a small cystic calculus using a small grasping force...Figure 6.477 Removal of a single small cystic calculus from the bladder of a...Figure 6.478 Multiple small cystic calculi mixed with blood and held togethe...Figure 6.479 A lateral abdominal radiograph of a seven‐year‐old neutered mal...Figure 6.480 Laparoscopic‐assisted cystoscopy was performed to remove the cy...Figure 6.481 The large calculi were removed with grasping forceps.Figure 6.482 All large stones and small fragments were removed.Figure 6.483 Removal of a pelvic urethral calculus with 2 mm‐diameter rigid ...Figure 6.484 Removal of a pelvic urethral calculus using a 5 Fr stone basket...Figure 6.485 An oxalate calculus in the distal urethra of an eight‐year‐old ...Figure 6.486 Transurethral correction of ectopic ureters was first attempted...Figure 6.487 The opening of the right ectopic intramural ureter at the cauda...Figure 6.488 The ostium of the left ureter in the patient in Figure 6.487 in...Figure 6.489 The free wall of the ectopic ureter separating the ectopic uret...Figure 6.490 A 600 μm laser fiber was passed through the operating channel o...Figure 6.491 The free wall of the ectopic ureter was cut cranially into the ...Figure 6.492 The ectopic ureter was dilated throughout its length, thereby m...Figure 6.493 The vaginal vestibule of a seven‐month‐old intact female Chocol...Figure 6.494 The vaginal vestibule of an 11‐week‐old intact female Yellow La...Figure 6.495 An asymmetrical vaginal vestibule with the patient, a one‐year‐...Figure 6.496 The vaginal vestibule of a three‐year‐old spayed female Siberia...Figure 6.497 The small opening of a right‐side intramural ectopic ureter in ...Figure 6.498 A weasel wire was placed into the ectopic ureter to help identi...Figure 6.499 Transection of the thick septum between the vaginal ostium of a...Figure 6.500 An 8 Fr red rubber urinary catheter passed from the vaginal ope...Figure 6.501 An intramural ectopic ureter in the urethra of a dog with a lar...Figure 6.502 Transection of the ureteral free wall caudal to the defect furt...Figure 6.503 Progression of the free wall cut cranially reveals the size of ...Figure 6.504 The ureterocele free wall is cut to the level where the ureter ...Figure 6.505 The exit point of the ureter through the bladder wall is freque...Figure 6.506 The small opening of an intramural ectopic ureter in the caudal...Figure 6.507 Continuation of the very small intramural ectopic ureter lumen ...Figure 6.508 Thickening of the axial free wall of the ectopic ureter in the ...Figure 6.509 The weasel wire in this image has been passed cranially in the ...Figure 6.510 Extension of the ectopic ureter free wall cut beyond the crania...Figure 6.511 The ureteral free walls were cut with the laser in a five‐month...Figure 6.512 The location of the right ureter with no opening. The ureteral ...Figure 6.513 The healed left ureteral ostium 18 months after transurethral l...Figure 6.514 Transurethral examination of ectopic ureters corrected with tra...Figure 6.515 The left ureteral neostoma with a small visible lumen that was ...Figure 6.516 Urine flow was seen from the right ureteral neostoma, but there...Figure 6.517 An example of a healed ureteral ostium after transurethral ecto...Figure 6.518 Once the abnormal anatomy has been defined and the openings of ...Figure 6.519 The electrode is inserted into the ectopic ureteral opening, an...Figure 6.520 The electrode is activated to apply the radio‐frequency cutting...Figure 6.521 With radio‐frequency being active, the electrode is retracted c...Figure 6.522 The free wall of the ectopic ureter is cut to the normal level ...Figure 6.523 A modified narrow loop electrode was used