Stuart Robson, Dr.

Javanese English Dictionary

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of the palace in north square, Yogyakarta.

      déwaji lit adr king; kanjeng - Your Majesty.

      déwalaya lit realm of the deities.

      déwanggana lit fairy. See also diwangkara.

      déwangkara lit sun.

      déwaresi mythological being, divine sage.

      déwasa adult, of age.

      déwata deity, god.

      dèwi female deity; goddess; - Sri the Goddess of Rice.

      déyos see dhéyos.

      dhablang var of dhaplang.

      dhabreg a large quantity;

      sadhabreg a large amount, a lot.

      dhabyang, ndhabyang(-dhabyang) to support (a weak person) and help him walk.

      dhacin unit of weight: ca 61.76 kg;

      dhacinan 1 balance scale for weighing by dhacin's; 2 in dhacin's, by the dhacin.

      dhadha I ng, kr, jaja or pranaja k.i. chest, breast; - manuk barrel-chest;

      - menthok breast of poultry; the white chicken meat;

      ndhadha 1 to let s.t. bounce off one's chest; 2 to admit one's mistakes; 3 to accept with courage;

      pandhadha third child in the family.

      II certain note of gamelan scales.

      dhadhah I a hedge.

      II see dhah.

      dhadhak a sap that causes skin itch;

      dhadhakan 1 occasion, inducement; 2 an irritant to a personal relationship.

      dhadhal 1 to fall down or burst apart (as of dyke or dam); 2 disarranged, out of order; 3 finished, all gone (of money, capital etc);

      ndhadhal to repossess one's ricefield because the lessee failed in his obligations;

      ndhadhali to trim, prune;

      ndhadhalaké to break (through) s.t.

      dhadhali a swallow-like bird.

      dhadhap 1 a certain shade tree; 2 shield; - ayam or - bong common varieties of dhadhap tree; - srep tree the leaves of which are used in traditional medicines;

      ndhadhap to strike with a shield;

      si Dhadhap si Waru hypothetical people; A or B.

      dhadhar, ndhadhari (of the moon) to rise (var of ndadari).

      dhadhat, ndhadhat to tear/break through s.t.

      dhadhil, dhodhal-dhadhil badly torn.

      dhadho steel and flint device for lighting fires.

      dhadhu dice; main - gambling by using a dice;

      ndhadhu cube-shaped.

      dhadhuk dried-out vegetation.

      dhadhung heavy rope; - tapuk rope halter;

      didhadhunga medhot, dipalangana mlumpat prov to resist restraint, not want to be fenced in.

      dhadhut chubby.

      dhaèng title of rank in Buginese society.

      dhag reg absent, out;

      ngedhag or ngedhag-edhag uncovered, unprotected, out in the open;

      ngedhagaké to leave open/uncovered.

      dhaga, ndhaga-ndhaga to have an appetite (for).

      dhagé reg a variety of fermented sticky rice (tapé).

      dhagel I, ndhagel to joke, clown around;

      dhagelan 1 clown; 2 joking, clowning; 3 short humorous skit.

      II still hard (fruit).

      dhagi inf var of undhagi.

      dhaglig, dhoglag-dhaglig shaky, wobbly.

      dhaglo, ndhaglo reg sitting and doing nothing.

      dhagrèg reg old and useless.

      dhagu reg chin.

      dhah word of farewell: 'bye!';

      ngedhahi to say/wave goodbye to;

      dhadhah-dhadhah to say bye-bye.

      dhahar to eat (k.i. for mangan); - kembul to eat together; to share a meal from a common plate;

      ndhahar 1 to eat; 2 to believe (in), follow (k.i. for nggugu); - atur to heed, follow advice.

      dhahas (of soil) dry dried out.

      dhahat lit very (var of dahat).

      dhahwen see dahwen.

      dhahyang var of dhanyang.

      dhajeng var of dhiajeng.

      dhak I to descend; unload (rootform: kr for dhun).

      II, ndhak or else (inf var of mundhak).

      III, ndhak every (inf var of pendhak).

      dhakah 1 greedy; 2 great, big, large.

      dhakal, kedhakalan to climb with difficulty.

      dhaken subst kr for dhaku.

      dhakik see dakik.

      dhakir, dhakir-dhakir to dig a hole with the hands or forefeet (of animals).

      dhakom, ndhakom to sit with knees drawn up; to lie protectively over s.t. See also dhekem.

      dhakon (to play) a certain game consisting of a shallow oval-shaped wooden board containing rows of round hollowed-out places into which fruit pits (kecik) are placed according to certain rules.

      dhaku, ndhaku to claim (ownership of); to acknowledge as one's own.

      dhakur var of dhakir.

      dhakwa or ndhakwa of different/disparate lengths (shtc from cendhak dawa).

      dhal, dhal-dhalan to wander, leave home frequently; one who wanders.

      dhali a swallow-like bird (shtf of dhadhali).

      dhalang 1 narrator and puppeteer of traditional shadow-plays; 2 mastermind, power behind the scenes;

      ndhalang to conduct a shadow-play performance, act as dhalang;

      ndhalangi to mastermind, be a power behind the scenes;

      ndhalangaké to depict in a shadow-play;

      padhalangan 1 shadow-play lore, including knowledge of the tales, the language used and the art of manipulating the puppets; 2 shadow-play performance;

      dhalang ora kurang lakon prov a smart person can always find a way.

      dhalung a large kettle for cooking rice.

      dham I dam.

      II reg a turn at night watch in the village watchman's base.

      III checked (design);

      ngedham to draw based on a certain pattern.

      IV dham-dhaman to play draughts.

      dhamang 1 to understand; 2 easily done;

      ndhamangaké to clarify, make comprehensible.

      dhambul a game played by tossing small balls or pebbles in the hands.

      dhami infvar bedhami.

      dhamis 1 to fit together; 2 aesthetically harmonious.

      dhampa skin disease characterised by a red rash.

      dhampak barrel-chested.

      dhampar 1 throne; 2 low (round) table where people sit cross-legged to eat, play cards etc.

      dhampèng, ndhampèng 1 to hide by crouching behind s.t.; 2 lit to