Michael Barton Graham

Wind Energy Handbook

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It can be artificially triggered by deliberately roughening the surface or distributing a band of roughness elements or by fixing a ‘trip wire’ to the surface. Insect deposition on the leading edges of wind turbine blades may similarly trigger transition.

      Streamlined bodies such as aerofoils taper gently in the aft region so that the adverse pressure gradient is fairly small and separation is delayed until very close to the trailing edge. This produces a very much narrower wake and a very low drag because significant pressure drag is avoided.

      A useful categorisation of aerofoil stall types is given by Gault (1957).

      A3.5 Definition of lift and its relationship to circulation

      The lift on a body immersed in a flow is defined as the force on the body in a direction normal to the incident flow direction.

      The phenomenon of lift generated by a spinning cylinder is known as the Magnus effect after its original discoverer and explains, for example, why spinning balls veer in flight.

      The lift force due to circulation is given by the Kutta–Joukowski theorem, called after the two pioneering aerodynamicists who, independently, realised that this was the key to the understanding of the phenomenon of lift generated in subsonic flow on all bodies, including the spinning cylinder:

Schematic illustration of the flow past a rotating cylinder. Schematic illustration of the circulatory flow round a rotating cylinder.

      Here Γ is the circulation, or vortex strength, defined as the integral

      around any path enclosing the body, and v is the velocity tangential to the path s.

normal upper Gamma equals 2 pi k Schematic illustration of the flow past an aerofoil at a small angle of attack: (a) inviscid flow, (b) circulatory flow, and (c) real flow.

      (easily seen for circular circuits defined by constant r, but true for all circuits enclosing the vortex). Hence the section lift/unit span is

normal upper L equals 2 pi normal rho Uk

      In the case of streamlined lifting bodies such as aerofoils, the circulation Γ that is fixed by the Kutta–Joukowski condition at the trailing edge can be shown to increase with angle of attack α in proportion to sin α. Although the velocities and pressures above and below the aerofoil at the trailing edge must be the same, the particles that meet there are not the same ones that parted company at the leading edge. The particle that travelled over the aerofoil upper surface, even though a longer distance, normally reaches the trailing edge before the one travelling over the shorter lower surface because its speed‐up by the circulation is proportionately greater.
