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life story.

      He was an inconspicuous child. Calm and weak of character. Older brothers brought up humility in him, although he did not like to fulfill all their whims. Assam bore the surname Tehto when his family lived in the village of Zunk, Rohvem Valley. Father, his nahmau, priest in exile. He participated in unsuccessful uprisings against Fimirel, for which he was desecrated, and all his property was confiscated. Mother, from Vayelon, an agile Osirian, whom, at that time, still look for. She worked as a geologist, having traveled all over Mesopotamia. She knew well the geography of mineral deposits. On one of her expeditions, she stopped for the night in the village of Zunk, where she met her other half. Assam was the fourth of six children in the family. He was not matched as the elder, and he was not nursed as the younger. He was so inconspicuous, and unnecessary to anyone, that he was often forgotten everywhere. Either in the field, during the harvest, when a five-year-old kid had to dig a hole for himself at night so that the wolves would not eat it. The next morning, the parents still remembered him and took him home. He was forgotten at school, at a party, at holidays. The older brothers even laughed at him about this, giving him the nickname Prokhva, which in Nahmau means forgotten or erased, and in Osirian, the same word means lost. When Assam was twelve, he, along with his brothers and sisters, moved to live in Vayelon with their grandmother. By that time, his mother was missing. They say she wandered into the forest of the dead. Father, went on the run, and most likely was killed by savages. While continuing his studies at the Osiris school, at fifteen, he met a beautiful girl, whom he tried to look after. But, she did not reciprocate, especially since she is two years older than him, and she had a whole bunch of fans. Assam’s first love did not break his heart. Three years later, at the Institute of Technical Sciences, where he entered, at the request of his grandmother, he met another beauty, with whom everything worked out this time. It would seem that life is going on the right track and the happy couple already dreamed of getting married, but one day everything changed. It was the day that his most famous and weirdest classmate, Crown Prince Haste, called for help, with the refinement of vector diagrams, to create a rotor less alternator, in his laboratory. Well versed in the geometry and physics of particle fluxes, Assam drew not only vector and topographic diagrams, but also proposed to remake the generator device, which has now become a classic. Delotoy and Dambi, who at that time already worked in the same team, were pleased with the boy’s abilities, and invited him to join the NDC. To officially register as a workers’ organization, they needed people, preferably talented. Haste bribed the guy with his charisma, promising him a job with the highest income in the city. Having trusted him, the naive Assam left the institute, to which his girlfriend reacted very sharply. She wanted to be with him constantly together, and he was afraid to remain in poverty, looking at the example of his relatives. His grandmother died suddenly, and the brothers had nothing to live on. They sold the house and became miserable vagabonds, begging for handouts and crawling through the back streets. Two have already been stabbed. My sister got a job in a brothel to please the nobles and bankers. Such a life did not suit Assam. He really wanted to help his family, but he could not. He didn’t want to get a job. Everywhere they pay pennies, but you have to work from morning to night. And here, such an opportunity. The prince himself suggested. He will not deceive him. And, indeed, he did not deceive. Two years later, they were legalized, and the NDC received funding for the first time, at first even from the council of the wisest, but later, when the employees began to work only in their own interests, funding was only from the royal council. Plans to create a serious, independent organization collapsed, and now the NDC has become something of an entertainment for the whimsical son of wealthy parents. And everyone works here, one might say for the food. And the atmosphere is not the most comfortable. Only a common belief in their some incomprehensible ideas makes them continue to create the impossible over and over again. Assam no longer feels constrained as a child. Here, in the laboratory, he revealed himself as a person, from all sides. His character remained soft, but the employees, unlike his arrogant brothers, do not use it. He is not cruel, and not merciful, he is what he was taught to be. And they taught him to be extraordinary: cunning, but fair, prudent but not greedy, sensual, but reasonable, charming and athletic, always ready to stand up for himself and his comrade. To bend his line or to compromise, he is not so good at it. Anyway, everyone likes this guy. In a friendly company, like a child, he rejoices at every success. His mood deteriorates only when he thinks about the girl who abandoned him, who is already married and has two children. But he is not jealous. He is glad that she is happy, and does not blame fate for the fact that they were not destined to be together. Just a natural feeling of resentment, and injustice, sometimes wake up in him, temporarily catching up with the task.

      Vaidah life story.

      This guy was born in the village of Taupin, the legendary Shelber Valley. Father, Samiho Mirve-Tazakht was an outstanding shipbuilder. His designs include at least a dozen different vessels. From small, reed boats, to large, iron liners, on real motors. At one point, his career soared so high that he lived in the castle, side by side with the governors. Vaidah’s mother, Pakela, is an inconspicuous, modest woman, leading a peasant lifestyle, owning a decent farm. They got to know each other during the flood, when the fields with the crops were flooded with the river, after the flood. Samiho’s ships moved to the aid of the villagers to rescue the remaining supplies of the farmers. It was there that a desperate woman met a stately engineer. Her iron character and correct, judicious actions during an emergency did not leave him indifferent. The woman had nothing to lose, and he took her to his castle. There, they had three children, and all three died in childbirth. Deciding that it was the walls of the castle that put pressure on the woman’s fruits, she persuaded her to leave for the nearby village of Topin. But, there, she could not get pregnant at all, for more than two years, and the couple had already decided that they would be left without children, and then, for their happiness, they succeed. The long-awaited child was the only and beloved in the family. He got both affection and abuse. After his father was fired, due to a complete reshuffle of personnel in Shelber, he could not stand such a loss. Work was the meaning of his life, and his family only supplemented it. During a quarrel with his wife, they left the house somewhere and did not return. Little Vaidah sat under the covers in his bed all night, waiting for his parents. They were not there not in the morning, not for lunch, and even for dinner. He found himself to eat, and at the age of seven, he went to the castle, to the governors, to find out about his relatives. There, he was caught by the guards and, after listening to his story, sent him to the committee of abandoned children in a neighboring village. It is a charitable organization owned by the priests of the Selim Temple. There were few places in the rural shelter, and the abandoned children became more and more, therefore, at the age of nine, he, along with twenty-five other children, was sent in another batch to the Vayelon orphanage school, to study and permanent residence. The guy immediately revealed his gift in the exact sciences. He studied the material much faster than his classmates. The teachers paid attention to him and put him on a special, accelerated training program. Having entered the institute, already at the age of fourteen, the maturing child prodigy continued to amaze with his analytical abilities. Having studied all the material, he began to delve into the little-studied areas of mathematics, to satisfy his own curiosity. His innate talent, combined with inexorable perseverance, thirst for knowledge, allowed him to put forward the most unthinkable hypotheses. The older Vaidah became, the more he devoted himself to science, which became his whole life, already by the age of eighteen. Due to his full employment, the guy has never even been in a relationship. Only at the age of twenty, he first used the services of priestesses from brothels. His character is strange. He is always without emotional and no one knows what is in his head. He behaves too adequately and restrained, which reminds more of a computer than a person. His calm attitude to all situations in life is rather frightening. He is not a murderer or a pervert, however, if circumstances allowed, he could calmly watch as small children are drowned, or they are burned alive. Unlike Assam, there is very little human left in Vaidah, despite the fact that he tries not to be different from others, and to look natural, at least in the circle of his friends. His morals are atypical. He can enjoy the heavy cream for hours, at ease, spreading