Stuart Robson, Dr.

Javanese English Dictionary

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      delul, ndelul headstrong, strong-willed.

      demak, ndemak reg 1 to touch with the hand; 2 to catch (chicken, insect etc) with the hands.

      demang 1 village head; 2 a title of a court official; 3 customary law expert;

      kademangan 1 the position of demang; 2 the area of a demang; 3 the residence of a demang;

      demang ngiras tangkilan prov self-service (of guest).

      demari, demarinen (of baby that is not yet weaned) sickly and fussy dembaga var of tembaga.

      demblo, ndémblo forming thick sheets/ layers.

      demblok, ndemblok smudged, smeared, messy.

      demek see demak.

      demèk, ndemèk to touch/feel with the hand;

      ndemèki to keep touching;

      kedemèk to touch accidentally;

      demak-demèk to touch s.t. repeatedly;

      demèkan the feel of s.t.

      demèmèl var of dermimil.

      demenak, ndemenakaké 1 pleasant, agreeable, causing delight; 2 appetising, delicious-looking.

      demimil var of dremimil.

      demok, ndemok to touch with the hand (var of demèk).

      demumung, ndemumung reg to mutter, grumble.

      demung a large bronze gamelan instrument;

      ndemung to play this instrument.

      den, ngeden 1 to strain, esp for defecating, giving birth; 2 to concentrate one's strength toward a goal.

      dèn I adr high-status male (shtf of raden).

      II 1 lit, 3rd person passive verbal prefix; 1 lit in a certain manner (var of sing, ingkang).

      denang, ndenangi to see s.o. doing s.t. furtively; to observe s.t. what has gone unnoticed to others;

      kadenangan to get caught doing s.t. one does not want noticed.

      denawa see danawa.

      déné 1 that (introductory clause); 2 while, whereas; 3 regarding, as for.

      dènèng reg var of dene.

      dengak reg var of dhengak.

      dengang, ndengangi reg var of ngonangi.

      dengangak, ndengangak facing upward. See also dhangak.

      dengangap, ndengangap to keep wanting to eat.

      dengap, dengap-dengap to breathe laboriously; fig to find life overwhelmingly difficult.

      dengarèn how strange! it's unusual that... See also dingarèn, kadingarèn.

      dengèngèk, ndengèngèk to lift the head suddenly.

      dengguk, ndengguk to gain weight; thick and ungainly

      dengingak, ndengingak to stare upward.

      dengkek, ndengkek or ndengkekake to bend s.t. into an arch; to flex s.t.;

      kedengkèk 1 to get bent or arched; 2 fig to be the victim of misfortune.

      dèngkèk 1 (having) a bent or hunched back; 2 name of one of the small playing-cards (kertu cilik).

      dengkèng, ndengkèng arc-shaped, curved, swaybacked.

      dengki to bear a grudge; to wish s.o. ill. See also drengki.

      dengok, ndengok reg to look at, observe.

      dengongok var of dengèngèk

      dening 1 (done) by; 2 because of.

      denira lit by you; by him/her.

      denta lit ivory; white as ivory.

      dènta var of dènira.

      dentawyanjana gram order of Javanese characters.

      dènten md for déné.

      dènya var of denira.

      depara nonsense, impossible (var of dupara).

      depok, ndepok reg to touch var of demok). See also gepok.

      derana see darana.

      derap, nderap to gallop; to run at a gallop.

      derapon see darapon.

      derbala, nderbala to become richer and richer.

      derbé see darbé.

      derbis a certain type of cannon.

      derbombok a dark grey long-necked, long-legged water bird (var of sribombok).

      derbus a certain type of cannon (var of derbis).

      derdah a quarrel, dispute.

      dereng wish, desire;

      kadereng eager.

      dèrèng not yet (kr for durung).

      derep 1 to harvest rice; 2 to offer one's services at the rice harvest;

      nderepake to have (workers) harvest rice;

      derepan the harvested crop.

      deres I hard, heavy (of a downpour);

      kaderesan to get saturated by rain.

      II, nderes to read aloud from the Quran until finished (var of darus).

      dèrès, ndèrès 1 to tap a tree for sap; 2 to strip the bark from (a tree, to process it);

      dèrèsan a coconut palm used only for tapping.

      dergil, ndergil enterprising, resourceful, industrious.

      dering I reg no; not.

      II sharp projecting edge.

      derkuku a variety of dove.

      derma var of darma.

      dermaga ng, dermagi kr 1 main road, thoroughfare; 2 pier, harbour.

      derman (of woman) having many children; to be a mother many times over.

      dermèmèl var of dermimil.

      dermèmèng, ndermemeng to grumble, mutter to o.s.

      dermèn or dermènan child's whistle made from a rice stalk.

      dermi yar of darmi.

      dermimil, ndermimil 1 to recite a prayer continuously; 2 to mutter, talk constantly under one's breath.

      dermimis var of dermis.

      dermis, ndermis to ask things all the time without shame.

      dersana a variety of roseapple (jambu).

      deruk a certain variety of dove which is tamed as a pet or used for hunting.

      derwis dervish.

      derwolo, nderwolo headstrong, stubborn, self-willed.

      dèsa ng, dhusun kr village, rural settlement; - ngadesa all over the villages; ndesani to act/be like a rustic, countrified;

      padésan 1 rural area; 2 rural, pertaining to villages;

      désa mawa car a, negara mawa tata prov each region has its own ways.

      destun 1 it's supposed to be better if...; 2 but on the contrary.

      dètèng, ndètèng (to stand or to walk) with chest high and shoulders back.

      détiya or detya lit ogre, giant. See also ditya.

      déwa male deity, god;

      kadéwan 1 realm of the deities; 2 having a deity-like nature.

      déwadaru or déwandaru 1 a certain mythological tree with magical properties, wishing-tree; 2 one of two banyan