Edward Westermarck

The Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas

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href="#ulink_4c16dd5b-e242-5f82-b113-3e247bbe52a1">207 However, in a case where the intention with which the act was done is the essence of the offence, the drunkenness of the accused may be taken into account by the jury when considering the motive or intent with which he acted.208 According to Chinese law, also, intoxication does not affect the question of responsibility.209

      193 Digesta, xlviii. 19. 11. 2; xlix. 16. 6. 7. Mommsen, Römisches Strafrecht, p. 1043.

      194 Digesta, xlviii. 19. 11. 2.

      196 Ibid. ii. 15. 1. 9.

      197 Mittermaier, Effect of Drunkenness on Criminal Responsibility, p. 6.

      198 Clarus, Practica criminalis, qu. lx. nr. 11 (Opera omnia, ii. 462).

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