116.3 Roanoke artificial vagina with a disposable liner and collectio...
100 Chapter 117Figure 117.1 Hannover artificial vagina assembled with an inner disposable l...Figure 117.2 Hannover artificial vagina assembled with only an inner rubber ...
101 Chapter 118Figure 118.1 Teaser stallion wearing a leather apron during a test jump.
102 Chapter 119Figure 119.1 Washing a stallion’s penis with warm water and gloved hands to ...Figure 119.2 Hand position to stimulate the stallion’s penis. One hand is cu...Figure 119.3 Proper body position for standing semen collection. A Roanoke m...Figure 119.4 Stallion thrusting into a Roanoke model artificial vagina. A ha...
103 Chapter 120Figure 120.1 An open‐ended artificial vagina prior to semen collection.Figure 120.2 Attempting to place a disposable cup against the open end of th...
104 Chapter 121Figure 121.1 Crushing imipramine tablets prior to oral administration.Figure 121.2 Collection of chemically ejaculated semen using a pole and atta...Figure 121.3 Collection of chemically ejaculated semen using a collection cu...
105 Chapter 122Figure 122.1 Tail wrap prior to live cover or semen collection.Figure 122.2 Washing the perineum of a mare prior to live cover or semen col...Figure 122.3 Mare prepared for natural cover, with protective boots on the r...
106 Chapter 123Figure 123.1 The penis is cleaned from the base towards the glans using wate...Figure 123.2 The penis is dried from the glans toward the base using disposa...Figure 123.3 The penis is washed/rinsed using a disposable cup.Figure 123.4 Manual stimulation with one hand cupped over the glans penis an...Figure 123.5 Stallion kicking in response to washing of the penis with warm ...
107 Chapter 124Figure 124.1 Stallion rearing in response to being stopped on the way to the...Figure 124.2 Stallion kicking in response to washing of the penis with warm ...
108 Chapter 125Figure 125.1 Allowing the mare to express natural receptive behavior, especi...
109 Chapter 126Figure 126.1 Preferred full side and rear video views for evaluating ejacula...
110 Chapter 127Figure 127.1 The 590B Densimeter model with a dispensing bottle of formalin‐...Figure 127.2 The 590B and 591B Densimeter models.Figure 127.3 Minitube photometer. The arrow is pointing at the tray that the...Figure 127.4 Minitube Photometer SDM 1 microcuvette. Semen is loaded into th...Figure 127.5 Minitube Photometer SDM 1 microcuvette showing the cuvette prop...
111 Chapter 128Figure 128.1 Thrombo‐TIC® kit used to achieve a 1:100 dilution: prefill...Figure 128.2 Hemocytometer being filled with a mechanical pipette.Figure 128.3 Central hemocytometer grid. All spermatozoa within the 25 mediu...
112 Chapter 129Figure 129.1 Semen dilution chart for the NucleoCounter®. The most comm...Figure 129.2 How to dilute stallion semen according to dilution factor (DF) ...Figure 129.3 Loading the SP1 cassette with sperm diluted in the lysis/diluti...Figure 129.4 Placing the loaded SP1 cassette into the NucleoCounter®.Figure 129.5 Display of sperm concentration on the NucleoCounter®.
113 Chapter 130Figure 130.1 Light microscope with slide warmer.
114 Chapter 131Figure 131.1 Screen image from the monitor of a Hamilton‐Thorne® CASA m...Figure 131.2 Screen image from the monitor of a MiniTube SpermVision® C...Figure 131.3 Spermatozoal motility measurements as assessed by CASA. Centroi...
115 Chapter 132Figure 132.1 A drop of eosin‐nigrosin stain is placed on a slide with a drop...Figure 132.2 The end of an additional slide is dipped into the two drops. Th...Figure 132.3 The upward slide may be dipped into a semen drop placed behind ...Figure 132.4 The upward slide is then laid into the line of stain and pushed...Figure 132.5 The upward slide may be lifted and placed ahead of the mixed st...Figure 132.6 Stallion spermatozoa with a bent midpiece (thin arrow) and prox...Figure 132.7 Stallion spermatozoa. Note the detached head (large arrow) and ...
116 Chapter 133Figure 133.1 (a) Stallion sperm consists of a head, neck, and tail. The tail...Figure 133.2 (a–d) The appearance of the knobbed acrosome defect varies from...Figure 133.3 (a) The distal midpiece reflex is a common defect that appears ...
117 Chapter 134Figure 134.1 Total number of sperm (mean ± 95% confidence intervals) in the ...
118 Chapter 135Figure 135.1 Measurement of total scrotal width using calipers.Figure 135.2 Measurement of testicular width using ultrasonography.Figure 135.3 Ultrasound image of a testis showing measurement of testicular ...Figure 135.4 Relationship between testicular volume and daily sperm output i...
119 Chapter 136Figure 136.1 Stallion spermatozoa with a normal spermatozoon (medium arrow),...Figure 136.2 Stallion spermatozoa with a normal spermatozoon (large arrow), ...Figure 136.3 Stallion spermatozoa with proximal cytoplasmic droplet (large a...
120 Chapter 137Figure 137.1 Stallion spermatozoa stained with Diff‐Quik® stain. Note t...Figure 137.2 Stallion spermatozoa stained with Diff‐Quik® stain with di...
121 Chapter 138Figure 138.1 Transmission electron micrographs of equine spermatozoa showing...Figure 138.2 Transmission electron micrograph of a cross‐section of the prin...Figure 138.3 Transmission electron micrographs of exfoliated degenerative ep...
122 Chapter 139Figure 139.1 Sites for the collection of culture samples from the penis (lar...Figure 139.2 Glans penis of a stallion after teasing, demonstrating pre‐ejac...
123 Chapter 140Figure 140.1 Measurement of pH of a sample of stallion raw semen.Figure 140.2 Measurement of osmolality of a sample of stallion semen.
124 Chapter 142Figure 142.1 The tube on the left is from a stallion with a normal ejaculate...Figure 142.2 Evaluation of urea nitrogen in semen samples from a stallion us...Figure 142.3 A urospermic stallion’s ejaculate after centrifugation. The spe...
125 Chapter 143Figure 143.1 (a) Blood exiting the urethra of a stallion with hemospermia an...Figure 143.2 (a, b) Small lesions (arrows) on the glans penis resulting in h...Figure 143.3 (a) Lesion on the distal urethral process (arrow) and (b) squam...Figure 143.4 (a, b) Rents in the proximal urethra of two stallions with hemo...
126 Chapter 144Figure 144.1 Two types of extenders commonly used to dilute equine semen.
127 Chapter 145Figure 145.1 Addition of extender to semen.
128 Chapter 146Figure 146.1 A Whirl‐Pak® labeled with the stallion’s name and date of ...Figure 146.2 Heat‐sealed bag. Notice that the bag was sealed twice (arrows) ...Figure 146.3 Technique for removal of air from bag. The bag is draped over a...Figure 146.4 Two Equitainer® freezer cans ready to be loaded into an Eq...Figure 146.5 Equitainer® freezer cans should be stored in the freezer a...Figure 146.6 Loading the freezer cans into the Equitainer®.Figure 146.7 This insulated isothermalizer cup is designed to hold semen pac...Figure 146.8 Insulated isothermalizer cup being loaded on top of coolant can...Figure 146.9 This isothermalizer cup is designed to hold two 50 ml conical t...Figure 146.10 Include documentation that identifies the semen donor and the ...Figure 146.11 An Equitainer® sealed and ready for shipment.Figure 146.12 One dose of semen loaded into a labeled, air‐tight syringe.Figure 146.13 One dose of semen packaged into an air‐tight syringe and loade...Figure 146.14 Disposable shipper loaded with the ice pack in place.Figure 146.15 Disposable shipper with the lid in place.
129 Chapter 148Figure 148.1 Measuring the rotating radius of a centrifuge from the center o...Figure 148.2 Nomograph for calculating the g force from known revolutions pe...
130 Chapter 149Figure 149.1 Balancing centrifuge tubes on a scale.Figure 149.2 Location of centrifuge tubes opposite each other to balance the...Figure 149.3 Sperm pellet after centrifugation of 1.0 billion spermatozoa di...Figure 149.4 Aspiration of the supernatant after centrifugation using a pipe...Figure 149.5 Use of a sink aspiration unit to remove the supernatant after c...Figure 149.6 Pellet (arrow) from a stallion with urospermia after centrifuga...
131 Chapter 150Figure 150.1 Sperm pellet (arrow) between the supernatant of seminal plasma/...Figure 150.2 Aspiration of the cushion below the sperm pellet using a tomcat...
132 Chapter 151Figure 151.1 EquiPure™ and AndroCollTM