Sam Chevalier

The boy with the sad eyes

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      I couldn’t help but smile and be excited; blushing, I went to my bed and read the note over and over again because I didn’t think it was possible.

      I went to see her in the afternoon at the same time, she was pensive, but I was more than motivated to try to appease her doubts, offering her my feelings. Without saying anything, I kissed her and I felt that time had stopped. It was so special, so inexplicable and unique.

      In her smile I burnt like hell, and I loved it. At that moment we were holding each other’s eyes and we didn’t want to go anywhere else. In her eyes I discovered universes full of stars and a magic that I can’t explain, but that made me feel a fire burning in the middle of my chest.

      At dusk we risked talking about the future...

      She wanted to jump into love and so did I. I felt that I was ready, but I knew that everything had to go slowly to give time for each moment to pass as it should. But this was almost impossible because I had a sea of butterflies in my stomach that made me feel vertigo and happiness at the same time.

      “Without guessing it”.

      She was leaving notes every day at my window, with a stone on top to prevent them from flying. I loved reading them for they had so much magic in each line, in each verse, and they always ended with the same phrase: “same place and same time”. I was already in love with her and didn’t know how to explain my feelings, but deep down I knew that in the midst of our eyes there were no words so I had to show her. In the afternoon I went to see her and had a letter for her in my hands. She smiled when she saw it, but I told her that she couldn’t read it until she got home. That afternoon we got lost in time again and the feelings rose every second. When she held my hand, she made every second valuable; she made me feel more alive than ever, as she filled every moment we spent together with happiness — every single moment.

      When she got home she opened my letter gently for fear of tearing the paper as her hands were shaking with emotion.

      She read:

      “Same place and same time. I pray that every afternoon time stops while you look at me, I want us to take our dreams, our fears and our destiny, to hold each other tightly, never letting go, —I will not let you go—. I feel that I am not me if I am not with you, that your fleeting and infinite smiles scare my demons. I want the Moon to contemplate us at night, she is beautiful and bright as always, while our arms wrap around each other, while we lose ourselves. Don’t be afraid, just don’t disappoint me, - don’t break me – don’t leave me and I will love you every afternoon, making time our ally while we lose ourselves in that beautiful dance, lost in our eyes”.

      As if I was an eternal flower and you the hummingbird that comes to kiss me every morning, that’s how I want it to be. Forever.

      Don’t worry, I’ll not go anywhere, I’ll stay here counting the seconds for you to come back to me or rather to your home...

      In my arms.

      Since we’re conscious and we have some life experience, we know that hope is what shines deep inside us. We also know that it is the last thing we lose. Thanks to it we project ourselves in time, we repair ourselves and we hope that each blow becomes a new lesson and like that we get better every day.

      Life itself is a school that teaches us that everything has a reason, that falling is necessary, that the end of something is just a new beginning, that with or without friends, with or without love, life goes on and on and the clock doesn’t stop ticking.


      I know one day you will be here.

      That day will come...the day when I open the lock and you are behind the door, those kilometers will only be numbers and you and I will be the only thing that stands between infinity. Happiness... I told you that time: never say never and never put your head down, love is strong and it can defeat everything. I always had the hope that you would arrive, that you would enter my soul to never leave.

      We have so much to say, so much to share and there is no word that can explain it all. That’s why I kiss you and look at you as one looks at the dawn, like someone who makes a wish upon a shooting star, taking a sigh from the universe. So inimitable, just as I feel you so deep inside, it goes without saying, you feel it and you know it: you are my life and my light in the middle of the night, that light that guides me as a beacon and it is the only thing that separates me from getting lost in the middle of nowhere. Words were never more sincere or seldom were stars so ephemeral. It was enough for you to come for me to fly high, it was enough for you to touch me to undo all the damage, it was enough for you to love me for life to be colored again and for that, my love, I can’t thank you enough.

      Just one look from you is enough to make my eyes shine, a kiss is enough to illuminate my path and to expose your soul before me.

      KISS ME

      Kiss me slowly,

      kiss my curves, my fears and my flaws,

      kiss the virtues, the falls and the perfume on my skin,

      kiss my soul, kiss me while I am broken,

      kiss me without warning, without mercy, without reason.

      Stay tonight and kiss my moles my stars and my universe,

      kiss my back, neck and nose, kiss me tender, kiss me pretty, kiss my memories, my past and my present are yours,

      kiss my sunsets and also my dawn,

      kiss my palms and my thighs, kiss what no one has kissed before,

      kiss my utopia and my philosophy,

      kiss me like you never kissed anyone,

      kiss me like that song in the background,

      kiss my senses, my humidity and my silence,

      kiss my gaze and those that we have not yet given. Touch my memories and erase the bad ones,

      make me forget my name and remember yours

      every thousandth of a second, don’t stop kissing me for a moment,

      my existence, my reasons and my favorite scene depend on it,

      the place where I run away, my chest of secrets.

      Leave your lips on mine

      kiss me and be eternal, be patient, be accurate, aim for my heart

      kiss my orgasms,

      kiss my veins, kiss my big bang,

      Come in me, come in my constellation, and moisten my moon and my shooting stars. Kiss me; kiss me like it’s the last breath, the last caress, the last ship that sets sail to happiness, kiss me like it’s a goodbye

      Leave everything in that kiss, leave your name on it. Kiss me, I beg you, kiss me.

      It is difficult to find that person who makes us redefine words and prompts us to think that we should invent even more words to describe everything we feel. Instead, we demonstrate our feelings with caresses and kisses; we let our looks speak for us, full of feeling on many occasions. But in the end we understand that the force and the magic that we feel inside are directed to whom provokes those looks. And how lucky are we to be there, how lucky to share our life with someone like that, someone that makes us want to live more than one life, someone who changes the way we live, how we see things and how we love.


      In mathematical terms you would be the infinity, an unexplained equation, and I would be the fool who does not understand you but fell in love with your greatness. I would be the one who fights to find a way to improve until I became the Einstein