July 2020
John V. SharpGerhard Ersdal
Definitions and abbreviations
Accidental limit state (ALS) | Check of the collapse of the structure due to the same reasons as described for the ultimate limit state but exposed to abnormal and accidental loading situations |
Acoustic emission | The production of sound waves by a material when it is subjected to stress |
ACFM | Alternating Current Frequency Modulated (type of inspection) |
ACPD | Alternating Current Potential Drop (type of inspection) |
Admixture | Material added during the mixing process of concrete in small quantities related to the mass of cement to modify the properties of fresh or hardened concrete |
Ageing | Process in which integrity (i.e., safety) of a structure or component changes with time or use |
AIM project | A project undertaken by the US Mineral Management Services (MMS) for assessment, inspection and maintenance, providing guidance on managing the integrity of existing fixed steel platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. |
Anomaly | In‐service measurement (damage, deterioration, defect, degradation, etc.) that is outside the threshold acceptable from the design or most recent fitness for service assessment |
As‐built documentation | Documentations that includes as‐built documentation collected during in‐service |
Asset integrity management (AIM) | AIM is the means of ensuring that the people, systems, processes and resources that deliver integrity are in place, in use and will perform when required over the whole life cycle of the asset |
Barrier | A measure intended to either identify conditions that may lead to failure or hazardous and accidental situations, prevent an actual sequence of events occurring or developing, influence a sequence of events in a deliberate way, or limit damage and/or loss |
Bilge | The area on the outer surface of a ship's hull where the bottom shell plating meets the side shell plating |
Caisson | Major part of fixed concrete offshore structure, providing buoyancy during floating phases and the possibility of oil storage within the structure, also used for pipework from topside to underwater typically water lift (intake of firewater, cooling water, etc.) and outlet of wastewater |
CFRP | Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer |
Clamp | A fabricated steel construction encompassing an existing tubular member or a nodal joint. A clamp consists of two or more parts that are bolted together. There are a number of clamp variants depending on whether or not the clamp parts are compressed against the existing member/joint and on whether there is a medium (grout or neoprene) placed between the clamp steelwork and the member/joint. A clamp should not be confused with a guide, which can appear to be superficially similar |
Collapse | Total loss of the load bearing capacity of the platform through failure of one or more structural components |
CP | Cathodic Protection |
Curing | Action taken to maintain favourable moisture and temperature conditions of freshly placed concrete or cementitious materials during a defined period of time following placement |
CVI | Close visual inspection (type of inspection) |
Defect | An imperfection, fault or flaw in a component |
Design service life | Assumed period for which a structure is to be used for its intended purpose with anticipated maintenance but without substantial repair from ageing processes being necessary |
DFI resume | A document summarising key information concerned with the design, fabrication and installation |
Discontinuity | A lack of continuity or cohesion; an intentional or unintentional interruption in the physical structure or configuration of a material or component |
Duty holder | A UK term for the operator in the case of a fixed installation (including fixed production and storage units) and for the owner in the case of a mobile installation |
DVI | Detailed visual inspection (type of inspection) |
EC, ET | Eddy current testing (type of inspection) |
Evaluation | The process of evaluating whether identified changes, defects or anomalies need repair, further inspection or a more detailed assessment |
Fairlead | A device to guide a mooring line and to stop it moving laterally before it enters the vessel |
False indication | An indication that is interpreted to be caused by a discontinuity at a location where no discontinuity exists |
Fatigue limit state (FLS) | Check of the cumulative fatigue damage due to repeated loads or the fatigue crack growth capacity of the structure |
Fatigue Utilisation Index (FUI) | FUI is the ratio between the effective operational time and the documented fatigue life |
FCAW | Acronym for Fluxed Cored Arc Welding |
Fixed structure | Structure that is bottom founded and transfers all actions on it to the sea floor |