J. Franck Bright

A History of England, Period III. Constitutional Monarchy

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depression, 1350 Riots and political meetings, 1351 Meeting in Spa Fields, 1352 Petition from the Corporation of London, 1353 1817 Attack on the Regent, 1353 Repressive measures of the Government, 1354 Secret political meetings, 1354 Suppression of seditious writings, 1355 Mr. Hone's trial, 1355 Strength of the Opposition, 1356 1818 Condition of the royal family, 1357 Dissolution of Parliament, 1358 Evacuation of France by the allies, 1359 1819 Resumption of cash payments, 1359 Rejection of Catholic emancipation, 1360 Reform of Scotch burghs, 1360 The Manchester Massacre, 1362 The Six Acts, 1363 1820 Death of George III., 1363

       Table of Contents

1820 Precarious position of the ministry, 1364
Cato Street conspiracy, 1365
The Queen's trial, 1366
1821 Consequent alienation between ministry and people, 1368
1822 Peel and Wellesley join the ministry, 1369
Death of Castlereagh. Canning Foreign Secretary, 1369
Retrospect of the affairs of Europe, 1370
1816 Position of England abroad, 1370
Effect of Castlereagh's policy, 1371
1820 Insurrections in Spain, Portugal, Naples, 1371
Arbitrary action of the Holy Alliance, 1372
England refuses to join the Congress at Troppau, 1373
1821 Popular anger at Castlereagh's weak policy, 1373
Insurrection in Greece, 1374
Complications between France and Spain, 1374
1822 Congress at Verona, 1375
Canning's policy, 1375
Partial success of his diplomacy in Spain, 1375
1823 Changes in commercial policy effected by Huskisson, 1376
Change of the Navigation Act, 1379
1824 Improvement in the silk trade, 1380
Improvement in the wool trade, 1381
1823 Discussion on slavery, 1382
Effect of Canning's circular in Jamaica, 1382
1824 Persecution of Mr. Smith, 1383
1825 Disastrous effects of wild speculations, 1383
Success of the healing measures of Government, 1384
1826 Temporary change in the corn laws, 1385
Canning's vigorous policy in Portugal, 1386
Division in the ministry, 1387
1827 Illness of Lord Liverpool, 1388
Difficulties attending the formation of a new ministry, 1388
Disturbances in Ireland, 1389
Wellesley's administration, 1389