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Equine Reproductive Procedures

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iUPODTM applicator: outer tube (A), applicator plun...Figure 59.4 Disassembled iUPODTM magnetic retriever and applicator: applicat...Figure 59.5 Ultrasound image of an iUPODTM (arrow) in the uterus. Note the a...Figure 59.6 Ultrasound image of a 16‐day embryonic vesicle (black arrow) adj...

      47 Chapter 61Figure 61.1 Ovaries (small arrow) in a plastic bag are placed into the cente...

      48 Chapter 62Figure 62.1 Non‐surgical embryo collection procedure.Figure 62.2 Embryo collection setup. The media bag is connected by “Y” tubin...Figure 62.3 Flush media passing through an embryo filter (open system).Figure 62.4 Flush media passing through an embryo filter (closed system).Figure 62.5 Straw (0.25 ml), connector and 1.0 ml syringe for handling small...Figure 62.6 Petri dish (35 mm) with holding medium (left side). Washing an e...

      49 Chapter 63Figure 63.1 Morula stage embryo (grade 1). Note the thick zona pellucida and...Figure 63.2 Early blastocyst stage embryo (grade 1). Note the thinner zona p...Figure 63.3 Blastocyst stage embryo (grade 1). Note the thin zona pellucida,...Figure 63.4 Expanded blastocyst stage embryo (grade 1). The zona pellucida h...Figure 63.5 Unfertilized oocytes. Note the thick zona pellucida and lack of ...Figure 63.6 Grade 2 early blastocyst stage embryo. Note the extruded blastom...Figure 63.7 Measurement of embryo diameter using an eye piece micrometer.

      50 Chapter 64Figure 64.1 Aspiration biopsy of an equine blastocyst embryo.

      51 Chapter 65Figure 65.1 Left to right, 50 ml conical tube, 5 ml vial, and Parafilm® for ...Figure 65.2 Sealing the 5 ml vial with Parafilm®. Pull the Parafilm® so that...Figure 65.3 Placing the small 5 ml vial containing the embryo inside the lar...Figure 65.4 The 50 ml conical tube sealed with Parafilm® with a sealed 5 ml t...Figure 65.5 Loading the 50 ml conical tube into a passive cooling system for...

      52 Chapter 66Figure 66.1 Petri dish prepared for vitrification of an embryo. VS1, solutio...Figure 66.2 Thermos with a cane holding a goblet with the top suspended abov...Figure 66.3 Straw placed into a goblet that is suspended above liquid nitrog...Figure 66.4 Embryo plunged into liquid nitrogen.

      53 Chapter 67Figure 67.1 Embryo in a column of holding medium (large arrow) inside a 0.25...

      54 Chapter 68Figure 68.1 A filly successfully born from an in vitro produced embryo trans...Figure 68.2 A mature oocyte from an autotransfer donor undergoing the ICSI p...Figure 68.3 A 14‐day embryonic vesicle (yellow dotted circle) (a) following ...

      55 Chapter 69Figure 69.1 Palpation of a uterine specimen demonstrating the technique for ...

      56 Chapter 70Figure 70.1 Ultrasonographic image of a 12‐day pregnancy.Figure 70.2 Ultrasonographic image of a 16‐day pregnancy.Figure 70.3 Ultrasonographic image of a 25‐day pregnancy.Figure 70.4 Ultrasonographic image of a 35‐day pregnancy.Figure 70.5 Ultrasonographic image of twin pregnancies, with the embryonic v...Figure 70.6 Ultrasonographic image of twin pregnancies, with the embryos tou...Figure 70.7 Ultrasonographic image of a 25‐day pregnancy examination showing...Figure 70.8 Ultrasonographic image of a 25‐day pregnancy (arrow) and adjacen...Figure 70.9 Ultrasonographic image of an empty trophoblastic vesicle 28 days...Figure 70.10 Ultrasonographic image of multiple supplementary (accessory) co...

      57 Chapter 71Figure 71.1 Cervix of a pregnant mare viewed through a speculum (day 45 of g...

      58 Chapter 72Figure 72.1 Location and appearance of the genital tubercle (arrow) in a mal...Figure 72.2 Location and appearance of the genital tubercle (arrow) in a fem...Figure 72.3 Directions of ultrasound imaging for fetal sexing (planes I, II,...Figure 72.4 Genital tubercle (arrows) of a 68‐day‐old male equine fetus in p...Figure 72.5 (a–c) Genital tubercle (arrows) of a 65‐day‐old female equine fe...Figure 72.6 Ultrasound image of an equine fetus in plane III at day 100 of g...Figure 72.7 Ultrasound image of a male equine fetus in plane II at 95 days o...Figure 72.8 Female equine fetus at 112 days of gestation showing the hyperec...Figure 72.9 Ultrasound image of a female equine fetus at 125 days of gestati...Figure 72.10 Ultrasound image of a mammary gland (red arrow) and teats (blue...Figure 72.11 Ultrasound image of the mammary gland of a female equine fetus ...Figure 72.12 Glans penis (blue arrow) within the prepuce of a male equine fe...Figure 72.13 Gonads (testes) of a male equine fetus at 130 days of gestation...Figure 72.14 Gonads (ovaries) of a female equine fetus.

      59 Chapter 73Figure 73.1 Portable pump sprayer for application of alcohol prior to ultras...Figure 73.2 Transabdominal ultrasonography of a late‐term pregnant mare.Figure 73.3 Transrectal ultrasonography of placental edema in a near‐term no...

      60 Chapter 74Figure 74.1 Color Doppler ultrasound image demonstrating the uterine branch ...Figure 74.2 Ultrasound measurement of the combined thickness of the uterus a...Figure 74.3 Average combined thickness of the uterus and placenta in normal ...Figure 74.4 Ultrasound image of a placenta exhibiting increased thickness an...Figure 74.5 Ultrasound image showing separation (arrows) of the chorioallant...

      61 Chapter 75Figure 75.1 Milk secretions in a mare with precocious mammary development.Figure 75.2 A late‐term mare with purulent vaginal discharge.Figure 75.3 A late‐term mare with purulent discharge in the ventral tail hai...Figure 75.4 Measurement of the combined thickness of the uterus and placenta...Figure 75.5 An area of separation of the chorioallantois from the uterine wa...

      62 Chapter 76Figure 76.1 Pulsed Doppler used to obtain the heart rate during a transabdom...Figure 76.2 Color Doppler image of the cranial cervix and caudal uterus obta...Figure 76.3 (a) Upper transabdominal image demonstrating potential placental...

      63 Chapter 77Figure 77.1 A graph of the maximum height (mm) of the embryonic vesicle vers...Figure 77.2 Aortic root diameter measurement of 22 mm in a mare 10 months’ p...Figure 77.3 Per rectum measurement of fetal eye diameter showing a vertical ...

      64 Chapter 78Figure 78.1 Two embryonic vesicles at 12 days post‐ovulation located in clos...Figure 78.2 Irregular 14‐day embryonic vesicle just after manual disruption....Figure 78.3 Two embryos adjacent to each other prior to separation and reduc...

      65 Chapter 79Figure 79.1 Hand, uterus, and transvaginal probe orientation for aspiration....Figure 79.2 Needle extended from the needle guide (small arrow). Needle exte...

      66 Chapter 80Figure 80.1 Position of fingers for side to side manipulation for the disrup...Figure 80.2 Position of fingers to cause dislocation of the cranium from the...Figure 80.3 Placenta from a mare after cranio‐cervical dislocation to elimin...

      67 Chapter 81Figure 81.1 (a) Static image captured from a transrectal ultrasound video sh...

      68 Chapter 82Figure 82.1 Ultrasound needle guide made with a shortened 14 gauge catheter ...Figure 82.2 Transabdominal fetal cardiac puncture. The light white line depi...Figure 82.3 (a) Heart chambers (black arrows) filled with hyperechoic penici...

      69 Chapter 84Figure 84.1 Abortion due to a twin pregnancy.Figure 84.2 Twisted umbilical cord as a cause of abortion in a mare. Note ed...

      70 Chapter 85Figure 85.1 Reproductive physiology of the pregnant mare. CL, corpus luteum;...Figure 85.2 Concentrations of equine chorionic gonadotropin (pregnant mare s...

      71 Chapter 86Figure 86.1 Mare with numerous varicose veins (arrows) near the vestibulo‐va...Figure 86.2 Mare with numerous varicose veins in the inner aspect of the ves...Figure 86.3 Laser endoscopic ablation of varicose veins surrounding the vest...Figure 86.4 The same mare shown in Figures 86.3 and 86.4, 1.5 years after la...

      72 Chapter 87Figure 87.1 Palpation of the mare once recumbent to reorientate the location...Figure 87.2 Start of the rolling procedure with one or two people standing o...Figure 87.3 Rolling of the mare from right lateral recumbency to left latera...

      73 Chapter 88Figure 88.1 Two fingers placed inside the vulva to separate the labia in pre...Figure 88.2 Metzenbaum scissors can be used to open a Caslick vulvoplasty.Figure 88.3 Final milk calcium levels in 120 mares prior to foaling.Figure 88.4 Relationship between the number of foalings and time of day. Mos...

      74 Chapter 89Figure 89.1 Collection of mammary secretions.Figure 89.2 Titration instrument immersed in milk with dye. Gentle pushing o...Figure 89.3 Milk calcium content of 125 ppm using a milk titration test kit....Figure 89.4 Milk titration test kit results from a mare over 11 days startin...Figure 89.5 Dipping a