An imperfection or discontinuity that may be detectable by non‐destructive testing
Fiber Reinforced Polymer
Floating storage units
Floating storage and offloading units
Floating production, storage and offloading units
Flooded member detection (FMD)
Inspection technique that relies on the detection of water penetrating a member by using radiographic or ultrasonic methods
Gas Metal Arc Welding
Gross errors
Significant errors, mistakes and omissions in the form of anomaly or defects that may lead to local or global failures
A mixture of cementitious materials and water, with or without aggregate, to fill cavities and components to form a solid mass when set
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
General visual inspection (type of inspection)
Heat affected zone related to welding
Situations with potential for human injury, damage to the environment, damage to property, or a combination of these
High Strength Steels (HSS)
Steels with yield strengths in excess of 500 MPa
Hydrogen induced cracking (HIC) or hydrogen induced stress cracking (HISC)
The process by which hydride‐forming metals such as steel become brittle and fracture due to the introduction and subsequent diffusion of hydrogen into the metal
Inspection programme
Scope of work for the offshore execution of the inspection activities to determine the condition and configuration of the structure
The state of the structure, ideally being fit for service, and with an acceptable level of safety against failure
Integrity management
Continuous process to manage all changes that will occur during operational life that may affect the integrity of structures and marine systems
Mobile offshore unit with a buoyant hull and legs that can be moved up and down relative to the hull
Joint Industry Project, usually in research and development
Kenter shackle
A device for joining two chain links as a repair
Key performance indicator, measurement of performance against targets
Life extension
The use of structures beyond their originally defined design life
Limit state
A state beyond which the structure no longer fulfils the relevant design criteria
Management of change (MoC)
A recognised process that is required when significant changes are made to an activity or process which can affect performance and risk
Marine fouling (growth)
Seaweed, bacteria and other living organisms in the seawater typically adhering to immersed surfaces such as offshore structures, which may build up to significant thicknesses
Syllabic abbreviation of meteorology and (physical) oceanography
Microbiologically induced cracking (MIC)
A form of degradation that can occur as a result of the metabolic activities of bacteria in the environment. The bacteria that cause MIC can accelerate the corrosion process because the conditions that apply already have elements of a corrosion cell
Metal Inert Gas
Limitation of negative consequence or reduction in likelihood of a hazardous event or condition
Manual Metal Arc
Magnetic Particle Inspection (type of inspection)
A structure used to prevent offshore structures from sinking into soft unconsolidated soil on the seabed.
Non‐Destructive Examination
Non‐Destructive Testing
Joining point for brace members in a jacket‐type structure
Structure that fails when the first primary structural member fails
Out‐of‐Plane Bending
Partial safety factor
(for materials) factor that takes into account unfavourable deviation of strength from the characteristic value and inaccuracies in determining the actual strength of the material (for loads) factor that takes into account the possible deviation of the actual loads from the characteristic value and inaccuracies in the load determination
Passive fire protection (PFP)
Coatings used on critical areas that could be affected by a jet fire. There are several different types, which include cementitious and epoxy intumescent based