Stuart Robson, Dr.

Javanese English Dictionary

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      crepèpèh, nyrepèpèh to plead, beg.

      cres or mak cres repr a sharp point spearing s.t.

      cret or mak cret repr a sudden dripping;

      ngecreti to spatter s.t. with drops of liquid;

      sacret, sacretan a small amount, a mere drop.

      crèt or mak crèt repr a sudden squirting/ spurting;

      ngecrèti to spatter onto;

      crat-crèt squirting repeatedly; to have the runs.

      crethil, pating crethil repr the stinging sensation of an open cut.

      crèwèk, crèwèkan (of fruit) a hole eaten by a bat.

      crèwèng, pating crèwèng pointing in various directions, divided. Also criwing.

      crèwèt 1 cr to talk too much; 2 cr to complain constantly.

      cricis, nricis 1 to talk a lot; 2 to speak fluently.

      criga lit kris (var of curiga).

      crigis talkative by nature.

      crik or mak crik repr (of metallic things) loud jingling.

      cring or mak cring repr (of coins) loud jingling.

      cringih, nyringih pointed and sharp;

      cringih-cringih or pating cringih pl as above.

      cringis, nyringis to show the teeth (smiling, grimacing etc);

      pating cringis pl as above.

      criping fried chips made from thin slices of cassava (banana etc).

      cripu thong sandals, slippers.

      crit or mak crit repr water squirting;

      crat-crit repr repeated squirts.

      crita ng, cariyos kr story, narration;

      nyritani to tell s.o. (a story; about s.t.);

      nyritakaké to tell about.

      See also carita.

      criwing var of crèwèng.

      criwis talkative; to jabber, prattle.

      criyèt, pating criyèt pl squeaking.

      criyos to say, tell (kr for kandha, crita).

      crobo careless, untidy; sloppy, grubby.

      crobong chimney.

      crocoh 1 (of ceilings, roofs) to leak; 2 delighting in yelling abusively. See also trocoh.

      crocok, crocokan gluttonous, greedy.

      crocop, nyrocop to slurp (bad table manners).

      crocos, nrocos 1 (of tears) to flow; to drool; 2 cr nonstop speaking.

      crog see crok.

      crok or mak crok repr cutting/chopping/ striking;

      crok-crok repr the sloshing of wet fabric against a board or stone when being washed;

      crak-crok repr chopping repeatedly;

      ngecrok-crok to launder clothes by pounding them against s.t.

      crolot, pating crolot pl repr to keep jumping/bounding.

      cromplong, pating cromplong riddled with holes.

      crondhol reg water rat.

      crondholo see trondholo.

      crongat, nyrongat to stick out;

      pating crongat pl sticking out. See also congat.

      crongoh not fussy about one's choice (of women).

      crongol, pating crongol pl to come to the surface. See also congol, cungul.

      crongos, pating crongos pl voracious, gluttonous; 2 to show the teeth (greedily).

      crongot, nyrongot (of teeth) sticking outward;

      pating crongot pl as above. See also congot.

      crop repr sipping loudly.

      crot or mak crot repr liquid spurting, squirting;

      ngecroti to spurt onto s.t.;

      ngecrotaké to squirt s.t.;

      kecrotan to get squirted accidentally.

      crowal, pating crowal full of dents or chipped places.

      crowèt see cruwèt.

      crowok, crowokan reg gutter, gully, drain.

      crubuk I 1 a certain sea fish; 2 salted eggs of sea fish.

      II a certain shape of kris.

      crucuk reg pilework, palisade var of trucuk.

      crucup, nyrucup to sip by putting the lips on the pouring spout (of earthen carafe/pitcher).

      crucus, 1 n(y)rucus nonstop talking (var of crocos); 2 crucusan sizzling.

      cruk or mak cruk repr striking earth;

      crak-cruk repr hoeing repeatedly.

      crumpleng, pating crumpleng riddled with cavities/burrows.

      crumpung lit a kind of sedan chair. Also crupung.

      crungul, pating crungul pl coming into view, popping up.

      crungus, nyrungus (of face) thin, narrow.

      crupung var of crumpung.

      crut or mak crut repr a small squirt of liquid;

      ngecruti to squirt s.t. onto;

      ngecrutaké to squirt s.t.;

      crat-crut squirting repeatedly.

      cruthak thievish (var of cluthak).

      cruwèk reg dirty (woman); messy.

      cruwèk var of cruwèt.

      cruwèt, cruwat-cruwèt or pating cruwèt pl repr squealing of children, birds, monkeys.

      cruwil, pating cruwil in tatters, badly torn.

      cruwit, pating cruwit pl twittering, squeaking.

      cu I name of boy's game.

      II a unit of width (of fist plus outstretched thumb).

      cubak 1 to agree exactly (quantity); 2 to break even, sell without profit or loss. Also jubak.

      cuban reg needle for mending fishing nets.

      cublak 1 small perfume container; 2 hollowed out;

      nyublak to hollow s.t. out;

      cublak-cublak suweng (to play) hunt the earring (children's game).

      cublek hollowed out (var of cublak).

      cubles, nyubles to pierce with a sharp-pointed object;

      kecubles to get pierced.

      cublik I small oil lamp.

      II, nyublik to vaccinate for smallpox.

      III, nyublik to remove from s.t.;

      cublikan portion removed from s.t.;

      sacublik a small piece taken from s.t.; an excerpt.

      cublok to fall down (reg var of ceblok).

      cubluk I ignorant, stupid.

      II 1 a pit for trapping animals; 2 jail, prison.

      cubrik reg damp, mushy, gooey.

      cubung a certain poisonous plant, narcotic, drug (shtf of kecubung I); nyubung to poison s.t. (e.g. to make crickets fight).

      cucah I excl boring!

      II see