
Defunct. Epic battle of neuralink

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bodies with an explosion, at the same time expanding the damned rocky holes. A series of explosions helped to cope with the «burrow of death» and the discoverers received a fair reward for their work. The eighth tier, later called the «devil’s library».

      When the mysterious books of sorcerers fall into the hands of scientists, they usually lose all their aura, magic and become ridiculous, in the hands of omniscient geniuses. Smart people ridicule the primitive tales that are taken seriously by the majority, which have little in common with science. Beautiful trinkets, in the form of medallions and hand bracelets, did not attract Haste’s attention. Only one hourglass caught his eye. In an ordinary glass vessel with a thin neck, all the sand adhered to the top of the container, and the bottom was empty. At first, without attaching importance to this, he decided that the sand was simply soldered to the glass, but turning them over, he saw the sand thread rush back up, which amazed him. After all, not sand, not glass do not possess such a force of magnetism. This was the first thing that he could not explain for so long, racking his brains for months in his laboratory. But, the team of the senior prince, the most devoted to science of the Osiris, was more interested in one nameless rectangular book, with the most beautiful cover, of volumetric geometric shapes. Too much it resembled the same «Origin», partially described by Selim Svurt in his «Book of Life», found here in the original. The «Book of Life» has a round shape, just like «Svurt’s Law». Because it was written in Nahmaut. Another interesting fact: all Nahmau books, every single one, are either round or oval. Most likely, this is directly related to their writing, which consisted of only one circle. But, all these books have long been rewritten by the Osiris into the usual square books for us. Every self-respecting scientist, including Haste, and the council of the wisest, the council of Fimirel and the governors of Shelber, obeyed the «Law of Svurt». She was obeyed even in the farthest corners of the earth, those who did not even know about her existence. Therefore, like everyone who did not obey the «Book of Life», he obeyed the book «Law of Svurt», it is «The Teaching of Selim» (rewritten by the high priests in a more restrained and improved form). How it works? And why, the tribes of all races and peoples, from kings to beggars, from generation to generation, lived according to the rules of Svurt, without even realizing it? The secret is that it was not people who adjusted to the books, but, on the contrary, the books adjusted to people’s lives. «The Book of Life» is a book with scientific, sensory knowledge of the world, where the reader is the creator himself. Its methods are so diverse that they can be used to predict the future development of civilization, in terms of technological progress. The Teachings of Selim is a unique religious book, in a similar way, uniting all believers in some supernatural beings, into a common group. It is painted in such a way that any religion can be entered into it. From the one god and pagan idols, to the worship of flowers and bulls. In the «Teachings of Selim» the Almighty has no name, no history, no specific morality of the separation of good and evil, and does not even have his own numerical number. He always has a complete material appearance, and, at the same time, does not have it, also in full. This makes it not only omnipresent, but also unites it with our world in such a way that God is not a separate entity of the universe, and not its inner part. And, infinity itself, emptiness and matter – are part of its essence. Therefore, all the deeds that mortals do in our humble world are not divided into bad or good, because, as, they are done not just by his will, but by himself. But, if the Almighty were always so diverse, he would not be able to bring morality to the world of the living. Therefore, his omnipresence is capable of being divided into endless stages of personality formation. A well-known excerpt from the book «Svurt’s Law»: «Qur’an 6, Magat 1 (orig. From nahmau: enlightenment 6, chapter 1): Do well not for yourself, but for God. But, since you are a part of God, do well for yourself. Do good to your friend, he is also a part of God. Do well to your enemy, because even he is a part of God. «But, it is possible to build a reverse logic that does not contradict the «Svurt’s Law»: do not help either your friend or your enemy, if you want it, then God wants it too. Therefore, the book was supplemented to exclude such thinking. In the new, rewritten book, «The Teachings of Selim», the Almighty concentrates his energy in certain places, which only he perceives as a single whole. These lumps of energy are the mind, which has a simplified, limited receptivity. This limitation allows the mind to hold its essence (to live the time allotted to it) in the projection that it is aware of. By the way, the mind here replaces the soul, spirit and similar disembodied foundations of the personality, in contrast to more primitive religions. «The Teachings of Selim» affects a person like a powerful psychological book, forcing the personality to develop culturally and morally, gradually removing the limitations of temptations. The higher the spiritual level of a person, the more she is allowed actions and thoughts that are forbidden for less conscious people who can be dangerous both for themselves and for others by their lack of understanding of something and not restraint before anyone. It is wrong to harm someone. This weakens the one-man management striving for perfection, the collective mind. And, even if for the Almighty it doesn’t matter whether you do good or selfish deeds, you doom yourself to disbandment, moral decay, which leads to intellectual and bodily decay. Your desires will never be fulfilled, and you will always experience the same length of time. From a bunch of energy, of their own free will becoming emptiness. Only kings and various thinkers, whose spiritual level is the highest, can be frightened by such an outcome. For simple people, there are simpler outcomes. You can, for example, blaze for eternity in the good old hellish flame, surrounded by hairy men with tails and horns, and for good deeds, life will continue in luxurious castles overgrown with vineyards. Life after death has thousands of variations here. You can be reborn into any animal, go to heaven, parallel worlds or stellar oceans. The peculiarity is that the stages of formation are not indicated explicitly, only their constituent abilities and ways of thinking are listed. In the same way as punishments for crimes in the next world are not spelled out, in the form of an explicit sentence. The book clearly describes all kinds of models of people’s behavior, for each of which there is its own instruction, encouragement and sentence, which must be compared with its own worldview. The reader finds himself in this hodgepodge, and instinctively draws conclusions about himself that are pleasing to the book.

      Shrines of different religions, but one ideology are being built throughout Mesopotamia, and far beyond its borders. There are two general religious, main temples, and the third is almost completed in Vayelone. The first temple is Birhatten, in the Rohvem valley, and the second is the royal tower in the Shelber valley, where the main object of worship is the throne of Selim Svurt. Therefore, no one has the right to sit on it, even the supreme governor. In the «Teachings of Selim» there are many interesting things that manipulate the minds of people of all religions, but they will be fully revealed a little later, using a real example. With the help of this book, you can manage a variety of completely different religions. Agnostics, atheists, and just people who never think about their mission, had to live according to the «Book of Life», which is the basis of any statehood. The Book of Life, like the Teaching of Selim, dictated the conditions for a «correct» life. It is being introduced into human life, at all levels. How to defecate correctly, how to walk, run, swim. How to fight, laugh, fall in love, dress properly. How to fight, dance, invent. Which cultures to create and which not to allow. All this is scheduled for hundreds of generations and several eras to come. That the book, that this, does not force, but recommends doing certain things in order to move on to others, more important. So, along a long chain, achieving the specified goals, moving everything to new and new goals, up to incarnation into an infinite, unified mind, like God from the «Teachings of Selim». These goals, as well as the ways of their achievement, are spelled out in the smallest detail, as if, the author, personally lived all these stages of the formation of civilization. Many peoples are eager to destroy these books, to forget them as a nightmare. But, with each passing year, the Nahmau spread their obsessive teachings further and further. Vayelon naturally did not pass by. He has long been a victim of this multifaceted ideology. And, the royal family, turned as prisoners of the «Book of Life». From this point on, we will begin the story of the struggle between common sense and a dubious ending, to which the legendary «Origins»