have changed color (upper strip) indicating a hig...
75 Chapter 90Figure 90.1 pH indicator strips (range 5.5 to 8.0) that may be used to deter...Figure 90.2 pH meter being used to determine the pH of a milk sample.Figure 90.3 Comparison of pH and calcium carbonate levels in the mammary flu...
76 Chapter 91Figure 91.1 Hard‐wired black and white camera monitoring a foaling stall.Figure 91.2 Web‐cam on a foaling stall as viewed on a smart phone.Figure 91.3 Mounted video camera.
77 Chapter 92Figure 92.1 Base receiver (left) and auto dialer (right) along with blue and...Figure 92.2 Foalert® device in a mare at 300 days’ gestation with a pur...Figure 92.3 Foalert® device; the pregnant mare partially rubbed out the...
78 Chapter 93Figure 93.1 Breeder Alert® system with a main unit and autodialer, repe...Figure 93.2 Mare wearing a Breeder Alert® transmitter (arrow).Figure 93.3 Breeder Alert® transmitter.
79 Chapter 94Figure 94.1 Mare lifting her tail after the administration of oxytocin to in...Figure 94.2 Mare sweating after the administration of oxytocin to induce lab...Figure 94.3 Mare in stage 2 of parturition with the amnion presented at the ...
80 Chapter 95Figure 95.1 Ventral edema plaque in a later term pregnant mare.Figure 95.2 Mare in stage 1 of labor. Note the extended stance and steam ris...Figure 95.3 Mare in stage 1 labor. The mare is flagging her tail up and down...Figure 95.4 Mare in stage 2 of parturition with the amnion presented at the ...Figure 95.5 Mare in stage 2 labor. The first foot appears covered by amnion....Figure 95.6 Mare in stage 2 labor. The foal’s right front foot (small black ...Figure 95.7 Mare in stage 2 labor. (a) The foal’s nose is about even with th...Figure 95.8 Mare in stage 2 labor. Note that the foal’s chest has passed the...Figure 95.9 Mare in stage 2 labor. The foal is completely delivered with the...
81 Chapter 96Figure 96.1 Amnion protruding through the vulva during a normal foaling.Figure 96.2 Intact chorioallantoic membrane protruding through the vulva, in...Figure 96.3 Another example of premature placental separation. The brick‐red...Figure 96.4 Ultrasound showing slight separation of the chorioallantoic memb...Figure 96.5 Ultrasound showing massive separation of the chorioallantoic mem...
82 Chapter 97Figure 97.1 Premature placental separation (“red bag”) with the intact chori...Figure 97.2 Applying traction to a fetus in a mare exhibiting uterine inerti...Figure 97.3 Elevation of the hind end of a mare to facilitate examination an...
83 Chapter 98Figure 98.1 Elbow lock. Note the retained right front leg of the foal with t...Figure 98.2 Grasping the foal by the orbital rims using the thumb and middle...Figure 98.3 Grasping the foal by the nostrils using the thumb and middle fin...Figure 98.4 Grasping the inter‐mandibular space behind the incisors to hold ...Figure 98.5 Proper placement of a head snare over the poll, behind the ears,...Figure 98.6 Placement of a snare over the lower jaw.Figure 98.7 Congenital contracted tendons leading to dystocia in a mare.Figure 98.8 Retention of both fore limbs in an equine dystocia.
84 Chapter 99Figure 99.1 Fetotomy equipment: A, Krey hook; B, dystocia chains; C, obstetr...Figure 99.2 Head of a fetotome demonstrating a loop of fetotomy wire passed ...Figure 99.3 Handle end of the fetotome with a wire threader pulling the feto...Figure 99.4 Curved wire introducer. This model has a weighted head that scre...Figure 99.5 Wire handles in a closed position holding a fetotomy wire in bet...Figure 99.6 Embryotomy knife held in an open position. The thumb would be pl...Figure 99.7 Krey hook in an open position with an obstetrical chain attached...Figure 99.8 Placement of the fetotome for removal of the head and neck. The ...Figure 99.9 Fetotomy cut through the mid‐carpal region.Figure 99.10 Fetotomy cut through the mid‐tarsal region.Figure 99.11 Placement of the fetotome for removal of the front limb. The he...Figure 99.12 Placement of the fetotome for removal of a hind limb. The head ...
85 Chapter 100Figure 100.1 Location for the placement of an epidural. While raising and lo...Figure 100.2 Hanging drop technique – notice the drop in the hub of the need...Figure 100.3 Administration of the epidural.
86 Chapter 101Figure 101.1 A hand‐held manual milking device for mares (Ultimate Ez Milker...
87 Chapter 102Figure 102.1 Foal wearing a muzzle to prevent nursing. The mare was positive...
88 Chapter 103Figure 103.1 Components of the colostrometer design 1. The arrow is pointing...Figure 103.2 Floating the colostrometer design 1 inside a graduated cylinder...Figure 103.3 Reading the specific gravity of the colostrum using the colostr...Figure 103.4 Colostrometer design 2 floating in a graduated cylinder full of...Figure 103.5 Detailed view of the colostrometer design 2 floating in distill...
89 Chapter 104Figure 104.1 Brix refractometer.Figure 104.2 Placing a drop of colostrum on the prism of a Brix refractomete...Figure 104.3 View through the refractometer. The Brix score for this colostr...
90 Chapter 105Figure 105.1 Manual collection of colostrum into a plastic measuring cup. No...Figure 105.2 Collection of colostrum using an inverted 60 ml syringe.Figure 105.3 Straining colostrum through a cotton gauze filter.
91 Chapter 106Figure 106.1 Hand milking a mare.Figure 106.2 Use of a hand‐made milk pump.Figure 106.3 A hand‐held manual milking device for mares (Ultimate Ez Milker...
92 Chapter 107Figure 107.1 Placenta with the chorionic surface visible. A hippomane (arrow...Figure 107.2 Placenta with the allantoic surface visible.Figure 107.3 Close‐up showing the difference in thickness between the “pregn...Figure 107.4 Equine placenta in which the entire “non‐pregnant” horn (upper ...Figure 107.5 Cervical star area of the chorionic surface.Figure 107.6 Allantoic pouches from an equine placenta.Figure 107.7 Amnionic plaques from an equine placenta.Figure 107.8 Twisted umbilical cord from an aborted fetus.Figure 107.9 An ossified yolk sac remnant (arrow) from an equine placenta.Figure 107.10 Infected region of the chorionic surface in a mare with ascend...Figure 107.11 Placenta inflated with water.
93 Chapter 108Figure 108.1 Most of the chorioallantois can be delivered from the uterus wi...Figure 108.2 ‘Burns technique’ – pumping water into the allantoic cavity of ...Figure 108.3 Stallion catheter, hose connector (sweeper nozzle), and hose fl...Figure 108.4 Assembled hose connector, hose flow control valve, and hose.Figure 108.5 A small incision is made into an umbilical vein or artery using...Figure 108.6 A stallion catheter is threaded up the umbilical vessel until r...Figure 108.7 Water is slowly infused into the umbilical vessel using the flo...Figure 108.8 Plastic jug containing approximately 1 liter of water attached ...Figure 108.9 Placenta laid out in an “F” shape demonstrating that both uteri...Figure 108.10 Chorioallantois in which the entire non‐pregnant horn had been...Figure 108.11 Allantoic surface of the placenta. Matching vessels on the all...
94 Chapter 110Figure 110.1 Uterine prolapse.Figure 110.2 Elevation of a prolapsed uterus with a thick plastic garbage ba...
95 Chapter 111Figure 111.1 End of a Buhner needle with Buhner tape threaded through the ey...Figure 111.2 Buhner needle exited through dorsal incision, threaded, and abo...Figure 111.3 Buhner needle exited through same dorsal incision, threaded, an...Figure 111.4 Buhner tape tied ventral to the vulva.
96 Chapter 113Figure 113.1 Mare positioned in front of a phantom across a teasing wall to ...Figure 113.2 Stallion teasing an estral mare in stocks in close approximatio...Figure 113.3 Estral mare in hobbles positioned on the opposite side of a pha...Figure 113.4 Placement of an artificial vagina on the glans penis to stimula...Figure 113.5 Stallion mounted on a phantom with an extra person pushing the ...
97 Chapter 114Figure 114.1 Adapter cap, collection bottle (center), baby bottle liner (bel...Figure 114.2 Components put together and attached to the cone end of a Misso...Figure 114.3 Fully assembled Missouri artificial vagina.Figure 114.4 White dressing tape on the bottle and liner.Figure 114.5 Massage of the glans penis through the rubber cone to enhance s...
98 Chapter 115Figure 115.1 Colorado model artificial vagina and collection cover.Figure 115.2 Assembly stand with a Colorado model artificial vagina after in...Figure 115.3 Insertion of the latex liner into the artificial vagina case; n...Figure 115.4 Collection bottle attached to the latex liner.Figure 115.5 Collection bottle attached to a disposable collection liner wit...
99 Chapter 116Figure 116.1 Roanoke artificial vagina with a rubber liner. Note the large r...Figure