Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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is used to suppress and prevent Flake's recovery, and let it sink into hell forever and become a lonely ghost.

      Everything seems to have settled, and Pang Bing, who contributed a lot in the eradication of Flake, also successfully obtained his identity with the help of the sheriff, and settled in a small town as a police officer.

      It's just that there are still adults who still remember Flake's story.

      More than ten years later, the old sheriff retired due to illness. Pang Bing was elected as the new sheriff because of his integrity and outstanding ability, and became a respected small town sheriff.

      At this time, there was another disappearance of children in the town.

      This immediately aroused the alarm of Pang Bing and some adults in the town who had experienced the series of past events.

      After they met in the church and discussed it secretly, they decided to impose a ban on the whole town, and all insiders were not allowed to discuss the name and related stories.

      Then Pang Bing, who secretly led the police to investigate, just fell asleep that day when he felt that he had come to a strange and terrifying world.

      Jie Jie

      The terrifying laughter of the evil villain that is so often seen in one comes from the sky.

      Chapter 114: Fantasy Battle in Dreams

      This world has a dark and gloomy sky, but it seems to be flickering with the color of oil painting, the earth is dry, lava and black smoke can be seen everywhere in the cracks, if you have to use one word to describe it, then Pang Bing can only think of it. Two words, hell.

      If it was an ordinary person who suddenly came to such a terrifying environment, he might have been panicked long ago. But Pang Bing himself is a police detective, and he has experienced this time-travel, and has more than ten years of life experience. Although he does not know that these may be false experiences, his soul has also settled to a certain level.

      So when he heard the laughter, his heart that was at a loss was calmed down. He seemed to have thought of something and said to the sky:

      Fleck, is this all a dream you made up?

      Although he did not recall the memory before the time-travel, as one of the witnesses who sealed Flake at the beginning, he quickly thought of the possibility of his current situation.

      So he opened his mouth to try it out.

      Then I heard a burst of exaggerated, clown-like laughter:

      Haha, hee hee, haha, hee hee

      A geek wearing a striped jumper with scorch marks all over his face and his hands turned into terrifying iron claws like scissor hands walked out of nothingness, clapping his hands and exclaiming:

      As expected of a smart detective, the most respected sheriff, he guessed the identity of Mr. Fleck so quickly, but unfortunately there is no reward for guessing right, haha, disappointed

      Pang Bing was expressionless. He had experienced more than ten years of life, and he was no longer the reckless police detective who was in his early thirties but still retains the anger of his youth.

      Do you even dare to bring an adult closer to a dream now?

      Flake continued to laugh strangely after hearing the words:

      Hehe, I never said that I can only capture the souls of children!

      As he said that, he saw that the ground under Pang Bing's feet suddenly trembled, and hot lava spewed out from the cracks in the ground, almost engulfing Pang Bing.

      But Pang Bing stood there calmly without any emotion.

      He said sarcastically:

      Put away your tricks, Flake. Father Jack said back then, as long as no one remembers you, you can only sink into hell, and as long as we don't fear you, then you monster can't hurt me at all

      Pang Bing strongly hinted in his heart that all this was false. Sure enough, after the lava and flames fell on him, they disappeared like a phantom, without feeling any temperature at all.

      Flake scolded for a while when he saw this, but on the surface he was still smiling.

      However, Flake also felt that something seemed wrong. Facing the alliance of the humans who killed Anita before, it might feel scared, especially the young human who manipulated the puppet brought it the greatest sense of threat, but before the eyes This person is its specially selected target, ready to rely on the endless illusion of reincarnation to obliterate his will, occupy his body and return to the human world alive again.

      But he is obviously just a strong ordinary mortal without any extraordinary abilities, how can he be so difficult to deal with?

      So Flake no longer held a playful attitude, directly moved the real thing, took out the nightmarish housekeeping skills, and prepared to use countless killings and deaths to squeeze the opponent's fear, obliterate this guy's will, and completely solve this trouble.

      You mortals don't know the power of the Great Flake at all, haha, today I will let you know what the power of the Demon King is

      As soon as the voice fell, the world in front of him suddenly changed.

      From a lava hell environment to a spooky haunted labyrinth-like environment.

      Pang Bing was neither sad nor happy in his heart. He had hatred and anger, but he did not have the slightest fear. He did not move his position in line with the purpose of keeping the same and responding to all changes. But just because he didn't move didn't mean Flake couldn't take the initiative.

      As a nightmare that feeds on fear, once the target cannot generate fear, it is really difficult for Flake to hurt the opponent, unless he shows his true body to attack him head-on.

      Flake hadn't gotten to that point yet.

      Just as Pang Bing was on guard, an iron claw covered with rust and blood suddenly appeared behind him.


      Although Pang Bing sensed the sound of the wind behind him and ducked forward in time, he was still scratched on the shoulder, and a piece of clothing was taken away by the iron claw, leaving a bloodstain several inches long.

      However, the attacked Pang Bing also seized the opportunity to fight back. The gun in his hand banged twice, and both bullets hit Flake who appeared.

      Fleck didn't seem to be trying to avoid it. There was no blood flowing out of the bullet when it hit it. The two bullet holes squirmed for a while, and they saw two twisted warheads being squeezed out. Look at Fleck's wound. He recovered quickly, with no wounds at all.

      hey hey hey! I'm the undead Demon Lord Flake, how could I be killed by your little pistol?

      In fact, the young Flake still used the illusion to attack Pang Bing, but Pang Bing thought it was the body, so he was hurt.

      Thinking of this, Flake couldn't help but feel proud. Even a human warrior with firm will and strong combat power would be tortured to death by his false attack.

      Although the human sheriff in front of him is powerful and has seen through some of the limitations of his abilities, he is still unable to participate in Flake's methods.

      After being attacked several times in succession, Pang Bing's body was soon in rags like a beggar, with many scars. Although the injuries were not serious, Pang Bing felt that his physical strength was draining.

      Maybe he won't have the strength to resist if he can't hold on for two hours.

      This was not the result Pang Bing wanted.

      The pistol had proved completely ineffective against Flake, and he wanted a weapon that could hurt Flake more and more.

      Strong thoughts make miraculous changes occur.

      I saw that the gun in his hand suddenly melted, and then, in Pang Bing's surprise and Flake's bad thoughts, it turned into a black iron thorn more than one foot long,