rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_edc35c49-059d-5ce6-aba2-e24a951d4f80">21.3. Diversity of applications of incentive forms 21.4. Conclusion 21.5. References
26 22 Indicators – The Complexity of Innovation Indicators 22.1. Introduction 22.2. Presentation of innovation indicators: input and output approach 22.3. Main limitations of innovation indicators 22.4. Conclusion 22.5. References
27 23 Information – Information for Innovation: Strategic, Competitive and Technological Intelligence 23.1. Introduction 23.2. The monitoring concept 23.3. “Traditional” monitoring and innovation 23.4. The search for information and innovation 23.5. Creative monitoring 23.6. Strategic innovation monitoring 23.7. Conclusion 23.8. References
28 24 Invention – Shared Inventions and Competitive Innovations 24.1. Introduction 24.2. From invention sharing to shared invention 24.3. From innovation to competitive innovation 24.4. From societal dynamics to the links between shared inventions and competitive innovations 24.5. References
29 25 Knowledge – Knowledge Management in Learning Innovative Organizations 25.1. Introduction 25.2. Knowledge and management 25.3. History of KM frameworks 25.4. Key KM concepts 25.5. Conclusion: perspectives for KM 25.6. References
30 26 Location – Local Innovation Issues and Priorities for Public Intervention 26.1. Introduction 26.2. Innovation policies adapted to territories 26.3. The territorialized priority of innovation 26.4. Conclusion 26.5. References
31 27 Market – Market Innovation: Opening and Controlling New Markets 27.1. Introduction 27.2. Factors that foster business innovation 27.3. The multifaceted nature of business innovation 27.4. Conclusion 27.5. References
32 28 Model – Business Models for Innovation Strategies 28.1. Introduction 28.2. A brief history of the evolution of business models 28.3. Types of business model innovation 28.4. Business model design versus business model reconfiguration 28.5. Business model inertia 28.6. BMI and competitive advantage 28.7. Conclusion: perspectives in BMI research 28.8. References
33 29 Network – Networks and Development of Innovation Processes 29.1. Introduction 29.2. Knowledge, learning and innovation network 29.3. Local innovation networks 29.4. Conclusion 29.5. References
34 30 Organization – Modern Innovative Organizational Structures 30.1. Introduction 30.2. Organizational structures for innovation 30.3. Perspectives 30.4. References
35 31 Paradigm – The Techno-scientific Paradigm: The Ethical Control of the Technological Progress 31.1. Introduction 31.2. The controversial techno-scientific gigantism 31.3. Technocracy and technicism 31.4. Technosciences and innovation in debate 31.5. Conclusion 31.6. References
36 32 Pattern – Linear, Interactive and Hybrid Patterns of Innovation 32.1. Introduction 32.2. The linear model of innovation 32.3. Towards interactive models 32.4. Hybridization of linear and interactive models of innovation 32.5.