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Veterinary Endoscopy for the Small Animal Practitioner

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islet cell lesion on the underside ...Figure 8.209 The liver of a 12‐year‐old neutered male Domestic Shorthair cat...Figure 8.210 A large metastatic adenocarcinoma of undetermined origin in the...Figure 8.211 A small pink lesion representing a metastatic adenocarcinoma le...Figure 8.212 Another metastatic adenocarcinoma lesion appearing as a small w...Figure 8.213 A mass of non‐neoplastic hyperplastic liver tissue in the liver...Figure 8.214 A small pale nodule of nodular hyperplasia in the liver of an 1...Figure 8.215 A normal‐appearing gall bladder and liver. The gall bladder was...Figure 8.216 The gall bladder in a 10‐year‐old neutered male Shih Tzu with g...Figure 8.217 Variation in gall bladder color in an uncompromised dog without...Figure 8.218 An incidental finding of a focal area of gall bladder wall thic...Figure 8.219 Apparent gall bladder wall thickening due to an empty gall blad...Figure 8.220 Apparent gall bladder wall thickening due to the gall bladder b...Figure 8.221 Gall bladder distension in a 14‐year‐old spayed female Domestic...Figure 8.222 A large distended gall bladder with no indication of bile duct ...Figure 8.223 Mild dilation of the common bile duct in a cat with no cause of...Figure 8.224 Marked dilation of the common bile duct in a dog without convol...Figure 8.225 Marked dilation of the extra‐hepatic bile ducts with severe con...Figure 8.226 A mass is visible in the case in Figure 8.225 with bile duct di...Figure 8.227 A normal‐appearing kidney in a six‐month‐old Goldendoodle with ...Figure 8.228 An indentation on the surface of an otherwise normal‐appearing ...Figure 8.229 Hydronephrosis of the left kidney in a three‐year‐old spayed fe...Figure 8.230 Hemangiosarcoma in the left kidney of a 12‐year‐old neutered ma...Figure 8.231 A kidney in a 14‐year‐old spayed female Domestic Shorthair cat ...Figure 8.232 The left kidney in a 16‐year‐old spayed female Domestic Shortha...Figure 8.233 The right kidney in a 12‐year‐old neutered male Domestic Shorth...Figure 8.234 Severe pancreatitis in a 17‐year‐old spayed female Domestic Sho...Figure 8.235 Inflamed fat surrounding a poorly defined abscess cavity in the...Figure 8.236 Pancreatic swelling without changes in the appearance of pancre...Figure 8.237 Pancreatic swelling with early changes in the appearance of the...Figure 8.238 An insulinoma in the distal right lobe of the pancreas visible ...Figure 8.239 A malignant islet cell tumor hidden in peripancreatic fat and o...Figure 8.240 A pancreatic pseudocyst in an eight‐year‐old neutered male Dome...Figure 8.241 Needle aspiration of the pancreatic pseudocyst has removed its ...Figure 8.242 A small nodule on the spleen determined by histopathology to be...Figure 8.243 A splenic hematoma appearing as a discrete round mass on the sp...Figure 8.244 An elongated mass on the spleen that was a hematoma.Figure 8.245 A large irregular hematoma in the spleen of a 10‐year‐old spaye...Figure 8.246 A high‐grade anaplastic sarcoma in the spleen with metastasis t...Figure 8.247 Metastatic melanoma in the spleen of a 12‐year‐old neutered mal...Figure 8.248 A spleen with color variation from purple to red with no other ...Figure 8.249 A red rather than purple spleen. Is this color a normal spleen ...Figure 8.250 An abnormally shaped spleen with a projection or normal‐appeari...Figure 8.251 A spleen that appears folded sharply at mid‐body.Figure 8.252 A variation in surface texture of a spleen in a 12‐year‐old spa...Figure 8.253 Marked roughening of the surface of a spleen in a 12‐year‐old s...Figure 8.254 Normal‐appearing splenic tissue projecting from the margin of t...Figure 8.255 A pale raised area of splenic tissue. Without biopsy there is n...Figure 8.256 A raised area of tissue with mottled coloration. Without biopsy...Figure 8.257 Surface fibrosis of a spleen suspected to be secondary to previ...Figure 8.258 Extensive alteration of splenic shape with surface fibrosis tho...Figure 8.259 Adhesions of omentum to the spleen and abdominal wall with scar...Figure 8.260 A small nodule (<1.0 cm diameter) of ectopic splenic tissue in ...Figure 8.261 A larger mass of ectopic splenic tissue in the cranial abdomen ...Figure 8.262 Nodular hyperplasia of the left adrenal gland in an 8‐year‐old ...Figure 8.263 A hyperplastic right adrenal gland in a Domestic Shorthair cat....Figure 8.264 A pheochromocytoma in the right adrenal gland of an 11‐year‐old...Figure 8.265 A pheochromocytoma in the left adrenal gland of an 11‐year‐old ...Figure 8.266 A larger noninvasive adrenal mass in a 14‐year‐old neutered mal...Figure 8.267 An increased number of prominent blood vessels visible on the e...Figure 8.268 Dramatically increased dilated tortuous blood vessels on the ex...Figure 8.269 A bladder with a normal‐appearing external surface and with sig...Figure 8.270 A urachal diverticulum visible on the external surface of the b...Figure 8.271 A urachal diverticulum seen as a deformity at the apex of the b...Figure 8.272 A urachal diverticulum at the apex of the bladder in a six‐mont...Figure 8.273 A non‐patent urachal remnant visible as a solid band of tissue ...Figure 8.274 A patent persistent urachus extending as an open tube to the um...Figure 8.275 The bladder in a 10‐year‐old spayed female Domestic Shorthair c...Figure 8.276 Change in the external appearance of the bladder wall in a 13‐y...Figure 8.277 Distortion of the apex of the bladder due to a large apical tra...Figure 8.278 A pseudomass or pseudocalculus seen as a small mass in the cent...Figure 8.279 Adhesions to the ventral bladder wall seen at the time of lapar...Figure 8.280 Abnormal blood vessels seen with laparoscopy in a 12‐year‐old s...Figure 8.281 A traumatized bladder visible in a nine‐year‐old intact male Be...Figure 8.282 A large dilated distal ureter at its insertion into the bladder...Figure 8.283 A mildly dilated distal left ureter at its insertion into the b...Figure 8.284 A pedunculated leiomyoma on the external surface of the stomach...Figure 8.285 Abnormal‐appearing blood vessels and lymphatic vessels seen on ...Figure 8.286 A small intestinal small cell lymphoma in a 13‐year‐old spayed ...Figure 8.287 An adenocarcinoma in the small intestine of an 11‐year‐old spay...Figure 8.288 Another segment of the small intestine in the same patient as i...Figure 8.289 A cecal tumor seen in a 13‐year‐old large spayed female mixed b...Figure 8.290 An adenocarcinoma in the colon of a 16‐year‐old spayed female D...Figure 8.291 Prominent lymphatic vessels containing white lymph as an incide...Figure 8.292 Tortuous blood vessels and dilated indistinct lymphatic vessels...Figure 8.293 A focal accumulation of ectopic mineralized tissue of undetermi...Figure 8.294 A very small right ovarian remnant in a 5‐year‐old 27 kg spayed...Figure 8.295 A normal well‐healed right‐side ovarian pedicle site without an...Figure 8.296 A normal well‐healed left‐side ovarian pedicle site without any...Figure 8.297 A small discreet remnant of ovarian tissue on the right side in...Figure 8.298 A large right‐side ovarian remnant in an 18‐month‐old 25 kg spa...Figure 8.299 A left‐side ovarian remnant in a 6‐month‐old 22 kg spayed femal...Figure 8.300 An unusual right‐side ovarian remnant with part of the right ut...Figure 8.301 A dilated fluid‐filled uterine horn in an intact female dog wit...Figure 8.302 A fluid‐filled uterine horn in an intact female dog with pyomet...Figure 8.303 A normal‐appearing cryptorchid testicle seen in the caudal abdo...Figure 8.304 An extrahepatic portosystemic shunt in a neutered male Domestic...Figure 8.305 Enlarged blood vessels at the site of right ovarian pedicle adh...Figure 8.306 An enlarged blood vessel seen in lumbar fat and extending throu...Figure 8.307 Dilated lymphatic vessels on the portal veins of a six‐year‐old...Figure 8.308 Dilated lymphatic vessels on the caudal pole of the left kidney...Figure 8.309 Dilated lymphatic vessels on the gastric wall in the same patie...Figure 8.310 Dilated lymphatic vessels on the colon wall of a three‐year‐old...Figure 8.311 Fat‐filled small intestinal lymphatic vessels in the same patie...Figure 8.312 Fat‐filled lymphatic vessels in the small bowel wall of a six‐y...Figure 8.313 Clear abdominal fluid that is a pure transudate due to a protei...Figure 8.314 Yellow‐colored fluid that is otherwise a clear pure transudate ...Figure 8.315 A modified transudate seen as cloudy abdominal fluid in a patie...Figure 8.316 Serosanguineous fluid in the abdomen of a cat with metastatic n...Figure 8.317 Serosanguineous peritoneal fluid in the patient in Figure 8.314...Figure 8.318 Purulent fluid in the abdomen of a cat with a pancreatic absces...Figure 8.319 Free unclotted blood in the abdomen of a one‐year‐old female Be...Figure 8.320 Blood clots in the lumbar gutter of the patient in Figure 8.319...Figure 8.321 Bleeding from a splenic biopsy site in a 9‐year‐old 37 kg neute...Figure 8.322 Blood clots and free unclotted blood in the abdomen of a dog un...Figure 8.323 Spontaneous hemostasis with clotted blood covering an injury to...Figure 8.324 Gelfoam applied to the site of an injury to the spleen at the t...Figure 8.325 A hepatocellular tumor biopsy site with moderate active bleedin...Figure 8.326 The biopsy site in Figure 8.325 with no active bleeding after l...Figure 8.327 A laparoscopic liver biopsy site performed with a 5 mm diameter...Figure 8.328 Two adjacent liver biopsy sites taken from a 10‐year‐old spayed...Figure 8.329 A moderate but still insignificant amount of bleeding from a li...Figure 8.330 The liver biopsy site from Figure