Stuart Robson, Dr.

Javanese English Dictionary

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      cucak var of cocak.

      cucal leather (kr for lulang) (shtf of wacucal).

      cuci, nyuci to wash, launder;

      cucian laundry to be washed.

      cucud pleasant to listen to, witty.

      cucuk I 1 beak, bill; 2 pouring spout.

      II or cuk house fee, i.e. a percentage of one's gambling winnings for the host.

      III reasonable, commensurate (with); worth the trouble, worthwhile. See also kurup, sumbut.

      IV decorative hairpin (var of tusuk).

      V change (var of susuk II).

      cucul 1 lukar k.i. to take off (clothing); to get undressed; 2 to pay out.

      cucup, n(y)ucup to sip by attaching the lips to the spout when drinking from an earthen flask;

      cucupan spout of a pitcher.

      cucur a fried sweet made from rice flour and brown sugar; - bawuk name of a Javanese melody.

      cucut shark; - gandhen hammerfish; ­ pedhang swordfish.

      cudaka lit emissary, spy (var of cundaka).

      cudhing, nyudhing or nyudhingi reg to point out. See also tuding.

      cugag to come to an end, ended; short(ened);

      nyugag to cut off (a narration) in the middle; to break off;

      cuget, cugetan quick to take offence; easily put in a bad mood.

      cuh or mak cuh repr spitting.

      cuk reg adr little boy!

      cukak vinegar (var of cokak).

      cukakak see cekakak.

      cukat quick, agile.

      cukèh (of talking) finished, at an end.

      cukeng obstinate, hard to convince;

      nyukengi to maintain s.t. obstinately.

      cuki, nyuki to stitch all the way through from top to bottom;

      cukèn stitched as above; kasur - a stitched-through mattress.

      cukil I 1 descendant of an original settler; 2 possessions or customs handed down from the original settlers.

      II a pick;

      nyukil or nyukili to extract s.t. (from);

      cukilan picked/pried from.

      cukit 1 chopsticks; 2 bamboo sticks used (in pairs) for mixing tobacco and opium for smoking;

      nyukit to use the above sticks.

      cukul to grow, come up (plants) (var of thukul).

      cukup ng, cekap kr 1 enough, sufficient, adequate; 2 well-to-do;

      nyukupi to fulfil (requirements; a need); to supply enough of;

      nyukupaké to make s.t. suffice; to be adequate for;

      nyukup-nyukupaké to try to make s.t. suffice;

      kacukupan well off;

      cukupan good enough, mediocre;

      sacukupé (to an) adequate (degree) for the purpose.

      cukur ng ? kr, paras k.i. (to have/get) a haircut; - bathok (to have) the hair cut at the sides and bottom, leaving the hair on the crown in a coconut-shell shape; - gundhul (to have) the hair cut completely; (Jig to beat badly in a game; - poni (for girls) (to have) the hair cut in a fringe;

      nyukur 1 to cut s.o.'s hair; 2 to beat s.o. in a game with a one-sided score;

      nyukuri to cut s.o.'s hair;

      nyukuraké to have s.o.'s hair cut;

      cukuran 1 a haircut; 2 the act of cutting hair or having one's hair cut; 3 instrument for shaving;

      cukur-cukuran to cut each other's hair;

      panyukur 1 a haircut; 2 a blade (razor) for cutting hair; 3 a measure of sharpness.

      cukurukuk cock-a-doodle-doo!

      cul or mak cul repr breaking loose;

      ngeculi to loosen (restraints);

      ngeculaké to release;

      cul-culan 1 running loose; 2 out­spoken;

      cal-cul to pour forth, gush out.

      cula horn of a rhinoceros.

      culat, culat-culat to jump, leap, bound.

      culek, nyulek to poke s.o. in the eye;

      keculek to get jabbed in the eye.

      culeng (of eyes) deep and sharp;

      nyuleng to gaze angrily at.

      cules finished.

      culik I female nocturnal cuckoo.

      II, nyulik(i) 1 to test (s.o.'s knowledge); 2 to try out (rice).

      III bogeyman who pries people's eyes out.

      culika untrustworthy, dishonest;

      nyulikani to steal s.t.

      culu, cula-culu to burst in noisily.

      culuh, nyuluh lit to seduce.

      cumah reg only, just.

      cumbana lit (to have) sexual intercourse.

      cumbu to feel at home s.w; to visit frequently;

      nyumbu or nyenyumbu to make s.o. feel at home;

      nyumbokaké to tame, domesticate (animal);

      cumbon a domesticated animal;

      cumbu laler 1 to change homes frequently; 2 fickle, unpredictable.

      cumengklung repr the sound of gamelan music heard from afar.

      cuming reg only, just.

      cumleng 1 to be assaulted; 2 to get a headache.

      cumles overpowering; cloyingly sweet.

      cumlik, nyumlik small, tiny;

      cumlikan a small bit;

      sacumlik a tiny amount.

      cumpi, nyumpi or nyumpeni to ration s.t. out; to restrict an allotment/distribution;

      cumpèn (of stock, supply) limited;

      cumpleng or cumplengan hole, cavity, burrow;

      nyumpleng to form a hole.

      cumplik var of cumlik.

      cumplung 1 skull (human or animal); 2 head of a dead person; 3 hollowed-out coconut the flesh of which has been eaten by squirrels.

      cumpu 1 reg perfect fit; just exactly; 2 satisfied, well-done;

      nyumponi to supply enough of; to fulfil one's wishes;

      kecumpon to have (one's wishes) fulfilled.

      cumur soggy, messy, muddy (var of cemer).

      cundaka lit espionage, spying;

      nyundaka to spy out, scout.

      cundhamanik lit flaming arrow.

      cundhang, kecundhang defeated.

      cundhit a fishing net on a frame.

      cundhuk I in agreement, in harmony; ­ laris to lower prices to stimulate sales;

      nyundhukaké to be harmonious (with);

      cumundhuk in harmony (with);

      durung cundhuk acandhak prov to enter a conversation without knowing what it is about.

      II 1 hair ornament; 2 having a sharp hairform on top of the forehead;
