Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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because of the continuous beheading of Nightmare's clone, it seemed to break the obstacles that Flake made in the dream that Pang Bing prepared, and his memory began to return intermittently.

      Ha ha! It turns out that I didn't cross, everything is a fantasy woven by you guy

      Recalling that he joined the special affairs bureau and performed a mission in the foggy world, a statue of Guan Gong suddenly appeared in Pang Bing's hand.

      Qinglong dances in spring and autumn on the moon, slaying demons, subduing demons and showing supernatural powers

      He not only watched Gao Jingfei use this spirit many times, but also personally experienced the process of being possessed by a cursed clone and then being driven away by the power of a god statue. Naturally, it was easily manifested by his own imagination.

      Then, due to Pang Bing's awakening memory, the authority of the dream world compiled by Freddy was oversighted, causing it to lose part of its control. Flake, who was unable to escape the dream in time, was suddenly seen by a red horse and a long The sword, the tall god with a square red face and long beard, were suppressed.

      The fierce horses neighed, and the sword light was like water.

      This knife was swung out and turned into a crimson knife light phantom, carrying a powerful and righteous supreme divine power, which was the nemesis of an evil creature like nightmare.

      Flake was so terrified that he wanted to use an illusion instead of his body to escape, but the previously unfavorable means failed in front of this phantom. Nightmare's body was suddenly caught and unable to move.

      Do not

      The knife came to the body, and the evil spirit nightmare Flake had only time to let out a desperate cry, and was cut into two pieces by the light of the knife.

      If it is an ordinary weapon or even an ordinary supernatural weapon, being cut into two pieces is not a fatal injury to the nightmare that evil spirits can generally blur.

      But this is a blow with divine power. Although the divine power contains very little, the nature of the power seems to be extremely high, and there is no chance for it to react at all.

      At the moment Flake was destroyed, the world in front of him began to collapse and blur, and Pang Bing's consciousness was able to return to reality.

      He saw an iron-clawed monster suddenly appearing in front of him, but at this time, his body was broken in two, and the crimson divine power knife light spread on it like a flame.

      The attack in the dream was transferred to reality. In the nightmare, Flake, who was like a god and had countless sins before and after his life, had no chance to leave any last words. He only had time to show an unwilling expression of fear, and instantly turned into nothingness.

      Pang Bing did not expect such a result. The statue of Guan Gong was only imagined by him, but it can exert such a powerful divine power in the dream world.

      However, in the dream world, he had tried the power of fantasy to come true, and after returning to reality, he became a mortal body, but he inevitably had a huge gap, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

      Fortunately, although it was a false experience, after those ten years of experience returned to reality, it was more or less equivalent to one or two years of experience in reality, which made his will and mind stronger than before, and he quickly got rid of these. negative feelings.

      And at the moment Nightmare died, Gao Jingfei also had a happy expression on his face.

      The golden finger of the altar of the heavens is this good. As long as it is within a certain range, no matter whether it is a monster that he killed himself, he can receive the same amount of harvest.

      Chapter 116: The Altar of Horror, Huge Tentacles

      Seeing that the nightmare under his hand also died, he lost two assistants in a row, and with the IQ of the straw man's head, he also understood that these human beings may really have the ability to bring some damage to the great altar of God.

      Only then did Scarecrow Klein feel irritable and let out a neigh. He didn't want to linger with Gao Jingfei, a human being and a psychic paper figurine. He turned around and was about to return to the altar.

      The home is about to be stolen, and the scarecrow who was full of confidence will inevitably panic at this time.

      Want to go?

      During the battle, Gao Jingfei didn't have time to distract himself to check the harvest of eliminating the nightmare, so he hurriedly activated the White Bone Soul Killing Needle again, and cooperated with Aldiba to drag the scarecrow regardless of the consumption of spiritual power, so as to buy time for the actions of Big Brother and the others.

      This White Bone Soul Killing Needle is an evil magic weapon flying needle with a power close to the red supernatural. It is different from the simple magic tools of the Taomu sword and Sanyin thorn. It consumes a lot of spiritual power to use, but Gao Jingfei's explosion The effect is also obvious. I saw a light like a laser, which instantly pierced through a calf of the scarecrow.


      The injury to his leg greatly affected Klein's actions. The scarecrow let out a terrifying roar, and when he turned around, it was a violent blow.

      A giant sickle made the monster wield like a heavy hammer, and the ground shattered, sending smoke and dust everywhere.

      Fortunately, Gao Jingfei had spiritual vision, and the psychic paper figurine's sight was not blocked by the smoke and dust. The two masters and servants dealt with the scarecrow with all their might, forcibly dragging the most powerful monster that had appeared in the foggy world here so far. it's here.

      But it was only a delay. After urging the magic weapon to make a critical strike, even with Gao Jingfei's accumulation, his spiritual power was almost exhausted. His back was soaked with sweat, and he quickly put a rat fruit into his mouth. Restore your own spiritual power and infuriating energy.

      Fortunately, Aludiba, as a psychic paper figure, did not have any physical exertion, and continued to execute the order. He worked tirelessly to touch the scarecrow's back and perform a backstab attack, so as to buy some time for his master to return to blue.

      The battle here is in a stalemate, and there are some changes on the altar side.

      Time goes back to three minutes ago.

      Pang Bing was dragged into a dream by the nightmare and lost his ability to move. Gao Jingkun saw it in his eyes. Although he was worried, he had nothing to do about this situation. In addition, he knew that his teammates were not in danger for a while, so he decided to Complete the task first, and when this is solved, my younger brother will free up his hand to rescue Pang Bing from the predicament.

      According to the previous plan of the three of them, Gao Jingfei dragged the scarecrow, and the two of them each carried a detonating talisman, and then cooperated with the grenades and shock bombs on their bodies to blow up this strange altar.

      This is Gao Jingfei, who has a phobia of insufficient firepower. Considering that the power of the two detonating charms may not be enough, he is prepared. Anyway, the number of these grenades and other weapons they bring with them is limited, because they are afraid that they will fail in the foggy world. Enter more.

      No need for nothing, why do you need to save this amount of money for the Special Affairs Bureau!

      In this way, the effect of dealing with the scarecrow monster is actually very limited. It is estimated that after a few grenades explode, it will not cause much damage to the scarecrow, and the other party can recover quickly.

      So it's better to use all these things on targets like immovable altars.

      Judging from the importance the Scarecrow attaches to the altar, this thing must be a relatively critical existence. Maybe if the altar is eliminated, they will be able to successfully leave this world.

      Across the two floors of the altar, Gao Jingkun shouted to the two captive students above who were surprised: