Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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went up, they would become sacrifices on the altar, and their flesh would be sucked up to become part of the bones on the altar.

      This kind of fresh, vigorous offering is the favorite of the God of Harvest. Also his favorite.

      The scarecrow thought so.

      Chapter 113 Flake's Nightmare

      Gao Jingfei, who had expected a trap over the altar, was a little worried, but he had already held back the most dangerous scarecrow and couldn't take care of him, so he could only trust his two teammates, Big Brother and Pang Bing.

      In fact, apart from not having a golden finger, both Gao Jingkun and the naive-looking Pang Bing have more wit and experience than Gao Jingfei in terms of actions and battles.

      Although Gao Jingfei is a man of two generations, the combination of the souls of a middle-aged social animal and a middle-aged high school student in the second-end stage cannot mutate into the shrewd wisdom of Sherlock Holmes or the primary school student of Death.

      On Gao Jingfei's side, the scarecrow didn't respond to their approach to the altar, and the two immediately understood that the real situation of the matter might be the worst situation they had imagined before they acted.

      However, they also anticipated this. Before they came, they set several responses to possible situations, so they were prepared accordingly.

      Pang be careful!

      Approaching the altar, Gao Jingkun said to Pang Bing, Pang Bing replied with a received gesture, and the two moved separately.

      This is one of their means of coping.

      If there is an ambush on the side of the altar, then it is likely to be the remaining one of the three monsters that I learned about before, and they move around the altar separately, which will inevitably make the other side unable to take care of it. They can only target one target, and the other person can continue. Do a sabotage plan.

      When the two climbed to the first floor from two directions of the altar, an invisible figure came to Pang Bing's side and glanced at Gao Jingkun's figure opposite with a sneer.

      Hey-hey! Do you want to divide the troops so that Uncle Flake can't take care of him? How naive to know that Uncle Fleck can make the whole town fall into a horrible nightmare at the same time?

      But since you think so, then your mind will be satisfied, and by the way, test the power of this altar!

      Sir, I first conquered this big man's mind. Such a strong body is the body that Flake should have the most. If I use such a body to play with those sweet and delicious children, tsk tsk

      Climbing to the first floor of the altar made of mud and beast bones, Pang Bing felt a flash in front of his eyes, and a feeling of extreme exhaustion came to his heart. Although he insisted on it, he couldn't help but close it after a few breaths. Eyes closed, the whole person stood on the spot like a statue without moving.

      When he woke up again, he found himself in a small town in the western world.

      This is an old-time midtown town in the 1960s and 1970s.

      Am I crossing over?

      Pang Bing seems to have forgotten how he got here, only remembering that he was a 21st century Xia Guo policeman who suddenly appeared in a small town in the middle of the United States in the 1970s.

      From an outsider's point of view, Pang Bing found that he seemed to be involved in some terrible event.

      Children in the town, especially little boys, seem to disappear every once in a while. Pang Bing, who suddenly appeared as a stranger, was naturally suspected by the local police. Without identity, he was regarded as an illegal immigrant and a suspect. Even detained for a while.

      Fortunately, in the next incident of the disappearance of the child, Pang Bing was innocent, and the sheriff of the small town police station, the sheriff, released him, but because of his status as an illegal immigrant, he was waiting for the arrival of the immigration bureau. Previously, it was stipulated that he could not leave the town and had to follow the sheriff's side to report every day.

      As a senior police detective in the 21st century, with no language barrier, Pang Bing quickly figured out the plot and conducted his own reconnaissance. Although the townspeople speak English and Pang Bing speaks the Xia language, surprisingly, both sides can communicate without any problems.

      Flake is a small town tailor, and his life is not very poor, but it is not very well-off either.

      He came from a sad family, his father was an alcoholic and a gangster, and his mother was a devout believer. He was abandoned by his family because he was raped by his father. married couple.

      Flake has been frail since he was a child, and has always been abused by his irascible father.

      But maybe it is inherently evil, and the mother's kindness and tolerance have not been able to change it to the good camp.

      It often takes out the resentment of being abused by the father on the small animals. After he secretly kidnapped and killed a child for the first time when he was a teenager, Flake fell out of control and fell in love with this kind of life. In the process, I experienced a joy that I have never experienced before.

      So it took advantage of his father's drunkenness to kill him, and escaped from the villainous father's control with his unknowing mother, and moved to this small town to live.

      An abhorrent perverted copper smelting, a terrifying vicious murderer was born in the world.

      Because he was so thin and looked like a tuberculosis ghost, in the small town where he lived, no one had linked the occasional disappearance of children to this guy.

      And with the departure of his mother, this also led to Flake's more unscrupulous.

      In the end, Pang Bing took the sheriff, who was convinced by his detective skills, to trace the clues, successfully broke through Flake's good deeds, and rescued the child who had just been kidnapped.

      Then the angry parents and the townspeople had no regard for the law, and executed the death sentence on this guy, tying him with fishing nets, and slashing his hatred, unexpectedly invented a punishment that resembled the most terrifying punishment in the East.

      Of course, the angry parents didn't cut off Flake's flesh, but stabbed and scratched his body to punish him alive, but the twisted Flake actually regarded this punishment as a kind of enjoyment. Happily mocking and laughing at the townspeople, the unhappy townspeople poured a barrel of gasoline on Flake and burned it alive in the abandoned factory.

      Even the sheriff sat on the sidelines, and even helped the townspeople to clean up the scene and escape the punishment of the law.

      But I don't want to because the knife used by a townsman to hurt it and stained with its blood is actually a sacrificial tool left by a god of harvest. The power of the evil god has catalyzed Flake's own extreme evil, plus everyone's hatred. , which made Flake unexpectedly gain a part of the residual power of the God of Harvest.

      Although its death could not be avoided, it caused its soul to fall into the abyss and hell, becoming an undead demon, a family of nightmares that brought fear and nightmares.

      Then Flake's evil spirit began to return to the world, haunting the town, fabricating horror nursery rhymes to specifically target underage children to persecute, to avenge the townspeople who burned it to death.

      Some clergymen of the church discovered the existence of Flake and understood that this was a terrible nightmare that depended on fear, so they united all adults in the town to forget the story of Flake, so that no children would know, what they already knew. Those children were sent to live for a while at the well-known cathedral-affiliated seminary in the next city.

      Gradually, after a few years, almost no minors knew about Flake's legend, and the horror nursery rhyme that Flake made up was no longer circulated.

      In this way, the clergy purifies the abandoned factory where Flake died, and demolishes it and builds it into a church. The holy church