to live in (a place) (k.i. for manggon).
dalir stripe(s) on an animal's coat;
ndalir striped; stripe-shaped, in long rows.
dalit, dalitan a patched place.
dalon reg kr boar.
dalu I evening, night (kr for bengi, wengi);
kedalon overtaken by night.
II fully ripe (fruit);
kedalon overripe;
kadalu mangsa or kadalu warsa to have lapsed/expired.
daludag see dludag I.
dama, daman precious because of its scarcity;
dinama-dama (of child) spoiled;
dedaman money or things kept carefully as the last reserve.
damar 1 hardened tree resin; 2 lamp, lantern.
darnel job, task; celebration; to make, do, cause (kr for gawé).
dami 1 dried rice straw; a field of dried rice stalks; 2 inner peel of a ripe breadfruit or jackfruit section;
damèn 1 dried rice stalk; 2 whistle or bubble pipe made from such a stalk;
damènan field of dried rice straw;
ndamèn bosok resembling decaying straw;
ndamèn teles reddish yellow.
damu, ndamu or ndamoni to blow (on, out).
dan, ndan lit 1 then, afterwards; 2 quickly.
dana 1 charitable gift, funds; 2 district head (inf var of wedana).
danar, danar-danar (of female complexions) light, fair.
danas reg var of nanas.
dandan ng, dandos kr, to get/be dressed;
ndandani 1 to repair; 2 to dress s.o.;
ndandakaké 1 to have s.t. repaired; 2 to have (clothing) made;
dandan-dandan 1 to fix things up; 2 to keep repairing s.t.;
dandanan 1 apparel, way of dressing; 2 accessories; embellishments; 3 a place to dress; 4 a foregone conclusion.
dandang bottom part of a rice steamer; a copper pot for water, over which a woven bamboo cone (kukusan) containing the rice is placed.
dandos kr for dandan.
dang I, ngedang to cook (esp rice) by steaming;
ngedangaké to steam rice for s.o.;
padang 1 person who steams rice; 2 the time required to steam rice;
padangan kitchen;
kayu dang firewood;
sapadang sapanginang a moment, a short while;
dang-dangan 1 cooked by steaming; 2 the way to steam rice.
II, ndang quickly, promptly.
dangak reg var of dhangak.
dangan or danganan holder, handle.
dangdanan reg var of dandanan.
dangu I (a) long time (kr for suwé).
II to ask (a question) (k.i.for takon).
III stem of the sugar-palm blossom.
dangur cassava.
dangus harsh, stern, gruff, easily angered.
daning reg var of andèkna.
danten pigeon (reg kr for dara I).
danu lit wild buffalo.
daoké boss, a Chinese foreman; term for addressing a Chinese foreman.
dapak I reg if, when.
II reg moreover, beyond that, even.
III reg maybe.
daptar list.
dara I pigeon, dove; - bandhangan or - kaplakan male pigeon being trained by use of a tame female; - gambir brown pigeon; - giring homing pigeon; pigeon in the mating season; - kucir crested pigeon; - pos carrier pigeon; - topong black pigeon with a white head.
II, ndara 1 master, mistress (shtf of bendara); 2 Sir, madam (term for addressing one's master or mistress)', ajeng daughter of the master; - kakung the master of the house; - mas son of the master; - putri wife of the master.
daradasih or ndaradasihi to materialise, come about.
daragepak a certain style of Javanese house with verandahs on all sides.
darah see dharah.
daraka lit solid, strong, resistant.
daran, ndarani 1 to name/call s.t. (var of ngarani); 2 to accuse.
darana lit steadfast, able to bear s.t., patient.
darani lit earth.
darapon lit in order to, so that.
darbe lit to have, own, possess;
ndarbèni to have possession of. See also darbèk.
darbèk the possession of, belonging to.
darès a variety of owl.
dari, ndari to rise (moon) (var of ndadari).
daridra lit needy, indigent, destitute.
daring, daringan 1 container for storing rice; 2 large flat bamboo surface where husked rice is spread out to dry before storing;
padaringan same as daringan.
darma I lit father.
II 1 (darmi kr) duty, obligation; 2 donation, contribution; to donate, contribute; 3 service, good deed;
ndarmani to contribute to;
ndarmakaké to contribute s.t. for;
sadarma or saderma (to do) from a sense of duty or as an obligation;
darmabakti volunteer work, service of value to the state;
darmawisata excursion, outing, field trip, a group study trip;
darmawan donor, philanthropist, generous person; contributor.
III close, intimate; mitra - a best friend.
darmaja lit child, son.
darmi duty, obligation (kr for darma).
darpa lit 1 eager; 2 desirous; 3 impulse, instinct.
darpaya var of darpa.
darsana lit example, model, instance.
daru falling star that gives off bright blue light; an omen of great good fortune. Also andaru.
darubeksi misfortune brought about by black magic.
daruna lit cause, reason.
darung, ndarung to do repeatedly or habitually;
kedarung-darung to go astray;
darungan and then, after that.
darus, ndarus to recite from the Quran.
darwya lit to have, own, possess (var of darbé).
das zero.
dasa the 10 digit (kr for puluh).
dasanama synonym; synonymous words.
dasih lit servant.
dat 1 essence; essential nature; 2 substance; chemical substance. Also zat.
datan lit no, not.
datapitana lit so it happened; as the story goes.
datar lit no, not (var of datan).