Donovan D. Johnson

Turning to the Other

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      1. The Concept of Spiritual Initiation

      From the beginning, spiritual initiation has been practiced across the world’s great religious traditions. For example, initiation as practiced during the early centuries of Christianity has a largely forgotten history, yet it is still carried forward in attenuated form in the process of the catechumenate, culminating in baptism as the rite of entry into the community of faith. Spiritual initiation is also carried forward today as the process of entering into diverse spiritual communities, whether Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, or Buddhist.

      Spiritual initiation as a passing from one role in society to another begins with withdrawal from society, followed by a period of inner work and struggle on the part of the initiate that changes or transforms the initiate’s inner, as well as outer, identity. The means of transformation may include an ordeal, a trial of the character of the initiate, as well as a shift within the person often characterized by the symbols of death and rebirth. This shift may be seen as a letting go, surrender, renunciation, or sacrifice of the initiate’s self or self-understanding, and the entry into a new state of being. It is enacted in the transmission of spiritual power from the master to the initiate. Following the three-part pattern, the person who has undergone this transformation returns to society with a new sense of relation to the ultimate as well as a new sense of standing and vocation in the world.

      Essentially, spiritual initiation is the participation in spiritual reality that is directly transmitted from a master to an initiate. Traditionally this has been brought about as the culmination of a period set apart for teaching and learning, a process of working toward spiritual realization to which both master and initiate commit themselves. The rite that often marks the culmination of this process is the initiate’s entry into a new standing both in his inner life and in his relation to the spiritual community.