rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_0932b3bc-49cf-5cf9-ae96-2a966a2c4b4e">32.6. References
37 33 Persistence – The Economic Analysis of Persistent Innovation 33.1. Introduction 33.2. Persistent innovation: definition 33.3. Why is the notion of innovation persistence debatable? 33.4. Measurement of the phenomenon 33.5. Explanatory frameworks 33.6. Innovation persistence and the significance of economic evolution: path and past dependence 33.7. Conclusion 33.8. References
38 34 Policy – Reinventing Innovation: From Criticisms of the Traditional Paradigm to Policy Transformation 34.1. Introduction 34.2. Criticisms of the central innovation paradigm 34.3. Transformations of innovation policies: directionality and social innovation 34.4. Conclusion 34.5. References
39 35 Property – Intellectual Property and Innovation 35.1. Introduction 35.2. IPRs: some imperfect but unmatched mechanisms 35.3. The multidimensional impact of protection on innovation 35.4. The new roles of IPRs 35.5. Conclusion 35.6. References
40 36 Proximity – Impacts of Geographic, Organizational and Cognitive Proximities on Innovation 36.1. Introduction 36.2. A geographical proximity that plays favorably on innovation, without being indispensable 36.3. Other proximities have both positive and negative effects on innovation 36.4. Conclusion 36.5. References
41 37 Responsibility – Responsible Innovation in Corporate Strategy and Public Policy 37.1. Introduction 37.2. Responsible research and innovation policy 37.3. Responsible innovation in companies 37.4. Conclusion 37.5. References
42 38 Revolution – Innovations and Industrial Revolution 38.1. Introduction 38.2. From the technical revolution to the industrial revolution: what is the history? 38.3. The discontinuous diffusion of innovations in the face of the techniques in use 38.4. When the context stimulates innovation 38.5. Conclusion 38.6. References
43 39 Services – Defining Service Innovation 39.1. Introduction 39.2. From the specificities of services to the definitions of service innovation 39.3. Typologies and theoretical variations of service innovation 39.4. Conclusion 39.5. References
44 40 Social – Social Economy and Social Innovation 40.1. Introduction 40.2. Research on social innovation in economics and management 40.3. Defining social innovation 40.4. The production of social innovations: “top-down” and “bottom-up” logics 40.5. The roles of social economy in the production of social innovations 40.6. Conclusion and issues 40.7. References
45 41 Space – Innovation in Urban or Rural Spaces 41.1. Introduction 41.2. A concentration of innovation in urban spaces? 41.3. An underestimation of the innovation of firms located in peripheral areas? 41.4. Conclusion 41.5. References
46 42 Standardization – Standardization and Innovation Management 42.1. Introduction 42.2. Prerequisite for standards applied to innovation 42.3. Standards applied to innovation: promoting agility 42.4. Conclusion 42.5. References
47 43 Synchronization – Synchronization and Coordination of Innovation 43.1. Introduction 43.2. Innovation networks and synchronization 43.3. Coordination and proximity 43.4. Coordination at the heart of innovative performance