Michael Barton Graham

Wind Energy Handbook

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F.M. (1991). Viscous Fluid Flow. New York: McGraw‐Hill.

      53 Wilson, R.E., Lissaman, P.B.S., and Walker S.N. (1974). Applied aerodynamics of wind power‐machines. Oregon State University, NTIS: PB‐238‐595.

      54 Wimshurst, A. and Willden, R. (2018). Computational observations of the tip‐loss mechanisms experienced by horizontal axis rotors. Wind Energy 21: 792.

      55 Wood, D.H. (1991). A three‐dimensional analysis of stall‐delay on a horizontal‐axis wind turbine. J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 37: 1–14.

      56 Young, A.D. and Squire, H.B. (1938). The calculation of the profile drag of aerofoils. Aero. Res. Council (UK), Rept. & Memo. No. 1838.

      57 Zhu, W.T., Heilskov, N., Shen, W.Z., and Soerensen, J.N. (2005). Modeling of aerodynamically generated noise from wind turbines. J. Solar Energy Eng. 127: 517–528.

      58 Zhu, W.T., Shen, W.Z., and Soerensen, J.N. (2016). Low noise airfoil and wind turbine design. In: Wind Turbine Design, Control and Applications, Ch.3. (ed. A.G. Aissaoui), 55. Intech Open https://doi.org/10.5772/63335.

      1  http://www.nrel.gov/wind

      2  http://www.nrel.gov/wind/publications.html

      3 https://wind.nrel.gov/airfoils/Shapes/S809_Shape.html.

      4  http://www.windpower.org/en

      5  http://www.lr.tudelft.nl/live/pagina.jsp?id=9e2f503f-3b65-44bc-aba4-a30033400ea7&lang=en

      1 Anderson, J.D. (1991). Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, 2e. Singapore: McGraw‐Hill.

      2 Ashill, P.R., Fulker, J.L., and Hackett, K.C. (2005). A review of recent developments in flow control. Aeronaut. J. 109: 205–232.

      3 Barnard, R.H. and Philpott, D.R. (1989). Aircraft Flight: A Description of the Physical Principles of Aircraft Flight. Singapore: Longman.

      4 Duncan, W.J., Thom, A.S., and Young, A.D. (1970). Mechanics of Fluids, 2e. London: Edward Arnold.

      5 Eggleston, D.M. and Stoddard, F.S. (1987). Wind Turbine Engineering Design. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.

      6 Fung, Y.C. (1969). An Introduction to the Theory of Aeroelasticity. New York: Dover.

      7 Hansen, M.O.L. (2000). Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines. London: James & James.

      8 Johnson, W. (1980). Helicopter Theory. New York: Dover.

      9 Manwell, J.F., McGowan, J.G., and Rogers, A.L. (2002). Wind Energy Explained. Chichester: Wiley.

      10 Prandtl, L. and Tietjens, O.G. (1957). Applied Hydro‐ and Aeromechanics. New York: Dover.

      11 Stepniewski, W.Z. and Keys, C.N. (1984). Rotary‐Wing Aerodynamics. New York: Dover.

      The lift and drag of a body immersed in an oncoming flow are defined as the components of force on the body in the directions normal and parallel, respectively, to the incident flow direction.

      Dimensional analysis shows that in low‐speed, steady flow (that is, flow at low Mach number, so that the relative speed of the flow is much less than the speed of sound), the lift L and drag D may be expressed in the form of non‐dimensional parameters, the lift and drag coefficients:

upper C Subscript upper L Baseline equals StartFraction upper L Over one half rho upper U squared upper A EndFraction and upper C Subscript upper D Baseline equals StartFraction upper D Over one half rho upper U squared upper A EndFraction

      which are both functions of the Reynolds number,

italic Re equals StartFraction upper U period l Over nu EndFraction

      of the flow.

      This form of non‐dimensionalisation is used because it is found that for similar configurations over most regimes involving air (or water), flows of typical speeds and length scales of most practical flows, force coefficients expressed in this way vary relatively slowly with respect to the other main non‐dimensional parameter of the flow, the Reynolds number. Expressing flow‐induced forces in term of these coefficients is particularly convenient when testing flows at model scale or comparing forces induced on similar shaped bodies in different fluids or flow speeds. Typical Reynolds numbers relevant to flow around wind turbine blades are of order 106 to 107 (order 105 for small rotors of diameter ∼1 m). In this context the term ‘low Reynolds number’ is often used to describe flows where the Reynolds number is less than about 105. This regime can occur in wind‐tunnel testing of small model turbines. Strictly in fluid dynamics, the term ‘low Reynolds number’ refers to the Stokes flow regime for which the Reynolds number is of order 1 and the flow approximately satisfies the Stokes Equations. It is not relevant here. It should be noted that the factor ½ was not originally in the denominator in the definition of these coefficients but was introduced later in further development of the subjects of fluid dynamics during the twentieth century because of its occurrence in related terms in Bernoulli's equation for pressure. It is now established in use for all force, pressure, and power coefficient definitions but is not completely universal, being, for example, omitted in US definitions of rotor power and thrust coefficients for helicopters.

      Flow‐induced forces on a body in a viscous fluid arise from:

      1 A tangential stress exerted on the surface, the skin friction, which is caused directly by the viscosity in the fluid coupled with the fact that there cannot be any relative motion of a viscous fluid with respect to the body at its surface, the no‐slip condition.

      2 A normal stress exerted at the surface, the pressure.

      Both types of stress contribute to the