Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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speed at all. In order to delay the time for the elder brother, he could only choose to hold the magic weapon and wait in place.

      When the scarecrow was not far in front of him, he chose to shoot, and this blow went straight to the opponent's other leg.

      The scarecrow Klein, who had encountered it before, is now a good boy. He had already evaded when Gao Jingfei launched it. Although he was still brushed by the aura of the magic weapon incarnation over the ankle of the other leg, it was not the same as that. It was penetrated by the Bone Soul Killing Needle as before, but only brought a gap the size of a fist.

      One blow failed to achieve the desired effect, so Gao Jingfei could only retreat into the cornfield behind, and under the cover of Aldiba, he fought and retreated, trying to buy time for his companions who escaped from the rear.

      Fortunately, the White Bone Soul Killing Needle is very powerful, although it consumes a lot of spiritual power, so that he cannot fire continuously, and can only use it once after resting for dozens of seconds.

      However, he fought and retreated like this, and after a few minutes, he also left the cornfield and returned to the outside of the village.

      Looking back from a distance, I saw that the big brother and the others had already tied the safety rope and were waiting for them at the villa hundreds of steps away.


      Tired of this back and forth delaying tactics, Gao Jingfei simply retracted Aldiba, raised a middle finger to the scarecrow, and then turned around to meet his teammates at full speed.

      With his physique and the eight-step chasing cicada he had initially practiced, he was driven by the remaining infuriating energy, and his speed was definitely faster than that of the world's top sprinters. It was just a few steps, and he came to the middle of the road outside the villa in just a few breaths, gasping for breath to join everyone.

      let's go! Saying that, Gao Jingfei took the rope and tied it to his belt, and walked into the thick fog at the end of the road as the next step.

      The scarecrow, who had been targeted by Gao Jingfei before, had his other leg broken despite his precautions, and his speed was greatly reduced. Although he used his hands and feet with all his strength, he could only watch a group of people penetrate the fog and leave behind blurred background.

      When it chased to the front of the villa, it didn't even touch the shadows of those few humans, and could only look at the chaotic mist in front of it in fear and roar angrily.

      In addition to destroying the monsters in the fog, according to Gao Jingfei's experience, the best way to leave the fog is to return to where you came from. Otherwise, who knows where it will be sent by the unknown fog, maybe another world.

      Gao Jingfei was still taking the lead, and the five people behind were all tied up with safety ropes, so as not to get lost in the fog, and the result was estimated that they would never come back.

      Having completed the task of saving people, Gao Jingfei had the time to circle around in the fog a few more times to collect more scattered divine particles.

      At the same time, his consciousness also sank into the altar of the heavens to count the harvest this time.

      The gain from the previous lottery was put aside. In addition to the 8 points of divine power, the divine gain brought to him by the nightmare was also different from the previous ghost doll. It was the two divinities of illusion and fear.

      Looking at the newly added light belt floating on the altar of the heavens, it is slightly different in color from the harvest brought by the previous ghost doll.

      Visions and fears? In addition to possessing a doll, the ghost doll Anita also has the power of illusion to confuse people, but she was killed by herself before she could use it. As a demon in Western legends, it is no surprise that Nightmare has the ability to create illusions and spread fear.

      Even Gao Jingfei, who has heard many folk ghost stories, knows that there are similar nightmares in Middle-earth mythology, such as mirages that create mirages, and dream-eating tapirs that feed on dreams.

      In fact, Gao Jingfei felt that for mortals, Nightmare Flake, a demon or evil spirit who could manipulate dreams, was actually a more threatening existence than a ghost doll.

      In terms of strength accumulation, Fleck is definitely stronger than the evil spirit Anita. This can be seen from the fact that Fleck brought me 8 points of divine power after his death, which is a little more than the ghost doll.

      But the ability of Helpless Nightmare has no effect on the other two monsters. It can be said that they are naturally restrained by the scarecrows and ghost dolls, who are also of the evil camp. Of course, it is difficult for them to kill Flake who is walking in the dream.

      So the unlucky Flake could only be low in front of the other two monsters.

      Fear divinity can draw power from the fear of other creatures, which should be Flake's nightmare.

      This kind of divine power seems to be more useful than the previous ghost doll's hatred of divinity, but Gao Jingfei does not intend to become an existence that spreads terror everywhere and harvests people's fear, it is no different from the devil.

      Therefore, he hesitated for a while, just like treating the god of hatred, and directly converted the god of fear into 10,000 divine particles as the energy of the lottery.

      And the remaining two phantom divinities spontaneously merged into one above the altar of the heavens, and merged into a thicker light belt.

      Seeing this, Gao Jingfei couldn't help thinking:

      Killing two weak monsters, Ghost Doll and Nightmare, both obtained two kinds of divine powers, so what will be gained by killing the Scarecrow?

      Chapter 119 Falling Gold and Silver

      After redeeming an unused fear divinity, the accumulation of divinity particles suddenly reached the 10,000 point mark, and even adding the 8 points of divine power and the harvest in the fog, it will soon break through to 11,000 points. point.

      So Gao Jingfei fell into the happiness trouble of difficult choice again.

      For a while, I couldn't decide whether to do another golden draw, or a red ten-draw and a green one-hundred draw. Anyway, the mission was completed, the three students were rescued, and the mist would definitely shrink because they eliminated two monsters.

      In this way, there are no problems that need to be solved urgently, and the lottery is naturally not in a hurry.

      After thinking about it, a lantern suddenly appeared in Gao Jingfei's hand. Looking closely, it seemed to be in the shape of a retro lantern or street lamp in the 19th century. In fact, this thing grew in a flowerpot with four sides of glass like a street lamp. of a magical plant.

      Inside the glass lampshade is not a burning wick, but a flower that emits a warm glow.

      This is the only strange item among the seven items drawn by the green seven-series drawing before, the magical plant street lamp flower from the world of plants and zombies.

      This mysterious plant in a flowerpot shaped like a street lamp can disperse fog, yin and evil spirits, and has the effect of reassuring and warding off evil spirits.

      Of course, the biggest effect is to dispel the fog, and the other effects are relatively weak, but under the light of this light all year round, ordinary humans will also be light and healthy, and have a certain effect of prolonging life.

      As soon as this magical street light appeared, the surrounding fog seemed to lighten a little. The warm light had a smell of sunlight, which made everyone feel warm. Within a range of nearly ten meters, everyone seemed to be They can see each other clearly, instead of being blurred by a position.

      Xiaofei what is this?

      Gao Jingkun is already somewhat immune to the novelty things that his younger brother can often come up with, but for the first time, he can see things normally in this fog, even though he can only maintain a range of ten meters around