Stuart Robson, Dr.

Javanese English Dictionary

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keconthokan to get caught in the act.

      conthong banana leaf or paper twisted into a cone-shaped container;

      nyonthong to put s.t. into such a cone; to form s.t. into a cone;

      conthongan served in such a cone-shaped container.

      conti, nyonti to retard, hinder.

      conto example, model;

      nyonto to imitate, copy; to use as an example;

      nyontoni to give an example of; to set an example (for).

      cop I a hole occupied by eels.

      II reg a certain small oil lamp.

      III or mak cop repr piercing;

      ngecopi to pierce repeatedly.

      copèt a pickpocket;

      nyopet to make one's living by picking pockets; to empty pockets;

      kecopètan to be the victim of a pickpocket.

      coplok to come loose;

      nyoplok 1 to detach s.t.; to take s.t. off; 2 to fire s.o.

      copot 1 to come loose; to come off/out; 2 to remove (clothing);

      nyopot 1 to remove, take apart; 2 to discharge, dismiss;

      copotan to come apart easily; detachable.

      cor, ngecor to pour from one container into another;

      ngecori 1 to pour onto; 2 to water s.t.;

      ngecorake to pour s.t. into another container;

      cor-coran 1 molten substance; 2 that which is poured.

      corah 1 thief, bandit; 2 bad person.

      corak see corék.

      corék I 1 batik design; 2 or corèkan a drawing or written line;

      nyorèk to draw a line on (under, through) s.t.;

      nyorèki to draw lines repeatedly;

      corak-corèk to draw lines aimlessly, doodle.

      II, nyorèk reg to show off one's appearance.

      corèng var of clorèng.

      corèt var of corèk.

      coro I 1 cockroach; 2 a lowly person.

      II, nyoro pursed (lips).

      corok stick used for prodding;

      kecorok 1 to get prodded; 2 to be engaged for another purpose;

      corok jero to make love to s.o.'s wife.

      corong I ray, beam.

      II 1 microphone; 2 loudspeaker.

      cos or mak cos repr sizzling;

      ngecos to touch with a hot iron; to brand.

      cothé, nyothé to stick a kris on the side of the belt with the handle extending forward;

      cothen (of kris) stuck as above.

      cotho lacking s.t. necessary to one's work; missing s.t. essential.

      cothom reg a broad woven bamboo hat (var of caping).

      cothot, nyothotaké to press s.t. to eject the contents. See also pecothot.

      cotoméyo unrespectable (var of cocoméyo).

      cotung reg broken, to break (var of putung).

      cowèk 1 small saucer-shaped stone bowl for grinding spices in; 2 saucer-like earthen platter.

      cowok reduced;

      nyowok to decrease (a larger amount); to dock;

      kecowok reduced inadvertently.

      cowong (of face) wan and pinched-looking.

      crabak, pacrabakan lit place for learning under the guidance of a holy hermit.

      cracas, cracasan to drip copiously (of tears, raindrops). See also crècès.

      cracèt handkerchief. See also crècèt.

      crah divided, cracked, split up;

      ngecrahaké to split up (friendship/ relationship).

      crak or mak crak repr slashing/jabbing a hard object.

      craki, craken container in which herbs and drugs are stored;

      kaya Cina craki prov miserly, close­fisted.

      cramuk, pating cramuk pl to eat with the mouth stuffed full.

      crang or mak crang repr a dull metallic clang.

      crangap, nyrangap cr to talk loudly;

      pating crangap pl (of mouth) wide open.

      cranthèl, pating cranthèl hanging in disorder; hanging everywhere.

      crapang spreading and pointed;

      nyrapang (of moustache) to spread outward to either side.

      cras or mak eras repr a slash with a sharp blade.

      cratho, pating cratho halting, broken (of language).

      crawak having a disagreeable loud speaking voice.

      creblung, pating creblung pl chattering, jabbering.

      creceb see crecep.

      crecel, nrecel to have many children.

      crecep, pating crecep to feel sticky all over the body.

      creces, pating creces to feel cold all over the body.

      crècès, pating crècès running down everywhere (tears, raindrops).

      crecèt handkerchief.

      crècèt var of crecèt.

      cremed, nyremed or cremedan to tell dirty stories; to talk obscenely or coarsely.

      cremimi(h), nyremimi(h) sad-looking;

      pating cremimi(h) pl sad, melancholy.

      cremomong, nyremomong glowing, burning red (fires);

      pating cremomong pl as above.

      crémot, crémotan or pating crémot all messed up; (of face) streaked with dirt.

      cremumuh, nyremumuh reddish and infected-looking (sores);

      pating cremumuh pl as above.

      crèncèng gleaming, glimmering; dawn.

      crèng 1 cash (as opposed to credit); 2 or

      mak crèng repr a metallic clang.

      crèngèk, pating crèngèk pl (of children) to keep wailing loudly.

      crèngèl, pating crèngèl pl to keep craning the neck; pl to keep sticking the head up high.

      crèngès, nyrèngès to show the teeth (smiling; making a face); pating crèngès pl as above.

      crènggèh, pating crènggèh pl sticking out/up.

      crèngkèh var of crènggèh.

      crèngkèng, pating crèngkèng pl to keep yelping/whining.

      crèngkèng fish spear.

      crengkling, pating crengkling pl repr repeated metallic clanking sounds, e.g. metal being pounded.

      crengklung, pating crengklung pl repr repeated deep metallic sounds, e.g. from thumping a steel drum.

      créngos, créngosan or pating créngos (of face) streaked with dirt.

      crenthé, pating crenthé repr heavy metallic sounds, e.g. of steel girders banging together.

      crenthèng var of crenthé.
