Stuart Robson, Dr.

Javanese English Dictionary

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ndatuk to form an addiction; to become addicted.

      datullah the supreme essence (God).

      daugan a young coconut (reg var of degan).

      daulat blessing bestowed by a dignitary; - becik a good omen.

      dauru turmoil, chaotic situation.

      daut or dhaut 1 (k.i. for ompong) to be toothless; 2 to fall out (teeth), get new teeth (child) (see pupak); 3 to fall off (umbilical cord, after birth) (see puput puser);

      kedaut lit attracted, swept away.

      dawa ng, panjang kr long; - ambane the dimensions/area (of); - cendhake the length (of); - ilate to tattle; - tangane light-fingered;

      ndawani to make s.t. longer (in relation to s.t. else);

      ndawakaké to make s.t. longer;

      ndedawa to lengthen;

      kedawan excessively long;

      kedawa-dawa long-drawn-out; (dragged) on and on.

      dawala white silk scarf worn by a dancer around the neck to hold the batik in place.

      daweg I 1 var of saweg; 2 subst kr for ayo.

      II reg var of degan.

      dawèr, ndawèr careless(ly), negligent(ly), unheeding(ly). See also dlawèr.

      dawi extremely long (intsfr of dawa).

      dawir torn, ragged (of human ears).

      dawu extremely long (intsfr of dawa).

      daya 1 power, energy, capacity, strength, force; 2 influence;

      ndayani to give energy to; to influence;

      kedayan strengthened by; influenced by;

      daya-daya to exert force.

      dayinta lit princess, queen, noblewoman.

      dayita var of dayinta.

      dé lit with regard to. See also déné.

      débag, débagan or gedébagan to roll around in one's sleep.

      debal, ndebal to prick out turf;

      debalan turf, sod. See also gebal.

      dèbès (of dressing) neat.

      déblag, ndéblag 1 broad and thick; 2 to slap s.o. on the back; 3 to repair an eroded dyke separating a ricefield;

      sadéblag (of cake) a big piece.

      dèblèg, ndèblèg var of ndéblag.

      dèblèg, ndèblèg 1 forming big and thick sheets; 2 cluttered; having many objects adhering to it.

      déblo var of dèblèg.

      debog banana tree log (shtf of gedebog).

      dedah var of tedah.

      dédé no; not (subst kr/md for dudu).

      dedeg height, stature; - pangadeg or piadeg height, stature;

      ndedegi to attend (a party); to be present at;

      sadedeg the same height (as);

      sadedeg pangadeg as high as a standing person;

      sadedeg sapangawé as tall as a person can reach upward.

      dedel, ndedel 1 to ascend quickly; to come up; 2 to push, press.

      deder, ndeder steepQy graded).

      dedreg to remain adamant.

      deg, ngedegi 1 to build, set up; 2 to be present at (a party); ngedegi sayembara to take part in a contest;

      ngedegaké 1 to build, set up; 2 to raise s.o. to the position of; ngedegaké sayembara to hold a contest. See also adeg.

      degan young coconut with sweet juice and soft flesh;

      dumegan (of coconuts) to be at the above stage of development.

      degèg, ndegèg to thrust the chest forward.

      degsura conceited, obstinate, inconsiderate.

      dekep, ndekep 1 to grasp firmly; 2 to trap (e.g. an insect), esp with the downturned palm.

      dèkèk, ndèkèk or ndèkèki or ndèkèkakè to place/put/lay s.t. on;

      pandèkèk the way of placing s.t.

      dèkèng oneself, see dhèwè.

      dèkna see andèk.

      dèkpuna see andèk.

      deksina see daksina.

      deksiya sadistic; cruel.

      deksura see degsura.

      dekung crooked, curved, bent;

      ndekung to bow, bend, curve.

      del or mak del repr a sudden upward motion.

      delahan 1 the future; 2 the hereafter, the next life.

      delalah, ndelalah by God's will, by chance; as luck would have it.

      délan reg a condiment made from pounded and fermented shrimp or fish, usually used as ingredient for peppery sauce.

      delap covetous;

      delap-delapé what a cheek! (as a comment on s.o.'s greed).

      delapon lit in order to; so that (var of darapon).

      delas and also (var of dalah). See also dalasan.

      delasan var of dalasan.

      délé, délé-délé excl of surprise.

      deleg I a pike-like fish.

      II the facts of the matter.

      III cross-section of a tree trunk.

      IV or delegan rolled-up tobacco leaf.

      dèlèh, ndèlèh to lay/place/put s.t. on.

      dèlèk reg yar of dèlèh.

      delem hollowed-out coconut shell, for holding water.

      deleng ng, tingal kr, ndeleng to look at; to see;

      ndeleng-ndeleng to depend (on), be up (to);

      ndedeleng to look around, browse, observe; to see things;

      ndelengi let me see!;

      ndelengake to see, observe;

      pandeleng 1 the way of observing; 2 vision, eyesight.

      dèlèng to have squinty eyes;

      ndèlèngaké to squint the eyes.

      delep, ndelep to enter a hole,

      ndelepaké to conceal; to hide from view. See also mendelep.

      delèp, ndelèp 1 stubborn; 2 (of animals) difficult to kill; 3 to keep everything to o.s.

      dèlèp, ndèlèp reg 1 to persist with what one decided to do; 2 able to endure pain and sorrow; 3 to have s.t. all to o.s.

      delèr I the title of a member of the Council of the Indies.

      II, ndelèr to stream in, pour in; copious, abundant.

      dèlèr, ndèlèr to flow, ooze; to trickle out; to run down.

      deles I 1 pure-bred; 2 unmixed blood.

      II black.

      III a cloth strip serving as a wick in an oil lamp.

      delik see pendelik.

      deling I bamboo (kr for pring).

      II, dumeling (of sound) clearly audible.

      delir var of delèr.

      deloh, ndeloh to put s.t. s.w (reg var of dèlèh).