J. Franck Bright

A History of England, Period III. Constitutional Monarchy

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of the English press, 1237 And the expulsion of the emigrants from England, 1238 Consequent change of feeling in England, 1238 Negotiations for Pitt's return, 1239 1803 Napoleon examines the resources of Egypt, England, and Ireland, 1239 His interview with Lord Whitworth, 1239 The militia embodied, 1240 Failure of renewed negotiations for Pitt's return, 1240 Declaration of war with Francem, 1241 Character of the war, 1241 Napoleon arrests the English in France, 1241 He excites discontent in Ireland, 1241 Emmett's Rebellion, 1242 Difficulty of Addington's position, 1243 1804 Pitt offers to undertake the Government, 1245 Addington resigns. Pitt's Tory ministry, 1245 Preparations to resist the French invasion, 1248 The Additional Force Bill. Increase of the navy, 1248 Napoleon attempts to form a coalition, 1250

His conduct with regard to Georges' conspiracy, 1251
His murder of the Duc d'Enghien, 1251
Napoleon made Emperor, 1252
Harrowby retires. Addington joins the ministry, 1252
Failure of the Catamaran expedition, 1253
Success in India against the Mahrattas, 1253
1802 Wellesley's subsidiary system, 1254
1803 The Mahratta war, 1255
Battle of Assye, 1256
1805 Conclusion of the war, 1257
Sad close of Pitt's career, 1257
Attack on Melville's administration, 1258
Sidmouth resigns, 1259
Treaty of St. Petersburg, 1261
The third coalition formed, 1261
Napoleon prepares to invade England, 1261
Nelson's pursuit of Villeneuve, 1262
Failure of Napoleon's schemes, 1263
He marches against Austria, 1264
Capitulation of the Austrian army at Ulm, 1264
Battle of Trafalgar, 1265
Battle of Austerlitz, 1265
1806 Death of Pitt. Fox's ministry, 1266
1805 Treaties of Schönbrunn and Presburg, 1269
1806 Napoleon erects dependent kingdoms, 1269
Fox's negotiations with Napoleon, 1270
Death of Fox, 1270
Abolition of the slave trade, 1271
1807 Rejection of the Catholic claims, 1273
Resignation of the Grenville ministry, 1274
The Perceval ministry, 1274
1806 Prussia declares war with France, 1276
Battle of Jena, 1276
The Berlin decree, 1277
1807 The orders in Council, 1278
Battle of Eylau, 1280
Incapacity of the Grenville ministry, 1280
Expedition to Buenos Ayres, 1280
Expedition to the Dardanelles, 1281
Expedition to Alexandria, 1282
1806 Expedition to Sicily, 1282
1807 Dissolution of the third coalition, 1282
Treaty of Tilsitt, 1283
Capture of the Danish fleet,