Michael Barton Graham

Wind Energy Handbook

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viscous flow, the boundary layers separate at the trailing edge as discussed earlier, very closely approximating this condition. Thus, pre‐stall lift on an aerofoil section in real flow is quite accurately predicted by inviscid potential flow analysis. However, inviscid flow analysis does not predict the drag, the inviscid (profile) drag being identically zero because in this case the section of itself generates no wake.

Schematic illustration of the pressure distribution around the NACA0012 aerofoil at α = 5°. Graph depicts the pressure distribution around the NACA0012 aerofoil at α=5°.

      If the angle of attack exceeds a certain critical value (typically 10° to 16°, depending on the Re), separation of the boundary layer on the ‘suction’ (or upper) surface takes place. A wake forms above the aerofoil starting from this separation (Figure A3.12), and the circulation and hence the lift are reduced and the drag increased. The flow past the aerofoil has then stalled. A flat plate at an angle of attack will also behave like an aerofoil and develop circulation and lift but will stall at a very low angle of attack because of the sharp leading edge. Cambering (or curving) the plate will increase the angle of attack for stall onset, but a much greater improvement can be obtained by giving thickness to the aerofoil together with a suitably rounded leading edge.

      A3.7 The lift coefficient

      The lift coefficient is defined as

      (A3.3)upper C Subscript l Baseline equals StartFraction italic Lift Over one half rho upper U squared upper A EndFraction

      U is the flow speed and A is the plan area of the body. For a long body, such as an aircraft wing or a wind turbine blade, the lift per unit span is used in the definition, the plan area now being taken as the chord length (multiplied by unit span):

      (A3.4)upper C Subscript l Baseline equals StartFraction italic Lift slash italic unitspan Over one half rho upper U squared c EndFraction equals StartFraction rho left-parenthesis normal upper Gamma times upper U right-parenthesis Over one half rho upper U squared c EndFraction

Schematic illustration of the stalled flow around an aerofoil.

      where a0, called the lift‐curve slope StartFraction italic d upper C Subscript l Baseline Over d alpha EndFraction, is about 6.0 (∼0.1/deg.).

      Note that a0 should not be confused with the flow induction factor.

      Thin aerofoil potential flow theory shows that for a flat plate or very thin aerofoil, the Kutta–Joukowski condition is satisfied by

normal upper Gamma equals normal pi upper U csin left-parenthesis normal alpha minus normal alpha 0 right-parenthesis

      where α0 is the angle of attack for zero lift and proportional to the camber, being negative for positive camber (convex upwards).


upper C Subscript l Baseline equals normal a 0 sine left-parenthesis normal alpha en-dash normal alpha 0 right-parenthesis

      with a0 = 2π.

      Generally, thickness increases a0 and viscous effects (the boundary layer) decrease it.

      Lift, therefore, depends on two parameters, the angle of attack α and the flow speed U. The same lift force can be generated by different combinations of α and U.

      (A3.6)upper C Subscript l Baseline equals a 0 alpha plus upper C Subscript l Baseline 0

Graph depicts C l - α curve for a symmetrical aerofoil.