Donovan D. Johnson

Turning to the Other

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to Buber as his listener, inviting him to a life of transformation.

      Buber’s spiritual initiation in this encounter begins with an invitation. As part of this invitation, the master names the characteristics of the transformed life. In response to the master’s call, the person becomes his intentness, embodying teshuvah, the turning of one’s whole being to God. This moment is an awakening, a making holy, a “becoming another.” In this transformation, he takes on the nature of the Creator at the moment of creation: he becomes “worthy to create” as a co-creator, a partner with God the Creator, and to testify to the Presence. Both the nature and the power of the person are taken to a new level.

      In Buber’s account of his initiatory experience, he next describes the impact of this call, how the Baal-Shem-Tov’s words deeply engaged his whole being in that moment of reading: