like to tear a bit off it;
cuwilan a broken-off piece (of); taken from (a larger piece);
sacuwil a little bit; a torn-off or chipped-off fragment.
cuwir excessively thin (intsfr of cuwer).
cuwiri a certain batik design characterised by many curls which may be worn at court.
cuwit, nyuwiti to twitter; to squeak;
cuwit-cuwit or cuwat-cuwit to keep twittering, squeaking;
cumuwit to let out a peep.
cuwo a broad shallow earthenware bowl.
cuwol, nyuwol to grab in the fingers.
cuwowo, nyuwowo to press s.o.'s mouth with thumb and forefinger.
cuwowol var of cuwol.
cuwut I reg squirrel.
II, nyuwut reg to take/snatch away.
cuyu reg a crab (var of yuyu).
dabag I 1 rough-woven bamboo used for wall or fence panel; 2 sharp-pointed bamboo poles used for fence;
ndabag resembling bamboo spears.
II measles (var of gabag);
ndabag or dabagen to have/get measles.
III, ndabag crowded (of people).
dablag yar of dabag.
dableg, ndableg stubborn, obstinate.
dadah, ng, kr, ginda k.i. massage; to be massaged;
ndadah 1 to massage (a baby); 2 to treat (a helpless victim) harshly;
dadahan massage;
pandadah act of massaging.
dadak or ndadak 1 suddenly, without warning; 2 unexpectedly and/or undesirably; 3 to (do) right away, (do) ahead of time; all at once; - apa now what?; - mangsa to speed up the normal pace; to try to force s.t. before its time;
kedadak 1 sudden; 2 to be caused to happen suddenly;
dadakan suddenly, immediately;
dumadakan all of a sudden, suddenly; all at once.
dadar I omelette, egg pancake; - gulung rolled egg pancake; - leler reward for services;
ndadar to make (egg) into omelette.
II, ndadar to examine, test, try out;
pandadar or pandadaran examination, test;
dadaran product of training.
III, ndadari (of the moon) to rise.
dadi ng, dados fer, 1 to be, become, assume the role of; 2 as, in(to), so as to become; 3 done, ready, successfully completed; 4 (in games) to be 'it', to be a defender; 5 so, therefore, thus; - ati to take s.t. to heart; - gawe to be dangerous; - lan to be the cause of; - wong to be(come) important/influential;
ndadi 1 to grow rapidly; 2 to increase in intensity; 3 to go into trance; 4 to let o.s. get caught and become 'in' in a game; 5 to set (fruits, on a tree);
ndadèkaké 1 to cause s.t. to be/become; 2 to consider s.t. (as);
dumadi ng, dumados fer, 1 to come into existence; 2 (to be) made from; 3 consist of;
kedadian or kedadéyan 1 result, consequence; 2 occurrence, eventuality; 3 brought to a (successful) conclusion; 4 (to be) made up of;
ora dadi apa it doesn't matter.
dados kr for dadi.
dadra, ndadra to worsen (of illness, vices etc); to increase.
dadu light red.
dadya lit var of dadi.
daga I, dagan the bottom or foot end (of s.o. in a lying position);
ndagan or ndedagan to sit in meditation at the foot of a buried person;
ndaganaké to place s.t. (kris, flower etc) at the foot of (buried person).
II, ndaga to disregard (orders).
dagang I to engage in business; - gawe (or ndagang gawe) to consistently take longer to do one's work in order to get more wages; - laku (or ndagang laku) to keep walking while offering the price of a merchandise in order to get a higher price from the purchaser; - layar to do business by sailing from place to place;
dagangan 1 business, trading; 2 merchandise;
dedagangan (to have) business/ commercial dealings with;
merdagang to deal in merchandise; to buy and sell in the marketplace;
padagang businessman;
padagangan trade;
dagang tuna andum bathi to do good for/to others.
II, ndagangi (of calf) at the stage of learning to walk.
dagel, ndagel (of fruit) to remain hard (var of dhagel II).
daging meat, flesh;
ndaging (of animals, fruits) fleshy, meaty;
daging-dagingan 1 meats; 2 resembling meat;
kulit daging see kulit.
dah excl boo!
dahana lit fire.
dahat lit very.
dahuru turmoil, chaotic situation. Also dauru.
dahwèn a busybody, nosey, inquisitive;
dahwèn pati opèn to be fond of being nosey.
dajal evil spirit.
dak I prefix; var of tak.
II (or ndak) inf var of andak.
dakar male genitals.
dakdir var of takdir.
dakik, ndakik or ndakik-ndakik sophisticated, detailed, intricate, elaborate.
dakmenang to behave in an overbearing or domineering way.
daknang inf var of dakmenang.
daksa lit wise, smart.
daksina lit 1 south; 2 right (opposite of left).
dakwa accusation, charge, indictment;
ndakwa to accuse, charge;
pandakwa accusation.
dakwenang var of dakmenang.
dal I name of the 5 th year in the windu cycle.
II out (shtf of wedal, kr for wetu).
dalah and (also), together with.
dalan ng, margi kr 1 road, path, street, passage; 2 way, route; 3 means, way; - butulan access road; - buntu dead end; - simpangan side road;
ndalanaké to handle (merchandise) in the capacity of middleman;
didalani or kedalanan to have a road, passage etc on/through it;
dalanan pathway, street areas, roadways;
sadalan-dalan all along the road; in every road;
dedalan lit var of dalan.
dalas, dalasan var of dalah.
dalem 1 in(side), within; 2 the inner room of a house, i.e. the main family section; 3 house, home (k.i.for omah); 4 walled-in residence compound of an aristocratic family; 5 your; he, his (referring to s.o. exalted); 6 k.a. I, me; my (also a response when called);